Postby benaldo » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:16 am
I'm tired of defending myself as if I've made a personal attack on Annabel, or that I've pointed out something incredibly rude, so this is me done with this. If - despite the majority of people commenting here supporting a change of colour and a rethink on the odd bit of wording - the site wants to stick to the same branding that supports the gender inequality that sees mums getting the short end of the stick in so many areas of life, then go for it! But gender inequality is important to me and many other people posting here, so I'm proud to be 'some kind of activist'.
I keep saying I really like the site's content and conversations, and I obviously have nothing at all against Annabel - I don't know her!
Annabel - I'm really sorry if you've read any of this and taken it personally. That has not at all been my intention.
The majority of people replying here have agreed with me, but a vocal and very negative minority want me and this point to just go away. Some of those people are reacting very sensitively and very personally when what I'm saying is clearly not personal. If you can't read or think beyond super-sensitive and defensive reactions then please don't lay into me with unfair and unpleasant comments, many of them, like it or not, sexist.
Of course I understand that those who run the site can do whatever they want with it, I just thought that as Annabel had commented earlier she might do so again. Me thinking that doesn't make me a bad person, which it feels like I'm being made out to be. Do please give me a break.
If you're hacked off that I'm posting here then just unsubscribe from notifications on this thread. And maybe stop commenting yourself.
And finally - I've been quoting people's own posts because I don't know another way to tag people so they can see I've taken the time to reply to what they've said in response to what I've said. I thought that was being polite. Hey ho.
Happy christmas everyone.