How i got my daughter into 4 top schools from a state school

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How i got my daughter into 4 top schools from a state school

Postby cristinaa » Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:16 am

Hi. I just thought i would share my experience of schools with everyone. English is not my first language so apologizing in advance. My daughter went to an ordinary primary state school in Streatham, we live in Pimlico (very close to Grey Coat school/one of the best but church of England and very unlikely to get in if not christian :evil: ).When she got to year 4 i started panicking about secondary schools (there was no way i would send her to Pimlico academy). I heard about the 11+, bursaries and grammar schools.Did lots and lots of research about the academic side/distance and especially the schools that offer bursaries because i would never be able to afford £15.000 fees.After deciding on which schools, i had to find a Tutor that cared. It was a nightmare to find one but just before giving up i did. Called him and he invited us for a free assessment (nothing to lose). He told me about a 2 week intensive course over the summer.I decided to book it. Within 2 weeks we had almost all the material we needed and the best HONEST advice we could get and all the tips we had to know. We worked really hard (i had to put lots of time in and make sure she was working on the things she needed to know and letting her tutor also know her weak points/I was also working full time). I have never been so stressed in my life but knew she was very well prepared. She got offers from JAGS, City of London girls, Godolphin and Latymer and Wimblendon high (all of them with bursaries). We worked really hard but was also very lucky to find people who care. She is about to start year 9 at JAGS and is very very happy there. A big thank you to her Tutor Richard Blaine from Oxbridge Masterclasses. :D
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Re: How i got my daughter into 4 top schools from a state sc

Postby pepper » Wed Jul 08, 2015 1:58 pm

Well done. Do you think without the tutor won'be possible? In my opinion, is not all about the school but the students, so it doesnt matter which school they will go but how they will learn. Of course sometimes you have to help your child....
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Re: How i got my daughter into 4 top schools from a state sc

Postby papinian » Wed Jul 08, 2015 3:48 pm

It's rather odd to live in Pimlico but send your daughter to a state primary school in Streatham. I wouldn't want to manage that journey every day. Surely there were good primary schools a lot closer to where you lived?
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Re: How i got my daughter into 4 top schools from a state sc

Postby cristinaa » Wed Jul 08, 2015 5:06 pm

Thank you. I was in a very tricky situation because i was applying for schools that are very difficult to get in ( they were the ones with most bursaries) and even more when you are asking for a bursary so i had to make sure that she would score very high in the exam. Bond books are great to start with(and finish as quickly as possible) and they come with answers, then you have to move on to past papers which are more difficult and you have to do lots of them.Past papers do not come with answers, I was not going to be able to teach her and her school was not going to teach it at that level of difficulty, but i am sure there are parents who are able to.When i went to the open days i was told that i should not prepare for VR and NVR but the more practice my daughter had the better she got at it ( more than 30% improvement ).Regarding the primary school..... yes there are fantastic schools around here but the only reason we sent her to the school in streatham was because they teach my husbands language (i knew someone was going to pick up on that! :) ) and was very hard work to do the school run. Last thing....if you have to choose a subject to really focus on it is maths.I just want to tell parents that even if you can not afford the school fees there is a way.
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Re: How i got my daughter into 4 top schools from a state sc

Postby livegreen » Wed Jul 08, 2015 7:08 pm

Sorry if I sound suspicious but one post saying how good a tutor from a certain company is - a few days after they advertise their services on here....

That is just one point - my main issue is that I would expect you to be praising and naming the "ordinary primary school in Streatham" for giving your daughter a fantastic education - especially considering you and your partner do not speak English as a first language.
What a pity your first post is about a tutor who built on the work the school did BUT no praise for the school.

Also if you cannot afford school fees there really is not away of getting a free education - you can get bursaries, very few are 100%, and if you needed a tutor to get in then the chances are more academic children will be offered the academic scholarship in the future and you will lose the bursary.
If this a genuine post - good luck - you may well need it.
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Re: How i got my daughter into 4 top schools from a state sc

