Road rage from a local businessman

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Re: Road rage from a local businessman

Postby Cyclist » Tue Jun 02, 2015 10:03 am

cyclist was not exactly brilliantly behaved either ?
That's a really interesting point.

I am biased as I am a cyclist but I would like to make a point in a inflammatory way :-)

Cyclists are killed with horrible predictability on London's roads.

We had another earlier in the week ... _1_4094406

What this means, and I know it's a bit obvious to point out but it is the nub of the issue, is that if a cyclist gets it wrong, or a motorist gets it wrong and hits a cyclist, on London's roads there is a reasonable change they'll die. Not be injured, or hurt or be shaken up but they'll lose their life.

That means that cyclists are, quite understandably, less tolerant of motorists mistakes as the stakes are much much much higher.

So when a motorist kicks back to a cyclist he is likely to be met with abuse as he's effectively saying "my motorised commute speed is more important than your life".

The arguments from motorists then tend to be along the lines of "but you're blocking the road" and although that may be the case it's actually not that cyclists are trying to be difficult, they're trying to stay alive.

"Taking the lane" is a well known and legal and road safety recommended approach to cycling but it is amazing how many motorists get cross when I do it and almost without fail I catch up with them at the next set of lights.

So they're not going anywhere more quickly by overtaking, they just risked my life :-)

Motorists then argue "roads are for cars" but on some of London's roads there are more "passenger journeys" on a bike than a car so if I took my car to work it would take up more space and make everyone else's live's harder.

So in my own, cyclist biased way,

1. I get abused for trying to stay alive
2. I get abused for staying healthy and reducing the NHS bill
3. I get abused for staying off public transport and freeing up a seat for an unfit person who needs it
4. I get abused for taking up a small amount of road in a vehicle that creates no pollution

And that's why we get cross!

I know I am biased but when I see that Land Rover DELIBERATELY move over towards the cyclist I shudder, because that's all about hurting/scaring that poor rider and if you've had that happen to you (and maybe you have) it's horrible.
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Re: Road rage from a local businessman

Postby Muddlemoo » Tue Jun 02, 2015 10:05 am

What a vile vile man. Honestly it really makes me not want to go to Brew and give my money to support such a horrible angry person.

I'm sure the cyclist wasn't totally innocent but nobody deserves that.
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Re: Road rage from a local businessman

Postby BFW » Tue Jun 02, 2015 10:18 am

Hi Cyclist !

Your post is interesting. I commute every day to work (from Clapham to the City - a pretty horrible route!!!) either by scooter or by bicycle... depending on how lazy I am feeling !

So my comments are from a non-motorist (and may I add - my comments are from someone that HATES 4x4 with a passion). I have had plenty of abuse shouted at me ... and I have shouted at times myself as when you are almost hit by a car it tends to be your first reaction ! But I do then tend to thank my lucky stars that I am still alive, and cycle on.

I will say it again - I don't want anyone to think I am condoning the behavior of the driver. The driver was totally unacceptable and needs some serious anger management therapy. I am just saying ... in the argument the cyclist in my eyes wasn't blameless and was also shouting plenty of pretty unpleasant abuse and had plenty of opportunity to move on but didn't and kept the argument going.
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Broken Dad
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Re: Road rage from a local businessman

Postby Broken Dad » Tue Jun 02, 2015 1:07 pm

well I do to care if he has apologised that cyclist had a right t sue the road without someone threatening to kill him and driving into him on purpose.


Think this could have been your father/brother/son/mother/daughter etc etc and it may not have ended so well.

I vote that Brew gets punished as an example to theory loony drivers trying to kill our children.

Anyway he was prosecuted too.
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Re: Road rage from a local businessman

Postby sw1234 » Tue Jun 02, 2015 1:11 pm

I agree the only way to teach these people is to hit their pockets, as people who react like this are selfish and arrogant. Everyone should boycott BREW!
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Re: Road rage from a local businessman

Postby kiwimummy » Tue Jun 02, 2015 1:26 pm

too little too late. reprehensible behaviour.

we'll be avoiding brew.
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Re: Road rage from a local businessman

Postby juliantenniscoach » Tue Jun 02, 2015 1:33 pm

"Let he who hath no sinned, cast the first stone". Not trying to get all fundamentalist on you but................... But is there anyone on here who hasn't had a bit of road rage?

