C-Section or Natural?

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C-Section or Natural?

Postby Wellyboots » Wed Jul 15, 2015 12:59 pm

Hi I'm 5 months pregnant with my first baby and trying to work out whether I should opt for a c-section or go natural.. I'm 39 years old but very fit for my age - prior to getting pregnant I was doing a lot of acrobatic sports (pole dance & aerial hoop) so I have a really strong core which I thought might help with a natural birth.

Thing is my pole teacher told me horror stories of her natural birth and how painful/long it was & that if she were to do it again she would opt for c-section even though the healing time is longer... I really enjoy my fitness and want to get back into shape as soon as possible so I'm worried about the impact of surgery too.

Any advice please?
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Re: C-Section or Natural?

Postby this_is_cat » Wed Jul 15, 2015 1:26 pm

No one can really advise you what to do, because it is a decision unique to you and your family.
If you want anecdotes, you'll get a range of replies from people who sneezed out their baby and were back in the gym 48 hours later, to those who will say their C-section was the best thing ever and probably some like your friend who had a very traumatic natural birth and some more who had a horrible C-section experience.

What everyone can say with certainty is that an elective c-section is totally different from an emergency one, both in terms of the actual procedure and also recovery. For me, that's what swung the decision towards an elective section. I just didn't want to face the risk of an emergency section, having had friends who had terrible times with perforated bowels, general anesthetics and huge incisions. The 'you can't drive for 6 weeks' sort of comments are also more true of emergency ones than elective - I've had friends who were back driving 2 weeks after an elective section, when their doctor and insurance company gave them the all clear, and I've had friends who had 4th degree tears after a natural birth who couldn't sit on an armchair, let alone car seat, 6 weeks later.

But, if you are on the NHS, you are going to have an uphill battle if you just prefer the idea of a C-section. They are all governed by arbitrary targets for their c-section rate so will only give you one with good reason - either medical or physiological, and after sending you to a patronising session where a midwife will list all the risks in the hope of talking you out of it.
An NHS c-section also means a few days staying on an NHS postnatal ward, which are hell on earth. A straightforward natural labour would mean you could potentially be home in your own bed the same or next day.

Obviously if you are private, neither of these will be a problem, and the one-on-one care from midwives during your recovery is a brilliant time to learn the ropes and establish feeding.

Good luck with your decision, and also the birth
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Re: C-Section or Natural?

Postby lindseyj » Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:03 am

If had both and they have equal pros and cons. Recovery after really is no different pain wise. I have to say though my body has gone back into shape (pre execise routine) much quicker with natural birth. If you have a csec booked it's frustrating waiting if there is a sudden increase in women giving birth. For example a couple had been waiting all night in hospital for the next morning and the Dr had to come and apologise that it wouldn't be happening today with no staff available. There is a certain satisfaction knowing you are able to naturally give birth however that soon disappears and if you have a c-sec you don't miss that feeling. My gut told me after the first emerg csec to still try for natural (even though I was booked in for csec) and it was only an hour and half and I had my baby. I prefer to be in the zone and caught up in the huge moment of hormones and giving birth moments than being booked for 8.30am waiting until there's a space then going through hospital motions for an operation. But go with you gut feeling mine didn't tell me anything until the day before I was due to have the csec. No difference in pain or recovery period for me just different parts that hurt xx
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Re: C-Section or Natural?

Postby dachshundvalley » Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:24 am

Read the book Hypnobirthing and also Natal Hynotherapy and then make a decision. Also try pregnancy yoga as it will get your mind and body ready for labour.
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Re: C-Section or Natural?

Postby Samalawl » Mon Jul 20, 2015 8:09 am

For me it's 100% natural. I have a few friends who have had c-sec and their recovery period was weeks and weeks. The first week they couldn't even lift their baby and therefore felt very very disconnected from the experience as their partners had to do majority. I was walking around and feeding etc within an hour of my babies arrival and once home was very comfortable. Personally for me natural birth is preferable. Pain/length varies but there is a lot of relief on offer now, however I have no relief and a 27 hour labour and will still choose natural xx
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Re: C-Section or Natural?

Postby doulasophie » Mon Jul 20, 2015 8:49 am

Congratulations on your pregnancy!

