... hool-later
I think another poster picked up on recent press coverage but the law is changing so this will purely a parent choice in future with no school or local authority inteference.
The Education minister has said he will legislate (so assuming it passes), all April - August born children will have the option into which year they go.
He clearly states the current system is broken in that the power resides with the LA's / Schools and not the parents. He has stated that he has requested all schools to follow the proposed new rules now, but every school we have spoken does not acknowledge these new rules.
Unfortunately, I cannot see how this will be legislated and passed (given they haven't consulted on it yet) by January 2016 for the September 2016 intake, but will imagine it will be in place in following years.
It aslo removes any worry about children who have/do defer and are outside their chronological age group later in their school life, as every child will have the right to remain in their chosen year group right through to 16. (currently no secondary school is required to accept a child was has deferred a year into the year group he has belonged to at primary school.)
Given British children start school at a considerably younger age than most western nations, once the new rules are in place and it is more accepted in peoples mind, I imagine a considerable percentage of people will opt for the children to start school later, which will effectively shift the age range at which our children start school.
Our eldest (July born) is due to start in September 2016, but I am hoping that prior to the school year commencing, the law will have changed and we can reapply for him to start in September 2017.