I have a 4x4 and I ride a lot too, about 100m per week and running cycling trips abroad. It comes down to education and standards. Drivers have to accept that there are now that cycling both for commuting and leisure has exploded in recent years. And therefore they have to accommodate that growth and not fight against it. Cyclists have to follow the law in stopping at red lights etc.

We had a lot of posts along the lines of cyclists v drivers, 4x4's v smaller cars etc. However if you follow the Highway Code and the Road Traffic Act you won't go far wrong.

Simpler said than done I know, but it's a start.
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Re: Road rage from a local businessman

Postby sw1234 » Tue Jun 02, 2015 1:37 pm

Julian - i think this is a bit more than your average road rage, i.e. swearing under your breath or even beeping your horn! This is full on abuse, regardless of whose fault it is we all have to keep our temperament in check!
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Re: Road rage from a local businessman

Postby juliantenniscoach » Tue Jun 02, 2015 1:41 pm

Sure it is very bad. But in the scheme of things he didn't actually assault him which says something, not alot I grant you but something. Every week there are incidents where drivers either assault other drivers or cyclists or use their car as a weapon. That's the scale I'm trying to relate it too. Hope that makes sense.
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Re: Road rage from a local businessman

Postby kiwimummy » Tue Jun 02, 2015 1:49 pm

Julian I usually have huge love for your wonderful balanced posts, and I know where you are coming from, but this chap crossed so many lines in behaving the way he did.

I've muttered the occasional rude word to myself inside my car, true.

I've never gotten out of my car, appeared to completely lose control of myself and threatened someone with harm!
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Re: Road rage from a local businessman

Postby sw1234 » Tue Jun 02, 2015 1:51 pm

Agree Kiwimummy
Julian, of course there are always people or situations that are worse than this (those ones often get prosecuted), however, its these anti social people that let society down. Goodness what his wife and kids are thinking - what a role model! The cyclist isnt too much better - deep breath and walk away!
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Broken Dad
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Re: Road rage from a local businessman

Postby Broken Dad » Tue Jun 02, 2015 1:59 pm


I think that the cyclist did follow the RTA and the highway code. He is entitled as a matter of law to use the road. Even if he did not (which he did) we have never had the death penalty for infraction of the RTA. The driver could have killed hm and made verbal threats to do so. This driver was very very OTT. We all make mistakes but he needs to be banned.

This driver is an accident waiting to happen and one day will be far more likely than most to kill someone. Hopefully not a relative of yours.
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Re: Road rage from a local businessman

Postby kiwimummy » Tue Jun 02, 2015 2:00 pm

"he didn't actually assault him".
that is a low bar for to live in a civilised society.

personally, i hold the people i meet to higher expectations than that. i also expect them not to threaten to hurt me, or shout aggressively at me nor swear their heads off at me. generally i like it if they appear to be in some sort of general control of their faculties, but you can't have everything...

Sorry Julian - once again, normally I agree with all of your posts, so pains me a bit to be on the other side of this one! i hope we can agree to disagree :D

i am going to sign off now!
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Re: Road rage from a local businessman

Postby juliantenniscoach » Tue Jun 02, 2015 2:05 pm

Ok let me try and articulate it another way. This has gone 'viral' and in the national press. Check out the abuse he's received on Twitter for example. I imagine (sincerely hope) that he is mortified by this and that he will address his behaviour accordingly. I also assume his family are also incredibly embarrassed by his (unlawful) behaviour.

However I wouldn't like to see Brew 'go under' because of this. Their employees shouldn't be affected through no fault of theirs.

Broken Dad - I've not been critical of the cyclist's position at all. I was talking generally of all road users following the law. It was a very bad example of road rage, we all agree and poor driving. But nowhere near the worst of either. And I don't require a hint that my family and I are at risk from bad drivers every time we drive/ride/walk on the roads thank you.
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