Sadly people always feel the need to impose their stories on us, as if their experience has anything to do with ours. Ultimately it is up to you to decide what feels best - where you give birth, who you surround yourself with and how you approach birth. There are many different ways of getting ready emotionally and practically - antenatal courses, pregnancy yoga, hypnosis (different schools available) and of course doula support.

If you need to hear positive birth stories then there is the Positive Birth Movement - there are group meetings in areas where people get together to inspire, and there is also Tell Me a Good Birth Story where you can be partnered up with a buddy who has given birth.

I hope you find what works for you.

All the best x
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Re: C-Section or Natural?

Postby MrsPru » Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:34 am

Hi there,

Huge congratulations on your pregnancy - it's such an exciting time, isn't it!

I'm nearly 32 weeks pregnant with my first baby. I have to agree with the ladies who've already indicated that it has to be your decision what kind of birth you choose to go with. However, I think all I'd say is that I genuinely believe that we all have it in us to go through natural birth if we want to. I know I haven't quite got there yet, but I've been doing some useful work with a hypnobirthing teacher to tap into some of the psychological resources that got me through the London Marathon in 2012 - I think if you are an active person, but more to the point, a mentally determined person - or even if you're willing to train yourself to be one - then that is what really counts. That said, if you decide elective c is for you then that is your prerogative and you should feel entitled to own your decision.

The only other direct advice I would give is to HIGHLY recommend Emily Oster's book 'Expecting Better'. This takes a lot of birth 'myths' and busts them. I found it massively empowering. She'll also make you realise that 39 is NOT OLD for a first-time Mum - in fact, age has very little to do with anything.

Good luck and all the best x
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Re: C-Section or Natural?

Postby hayleybalmers » Mon Jul 20, 2015 11:39 am


Plenty of good messages here but thought I would try and add something.

I had my first baby 10 months ago and whilst it was far from easy, I wouldn't have changed the way I did it. I had a water birth with no pain relief and if you knew me you would be amazed - I am rather pathetically weak and almost cry when I stub my toe. So I genuinely think if I can get through it anyone can! A little ridiculous but I'm sure you get the message.

Also don't forget about all the antibodies that the baby picks up by being born naturally. Apparently (and I'm just reciting NCT classes here) the babies immune system is that much stronger when they are born naturally. I would certainly look in to this before making a decision on such a big issue. Given your brief biop I'm sure you can get through it - let's face it women have for centuries before the C-section option came around...

Good luck whatever you decide!
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Re: C-Section or Natural?

Postby this_is_cat » Mon Jul 20, 2015 11:56 am

hayleybalmers wrote:Hi,

Apparently (and I'm just reciting NCT classes here) the babies immune system is that much stronger when they are born naturally.
It is nonsensical misinformation like that which has eroded the credibility of the NCT, and the reason no one trusts their classes any more
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Re: C-Section or Natural?

Postby Bibbity » Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:05 pm

This_is-cat is totally right, our replies can only tell you about our experiences. If you want facts, look at the NICE guidelines on c-sections, they will tell you what the actual risks are, although they won't distinguish between ELCS and EMCS.

For what it's worth, I've had two ELCS (privately). Both were entirely positive experiences and I had no issues with recovery, breastfeeding or bonding at all.

A major factor for me was that a c-section pretty much guaranteed that my babies wouldn't suffer a terrible birth injury that would affect them for the rest of their life. A c-section is slightly riskier for the mother than a straightforward vaginal birth (no guarantees you'll get one though!) and I was prepared to assume those risks.

I do think that a lot of these discussions centre around birth being an experience for the mother when my own view is that thinking about birth should focus on being born safely. In my view, a c-section is the best way to ensure that.
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Re: C-Section or Natural?

