Charities working with refugees

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Charities working with refugees

Postby Mumofthree » Wed Sep 02, 2015 11:34 pm

I'm finding it heartbreaking watching all these little children fleeing war torn countries and trying to get into Europe with nothing but the clothes they are wearing in some cases. I have some children's clothes that might be helpful and I was wondering if anyone is aware of a charity that is perhaps collecting clothes and could get them directly to the people who need them? Many thanks.
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Re: Charities working with refugees

Postby rinkydink » Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:06 am

Save the Children, try Marys Living and Giving shop, Old York Road, near Wandsworth Town station. ... wandsworth
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Re: Charities working with refugees

Postby ckwmum » Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:33 am

This article gives a range of options: ... 82902.html
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Re: Charities working with refugees

Postby sophieb » Thu Sep 03, 2015 3:32 pm

There is someone collecting shoes to distribute in Calais at our church - St Barnabas on Lavenham Road in Southfields. I know in particular many mums on this website will most likely have kids shoes (as they grow out of them so quickly) and I'm sure they would be very gratefully received. I'm afraid I don't know the name of the gentleman organising the collection, but if anyone would like to donate shoes (of wearable quality, and think trainers rather than high heels) then please feel free to PM me and if you can get the shoes to me in the next few days I can pass them on on your behalf.
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Re: Charities working with refugees

Postby Jen66 » Thu Sep 03, 2015 6:07 pm

MSF are always worth remembering

(medecins sans frontiers)
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Re: Charities working with refugees

Postby mumofbabyandcrazydog » Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:36 pm

There is a solidarity protest next Saturday 12th September - please see here.

See also Women for Refugee Women - a great organisation helping refugee women in the UK - here is a copy of their recent newsletter. (sorry the hyperlinks don't work below, but have a look at their website )

Move into action

Many of us are feeling great sadness as we look at the desperate situation of those seeking sanctuary in Europe.
It's time to move from grief and horror to solidarity and action.

Demonstrations are being called all over the UK and Europe in solidarity with those fleeing here for safety. We are joining this demonstration in London on 12 September, for Solidarity with Refugees.

We hope to see lots of you there and to share the day with you on Facebook and Twitter. Let's ensure the strength of this demonstration shows our government that refugees are welcome in the UK.

This petition (started by Katie Whyte) asks the government to accept more asylum seekers and increase support to refugees. It now has over 100,000 signatures, which should trigger a debate in Parliament. So please sign and show the government the strength of feeling on this issue.

And also....

When refugees arrive in the UK, they should be treated with dignity and humanity. At the moment, too many end up in UK detention centres where they are traumatised all over again.

Next week on 10 September there is an important debate in Parliament about immigration detention.

At the moment, around 2000 women who seek asylum are locked up in Yarl's Wood detention centre each year. Many of them are survivors of rape and abuse who have already made dangerous journeys to seek safety. Being locked up is traumatic for them, as well as inefficient and expensive for the government.

Please ask your MP to speak up in Parliament next Thursday, and show their support for reforming the detention system. You can find out who your MP is and how to contact them here.

We'd really appreciate it if you could copy us into your email, on, and do let us know about any responses from your MP.

There will be more actions and events coming up soon, so why not forward this email to your friends and ask them to sign up to the newsletter here?

If you tweet about anything in this newsletter, please add the hashtags #SetHerFree or #RefugeesWelcome so we can find you on Twitter. Thank you!
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Re: Charities working with refugees

Postby snowpea » Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:55 pm

Hi, is there a Calais drop off place in sw11 or nearby? I can see one in wimple street but they don't want kids or women's stuff. Via the independent links to Calais action it seems there is one in battersea but it links off to a charity in Philippines

It may be user error but help appreciated!
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Re: Charities working with refugees

