Northcote Police Update

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Location: Lavender Hill Police Station

Northcote Police Update

Postby MPSBatterseaSgt » Sun Nov 15, 2015 11:47 am

Posted on behalf of PC Will Scott-Barrett


Dear All

Over the next week, no doubt there will be plenty of headlines regarding the terrorist attacks in Paris over the last 24hrs, as members of the community I wanted to pass on reassurance that the Metropolitan Police Service are fully committed to ensuring the safety of London and the people that live and work here.

The MPS has put in place a coordinated response to the shocking events in Paris overnight. We are doing all we can to reassure the public and to keep our local communities safe from harm. Please assist us by reporting anything you feel may be suspicious. London remains one of the world's safest cities and we will stand together with you to keep it that way.

On a slightly lighter front, the crime statistics for the month of October have been released and the number of total reported crime is reduced compared to this time last year and happily Violence with Injury has continued to fall over the last 3 months and we are hoping that continues into the December season. Our Friday and Saturday night patrols will be working until 5am for the next month in order to make sure that the Christmas parties and late night revellers have fun without causing any issues for residents.

We will also be conducting plain clothes operations in and around the town centre area to ensure the safety of all the shoppers and to apprehend any pickpocketers. We will hopefully be assisted in this by the Metropolitan Special Constabulary as well in this so you should see plenty of us around in the coming weeks.

I am now away for the next two weeks but collegues will continue to patrol the area and deal with any concerns you may have.

Kind Regards,

PC 108 Will Scott-barrett
Northcote Neighbourhood Policing Team
Email -
Tel - 020 8247 8602



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