Postby federica » Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:08 pm

First Congratulations on your pregnancy.
I am qualifying as hypnobirthing teacher after having my baby at home ( a very long labour but very manageable where I did not need any pain relief). I still remember my birth as the most empowering experience of my life. If I did it, you can do it as well. All women can. We are made for it. Birth is a natural event and all women should have the opportunity to approach it with confidence and without worries. Unfortunately women have been programmed since a young age to think that birth will be painful and even dangerous and many women who had a negative story might find cathartic to tell it to other expectant mothers. They might not realise the damage they make. When we are worried, scared and stressed our body will tense and tension in the muscles will create pain. Also, the good hormones that help labour to progress and act as natural painkillers( oxytocin and endorphines) cannot be produced in a state of stress and tension...
Well, I can go on for long here...As an advise i would just say to try to block out negative stories and surround yourself by positive ones ( there are a lots of them and Tell me a good birth story is a great site. I recommend you reading The Hypnobirthing book by Katherine Graves and if you can attend an Hypnobirthing course, it will help you to let go of any worry and fear related to labour and birth and give you all the information you need to know to make the best choice for yourself, whatever happens Just trust yourself, your body and your baby. ..and have a lovely birth!
P.s.feel free to contact me privately if you want to have a chat.

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Re: C-Section or Natural?

Postby federica » Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:19 pm

Hi Bibbity,
I am happy you had two beautiful births. I have to disagree on one point though. I think all women think about the best possible birth for themselves and their baby. The natural, vaginal birth is the best for the baby who will not suffer any "pain trauma " as you say it ( unless, of course there is a medical intervention as forceps delivery). A natural vaginal birth is the natural way babies are born and os beneficial for them. Of course, it os a powerful event, but it is as nature intends it. It is a progressive coming into the world, the baby' circulation gets activated by the "massage " against the wall of the uterus and during the descent into the birth canal. This massage also helps the clear the lungs and prepares the baby for a new way of breathing, most importantly, the baby picks up the mother's bacteria in the birth canal and this increases its immune system. We have to be grateful for cesarian when a real medical emergency comes up, but O cannot see how this unnatural, medicated birth can be better than what nature intended.
Then, as long as you are happy, confident and relaxed about your labour, it's your right to choose what is best for you.
Hpy birth to everyone.
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Re: C-Section or Natural?

Postby this_is_cat » Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:35 pm

Sorry federica, I know you have a commercial vested interest in pushing this, but you are painting a hugely rose-tinted view here, and one that isn't accurate.

This isn't the place to discuss it, but it is ridiculous to call birth a 'baby massage' and even more ridiculous that you gloss over issues like shoulder dystocia (1% of all vaginal births, can cause permenant nerve damage or even death), let alone more serious conditions.

You might also want to be mindful that there are people on this forum with children who have life-changing disabilities as a result of their birth, and therefore be both realistic and sensitive when spewing nonsense like 'it is best for the baby' and 'babies won't suffer any trauma from a natural birth'.
You might also want to bear in mind that around 6% of women will suffer a third or 4th degree tear from a natural birth, so it may well be something that is painful and dangerous, and to say so isn't 'damaging' expectant mothers nearly as much as your 'sweetness and light and it won't hurt' approach.

Birth choices should be about making an informed decision, based on your own personal situation and expectations. While some people have strongly entrenched views of the 'best' birth, nature doesn't, and therefore a 'one size fits all' approach just isn't appropriate or realistic.
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Re: C-Section or Natural?

Postby hayleybalmers » Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:43 pm

This_is_cat - how are you helping here? Had I not gone through birth myself and looked to this site for some help I would be very concerned re your comments!

You are pushing your beliefs on others and using specific stats to support them.

Vaginal birth is natural and is the way nature intended it. Of course there are risks as with anything and whilst I dont have the stats, nor wish to know them, I'm sure there are plenty of those around c-sections too.

Try to think about what you are saying and how this may impact the original post-er.
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Re: C-Section or Natural?

Postby this_is_cat » Mon Jul 20, 2015 1:15 pm

hayleybalmers, the original post asked for the pros and cons and some help making a decision.
That suggests she is looking for balance, not the sugar coating and misinformation from federica!

Yes vaginal birth is natural, but it is not without risks. Pretending those don't exist won't make it any safer. I know personally of several women who felt like a 'failure' after their birth because they were told by their NCT leader that natural births are the norm. They set themselves up for a very straightforward natural birth and didn't get them, and have felt like failures every since. Pointing out that it doesn't always go that way is simply managing expectations, which may help a lot of women in the longer term.

And it is offensive to be told that a natural birth is always the safest for the baby, when some of us have found out the hard way that isn't the case, and therefore opted for c-sections with our baby's safety firmly in mind.

As someone pointed out, all stats are available from NICE for all types of birth, including instrumental deliveries
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