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Postby JandS » Sat May 16, 2015 7:43 pm

In the last couple of days another burglary has taken place in my street.
Please can everyone in Broomwood Road SW11 get as much information as possible to avoid this problem in the future
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Re: Burglaries

Postby JandS » Sat May 16, 2015 8:25 pm

It Is worrying that the police are not informing next door neighbours who have already been burgled re. a possible burglary next door to them..
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Location: Lavender Hill Police Station

Re: Burglaries

Postby MPSBatterseaSgt » Tue May 19, 2015 10:55 am


I’ve just looked on our crime recording system and there are currently no dwelling burglaries reported in the month of May in Broomwood Road.

There was one attempted burglary of a non dwelling on the 8th of May.

The most recent dwelling burglary in Broomwood Road that I can find was on the 25th of March. In this case the venue was subject to a follow up visit by police. Further, the premises surrounding the venue were visited and where no one answered a leaflet was left describing what happened and where, crime prevention advice as well as details of how to contact us.

We would also normally notify the Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator, but there is not one for the Broomwood Road area. If you would like to start a neighbourhood watch please visit the WBC website for details on how to do this.

Hope this helps.

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Re: Burglaries

Postby firsttimerSW11 » Tue May 26, 2015 2:19 pm

I have to jump in here. I was on Broomwood the other day and there was a couple of police officers going from house to house after a motorcycle had its wheels stolen. Are you sure the police weren't going from house to house and you just weren't at home at the time? I personally think the police around here are pretty quick to respond but I realise others have different experiences.
But good to know there are burglars around, will make doubly sure all doors/windows etc are locked. Sign of the times and all that.
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Re: Burglaries

Postby sgmitch » Thu Jun 04, 2015 10:02 pm

There was a burglary at our property on Broomwood Road a couple weeks back. Two men climbed onto a dumpster and over a wall to get into our garden at around 6:30 AM on a Friday. They chose that time due to the noise from the garbage trucks which made it difficult for us to hear them. They cut the lock on our bike and stole the bike and were in the progress of trying to crowbar into an outdoor shed when they were interrupted by our neighbor who asked them what they were doing. They said they were there to water the lawn but when they could tell our neighbor wasn't believing them they started running out with the bike. It's hard to say what else they would have tried to get considering we were actually at home at the time sleeping and by 6:30 AM it was already daylight out.

The police went around and informed several neighbors and also told us that other bikes have been stolen in the past few weeks. We have increased our security and I would just suggest everyone in our neighborhood keep an eye out for anyone who appears to be trying to access a private area who does not belong there. Thanks to our neighbor these people left our property sooner than they had planned on.
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Location: Lavender Hill Police Station

Re: Burglaries

Postby MPSBatterseaSgt » Mon Jun 08, 2015 11:22 am

sgmitch wrote:There was a burglary at our property on Broomwood Road a couple weeks back. They cut the lock on our bike and stole the bike and were in the progress of trying to crowbar into an outdoor shed when they were interrupted by our neighbor who asked them what they were doing.
sgmitch, you're quite right. This is a burglary and I didn't include it my previous response. I was aware of it and the reason I didn't include it is as the building broken into is a shed, it is classed as a "burglary non dwelling" and it was dwelling burglaries that I was focused on when I wrote my original response.

Apologies for causing that confusion, if I'm asked about burglaries again I'll include non dwellings in the response.

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