Postby coolclapham » Tue Jul 21, 2015 9:47 pm
Argh putting two to bed can be tricky to start with, but you'll get into the swing of things! Could you do a split feed at 5/6:30 (i.e. one boob or half a bottle at each)? I think that's a Gina suggestion actually. My babies couldn't always stretch to 3 hours, so I usually had to give them a small feed to get them through bath time and they'd still take another feed at 6:30.
When my second was tiny (my older daughter was 2 when she was born), I did bath time for both at 6, then fed the baby at about 6:30 while reading a story to the toddler. Then I set up the toddler with Peppa Pig on loop while I settled the baby, before a final story with the toddler. That meant some nights leaving the toddler for half an hour while I dealt with a screaming baby... but I couldn't keep the baby awake any longer without a meltdown, and at least I got one-on-one time with the toddler afterwards. I usually got the baby down at around 7 and the toddler by 7:30. There were some nights when things went pear shaped and I had to just stick the baby in the sling and deal with the toddler first (4 weeks is really little, so don't worry if you have to do a lot of making it up as you go along!)
When the baby got older and easier to settle I was able to relax the timings and cut out the iPad time, but apart from that we still follow a similar pattern (the baby is now one).
Also, I read the Alison Scott Wright book and the timings were similar to baby whisperer (ie roughly every three hours, and they both mention a top-up feed early evening), but she is anti dream feed.
Hope that helps!