Postby Buzzbuzzbee » Thu Jul 09, 2015 9:53 pm

I read this with interest as I also used Richard- he came v highly recommended and I have been soooooo impressed with him- I wasn't aware till recently so many other COL and St. Paul's and Jags girls had used him!
My daughter was in a state primary and a v bright girl - sadly she coasted the whole time she was there- and I resent the fact that she could've achieved so much more!
she was never pushed - despite being obviously bright- which I thought at the time was fine- till just prior to 11+ I saw the capabilities and opportunities of those from the private sector- vast difference!
She also spent time with Richard and flourished- I hadn't realised how bored she was at school- I still recall her excitement and enthusiasm after her first session with Richard and felt like crying! He was fantastic with her and allowed her to flourish and achieve and her maths just excelled- she gained entry into all 8 private schools she applied for and academic scholarships at 6 of them ( yes they're not much nowadays- varied from 1/3 of the fees at 1 school to 10% at the other 5 - but believe me it helps!plus you don't re apply- the scholarships follow you through the school!) and we are eternally grateful to Richard- plus he's just a lovely guy! My son saw him the year after and also did fantastically at 11+ - but more strikingly - if I ever tried to explain anything to him in his homework he'd say " please mum- don't bother- you don't explain it properly- just leave it for Richard"! He gave them solid techniques, genuine enthusiasm and a love for the subject from "a real person" - who happens to be super bright himself.
I understand people's suspicions - I'm like that on forums- but- Richard and his clients speak for themselves- you just have to take your child to meet him and have a session with him- or speak to any of his pupils to know that he is very special- my son had the " usual sought after tutor" that all at his state school used and he was awful- disinterested, jaded and not encouraging or pushing him at all- Richard was a god send because I can confidently say - "my son wouldn't be where he is without Richard" the school didn't prepare him for 11+ at all and he was more than capable -as we discovered thanks to Richard!!!! and the scholarships are a huge help plus a confidence boost for kids from state schools - I don't care what anyone says there is a vast difference in the opportunity and ability to excel in private vs state schools in our area- speaking as a product of a state school myself ( and i did v well) - I did the work myself and have NOTHING to thank the school for other than good friends- national level sport and academic excellence were ache iced by my out of school activities and " in spite of" big because of the school and it's sad that things haven't changed!
Thank god for people like Richard- I can well believe Richards posts will sound suspicious because he is bloody brilliant- he can't help that- but of in doubt- see for yourself! Simple ! I wouldn't normally post coz I want to keep him- he's an absolute gem! but as we need him less for a bit- it's only fair we support him when needed!
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Re: How i got my daughter into 4 top schools from a state sc

Postby Historytutor » Thu Jul 09, 2015 10:18 pm

Hahahaaaa... Feeling very suspicious now! Two new posters, who only joined to tell us how great Richard is?
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Re: How i got my daughter into 4 top schools from a state sc

Postby Buzzbuzzbee » Thu Jul 09, 2015 10:31 pm

He has a loyal fan base!! Xx
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Re: How i got my daughter into 4 top schools from a state sc

Postby Buzzbuzzbee » Thu Jul 09, 2015 10:47 pm

Sad how cynical we all are......( I prob would be too!)- but there truly are some amazing people around.......and I've been v open about Richard to all friends and colleagues and anyone who asks .......
There are a lot of tutors out there and sadly not many good ones-......
This is praise WELL deserved- I genuinely can't speak highly enough about Richard-
the children are evidence- ( results enthusiasm and happiness) speak for themselves- that'd be my advice- ask the kids!
I was a mumsnetter ( well only posted around the 11+. too busy to post much and I talk too much!!!! but not working this fortnight so freeeeeee)
but wanted to support Richards first foray into advertising!
Former pupils and parents are best advertising- you would think!
but clearly we are a suspicious lot on NV
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Re: How i got my daughter into 4 top schools from a state sc

Postby Historytutor » Fri Jul 10, 2015 7:36 am

Sorry, but the style of the two 'different' posters seem too similar for it to be a coincidence.
I'm a private tutor as well, and have seen how some of my colleagues resort to some fairly dodgy advertising techniques. Just sayin'...
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Re: How i got my daughter into 4 top schools from a state sc

Postby daisydaisy » Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:47 am

If the only reason that your children are gaining places at academically selective schools is that they have been tutored (to pass the 11+), I hope that they will cope with the pace once they are there...
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Re: How i got my daughter into 4 top schools from a state sc

Postby Moop » Fri Jul 10, 2015 2:05 pm

I am a long term user of NVN and actually directed buzzbuzzbee here after reading the first post as I recognised the tutor's name as being the one she used for her children. So I can vouch for them being separate posters!

With regards to tutoring for 11+ I think the point here is that there is a gap in the state schools here and further when it comes to prep for entry at the secondary schools in question.

I can also confirm that the children in question are indeed flourishing at their respective schools so have not been pushed beyond their limits.
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Re: How i got my daughter into 4 top schools from a state sc

Postby Buzzbuzzbee » Fri Jul 10, 2015 3:14 pm

The children are top of their year and have been all the way through- _
The children there already have benefitted from being tutored by the private school towards 11+
and so state school children have to catch that up-
the 11+ is designed to show children are capable of thinking and learning - it's not a memory test and the scholarships aspects are Perfectly able to assess both children there and newcomers! And these children achieved over both- The children that struggle are the ones who are there from an early stage who scrape through 11+ because the school has allowed them to stay on........
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Re: How i got my daughter into 4 top schools from a state sc

Postby Phoenix » Mon Jul 13, 2015 7:33 am

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Re: How i got my daughter into 4 top schools from a state sc

Postby Scottov » Mon Jul 13, 2015 9:55 am

A tutor is not going to be make up for any absence of pure ability in the pupil. If they are genuinely bright and have something to offer, then they will be of interest to all sorts of independent schools.

However, its not all about the tests. They will be looking at home life, other interests, personality & fit.
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