Postby meldoublew » Thu Sep 03, 2015 11:36 pm

it is indeed time to get into action, I feel so sad thinking about all these families and what they have gone through and this morning to see the picture in the news of the little boy on the beach was just too much... I have been looking for ways to help over the last days but am also struggling a bit to find ways to get involved and where to start.. Please share if anybody knows more.
So what I have found this evening in the net is that there are lots of organised convoys to bring clothes and tents to Calais, but actually they mainly need MEN's clothes, no clothes for women or children, and this is because they say there are much more men there in Calais than women and children and I guess lots of people have already donated children's stuff so they don't need anymore..
Snowpea, I also searched for the same link you mentioned and landed on the facebook page for the Philippines charity, but I kept searching and found this other one: Calais Action - Brixton/South London drop off
The links usually don't work here but I post it anyway, in case you can copy it:
If link is not working type into facebook search: Calais Action - Brixton/South London drop off
On that website you can find a list with items that are badly needed and a contact where to arrange a drop-off in Brixton.
Further I could only find a book drop off in North London for some teacher who set up a library in Calais.
I am a little surprised there is not much more going on in South/West London. I think there are so many people willing to help here but we just don't know how to reach them.
I know for example in Germany many Germans just walk into the refugee centres and help in any way be it teach German or English or accompany refugees to the Town Centres and help with filling in papers or teach swimming to the kids or play with the kids or bring cakes or rent their rooms or .. anything.. There is a lot of solidarity going on there at the moment.. I want to do something too.
If anybody knows how to get hands on here in SW London ( I can't get to Calais or Germany now) please let me know. Thanks.
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Re: Charities working with refugees

Postby zaza107 » Fri Sep 04, 2015 8:40 am

I agree that MSF are a good choice. I used to sit on their board of directors and still get their internal comms, which have obviously been full of information on their current efforts. Many thanks for considering them.
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Re: Charities working with refugees

Postby ExitPursuedByABear » Fri Sep 04, 2015 11:30 am

One of the best organisations to donate to for this current crisis is the British Red Cross who have just launched a Europe Refugee Crisis Appeal: they know what they are doing and you can have confidence the money will get to the right people.
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Re: Charities working with refugees

Postby mumofbabyandcrazydog » Fri Sep 04, 2015 10:16 pm

Here is more information on how to help from an article today: ... iddle-east

you could give to MOAS , an organisation which rescues people at sea, Migrant Offshore Aid Station.
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Re: Charities working with refugees

Postby meldoublew » Fri Sep 04, 2015 10:23 pm


little update from me.. I have been in contact with a lady in Brixton who is helping organising the transport of donated goods to Calais, and they are now also busy with planning convoys to Greece and Italy.
Also, more and more drop off points are coming up every day as this is all grass roots and people who want to help just get in touch with this organisation.. : ... =1&theater

So good news: there is now a drop off point in nappyvalley (in Battersea near Northcote Road) and to get in touch with the lady follow this link -
(it is working now):

If you want to get involved and have any of the below items to donate you can arrange drop off in Battersea for the Greece convoy through sending a message to the invisibleorg facebook site above:

"Updated list for Greece: Sneakers, gym shoes for men, women and children (all sizes/pls put new socks in the shoes and tie the shoe laces) are a HIGH PRIORITY
Jogging trousers
Briefs/underwear for men, women and children (all sizes)
Men’s trousers (small, medium and large) and shoes
Fleece jackets (all sizes)
Baby powder milk
Nappies for Babies
Hygiene Towels for Ladies
Sleeping bags
Plastic to cover the floor/for shade
(Yoga)Mats (for sleeping)
Hats/caps for sunshade (all sizes/light colours because of the sun)
Beanies/gloves/scarves (because winter is getting near)
Electric Plug for several devices
Wifi network + sim cards. Please contact phone companies to provide a free wifi network and sim cards so people can be in touch with the world and with family and friends."

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Re: Charities working with refugees

Postby Jellie75 » Mon Sep 07, 2015 7:34 am

There is also a group for donating teddy bears and soft toys in NappyValley:
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Re: Charities working with refugees

Postby Balhammumwithbabies » Mon Sep 07, 2015 10:12 am

There was a recent post in the Balham mums Facebook group that collections are being taken at the Bedford pub in Balham, every day 12noon - closing until 12 sept.
It was particularly men's clothing, shoes, camping gear etc required. Not women's or children's clothes. Have attached a screen shot of the list but not sure it's too clear!
image.jpg (23.56 KiB) Viewed 5070 times
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Re: Charities working with refugees

Postby Aleyn » Mon Sep 07, 2015 11:48 am

Dear NappyValley community,

I have noticed this thread, so I think it's the most appropriate place to post this:

There is an online petition created last week asking Wandsworth Council to look at offering whatever accommodation is possible to refugees.

Please take a look at the petition, which you can find here: , and consider signing it and forwarding to other Wandsworth residents you know; or re-posting to other local websites you know of.

The target is to reach 100 signatories - but let's even go beyond this limit to show the strength of our support! (e.g. Hackney has so far collected over 1,200 signatories).

Many thanks,


P.S. If you don't live in Wandsworth, there are other similar petitions, which you can view here:
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