Anyone given birth to a breech baby naturally?

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Anyone given birth to a breech baby naturally?

Postby Gillak » Sat Jul 18, 2015 2:02 pm

I am currently 36 weeks pregnant with my 4th baby which is currently breech. I know that it might turn before I go into labour but I wanted to hear from anyone that had managed to give birth naturally to a breech baby? I have spoken to a doctor and a midwife who were both very encouraging but I haven't actually heard of anyone choosing to do it. Any advice very much appreciated!
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Re: Anyone given birth to a breech baby naturally?

Postby schoolgatesmum » Sat Jul 18, 2015 5:09 pm

Have a look at a website called Tell me a good birth story. They put mums to be in touch with women who have had similar (good!) experiences. I bet you'll find someone who has had a natural breech birth. Good luck!
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Re: Anyone given birth to a breech baby naturally?

Postby Roxron » Sun Jul 19, 2015 8:02 am

I had a baby that was transverse for the whole of my pregnancy until literally the last week when it turned into the perfect delivery position, thereby avoiding me the c section that was booked!
I highly recommend a website called Spinning Babies. It has all sorts of information on positions you should be doing to allow the baby room to
move round (I spent hours leaning forward off my sofa with my head on a cushion on the floor and my knees still on the sofa and bum in the air!!) also info on chiropractic techniques for aligning the pelvis to help the baby to turn.
Good luck!
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Re: Anyone given birth to a breech baby naturally?

Postby twingirlsmama » Sun Jul 19, 2015 8:53 am

I gave birth naturally to twins - one breach. We were hoping the second born would turn once there was room but this wasn't the case. The consultant at C&W was unhappy about a natural birth but I was insistent. Things did get difficult and she was forceps after an episiotomy. There was a lot of pushing to get her out. I had a very positive birthing experience despite this and actually thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience, much to a lot of people's dismay!
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Re: Anyone given birth to a breech baby naturally?

Postby twingirlsmama » Sun Jul 19, 2015 8:53 am

I gave birth naturally to twins - one breach. We were hoping the second born would turn once there was room but this wasn't the case. The consultant at C&W was unhappy about a natural birth but I was insistent. Things did get difficult and she was forceps after an episiotomy. There was a lot of pushing to get her out. I had a very positive birthing experience despite this and actually thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience, much to a lot of people's dismay!
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Re: Anyone given birth to a breech baby naturally?

Postby Just_T » Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:54 am

I laboured at home until I was 6 cms dialated (as it turned out). When they checked me at the hospital, the baby was breech and no one had previously figured that out. The midwives urgently persuaded me to have a c-section. When I questioned how this could be considered so high risk (eg pretty normal 'problem'and plenty of babies born this way) they told me that they weren't trained to deliver breech babies anymore b/c the normal advice is a c-section. They were visibly nervous. The final warning they issued was that it was a huge risk and my perfectly healthy baby could have its head stuck and lose oxygen and have issues for the rest of its life - all for what? With the lack of confidence in their faces and the pen and consent form being thrust in my face, I opted for an emergency C. This was at Chelsea & Westminster.

All I'd say is - if you really want to deliver a breech baby naturally, you must ensure the staff are trained and confident. Many years before I even got pregnant, I had an 'argument' with a consultant friend about how medicalised the whole birthing experience had become. And he whipped out some stats regarding the massive reduction in infant and maternal mortality rates since birthing was done in a hospital etc. It was hard to argue! I don't think your aim in having a natural birth is unreasonable, but you'll never forgive yourself if it goes wrong because the staff have only seen this done on a video! Good luck.
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Re: Anyone given birth to a breech baby naturally?

Postby Ali » Mon Jul 20, 2015 2:02 pm

babies do turn and you can delivery safely a breech however you need to have a trusted obstetrician to work with. Be open and happy both ways, whatever it is suitable in that particular moment whatever it's safest for the baby. All you want it's a healthy baby and you will have to trust the experts during the delivery . Babies brain don't do well without oxygen . you shouldn't refuse a c section in the middle of the labour if the doctor says natural birth won't work. As the previous post suggested, the staff have seen horrible stories and it's not about a style of delivery it's about baby 's safety. A bit like saying somebody in stuck in the car with a blocked door but you won't help them get out through the window because it's better to get out through the door .

no expectations , be comfortable either way and keep focus on having a healthy baby and everything will turn up just perfectly .
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Re: Anyone given birth to a breech baby naturally?

Postby 2x2 » Mon Jul 20, 2015 4:08 pm

My baby was breach but we had him turned manually at Chelsea and Westminster hospital at 36 weeks. Highly recommend, it only took a few minutes and this late in pregnancy the baby can't turn back easily. Apparently it can be a bit more difficult if it's your first pregnancy but as it's your fourth you should be an easy case. Good luck!
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