I'm really not sure what to do about something I saw this afternoon, and I just keep replaying it over in my mind.
A father was taking his son (I guess aged 7/8) home from school, and the son was crying and appeared to have been causing a bit of an ongoing battle as the father appeared to be getting to the end of his tether (as we all can!). There was talk of going to a friend's for tea if the boy behaved and the dad said fine, if the boy didn't say another word, as the father was loosing his patience with the situation (which may have been completely fair and normal to do in the circumstances).
Unfortunately, the boy cried again and despite being told he was getting his way, said "please". The father said that was the one word and so they were going home rather than to the friends, and went to head in the opposite direction (probably driven to seeing red and enough was enough).
The boy bolted after the friends, and the father ran after him and took him back to their bikes over his shoulder (something I have certainly done before). The boy then bolted again and the father made to continue home (again a normal reaction at times I am sure). The boy carried on further and further away and another woman spoke to him until the father caught up (having abandoned the boys bike on the pavement to catch up with him).
The dad then went to drag the boy up another path on the grass, with the boy still trying to run off. The dad then stopped and pulled the boy up short, and then after a few words/shouts (I was too far away to hear what was said) lifted the boy in rage to shoulder/head height and threw him to the ground in front of him.
At that point I went to cross the road to intervene and my view was blocked by lorries, so I have no idea what happened in the aftermath of the throw. The dad could have picked him up and hugged him and apologised or anything. I was initially going to rant at him, but while trying to cross over thought I have no idea what is going on and he could be having the worst time ever (divorce, death, lost job) and we can all lose our temper at times in different ways.
So I asked if he needed any help. By the time I got to them they were walking back to the boy's bike and the dad was on the phone. He seemed really awkward and uncomfortable and said they were fine. I said I had seen him throw the boy to the ground and he said he didn't know what to do but he was on the phone now and they were fine. I offered to help get the bike and he said they were fine. So I let them go on their way.
I just keep seeing the little boy flying through the air. I have a pretty good idea what school he is at, and am wanting to try and bump into the dad again to speak to him. But I don't know what else to say, or what he could say that would make me feel more relaxed about it. We can all do things in the heat of the moment, or things we regret. I just don't think I would ever physically lift my child into the air to slam her into the ground. That's what makes me think he needs help...if he acts like that in public what goes on at home...or maybe a one off due to some horrific personal circumstances today, that will never be repeated. He seemed careful getting the boy back on his bike, but I'm sure men who beat their wives sometimes help them clear up the blood and make them a cup of tea.
What can I say to him that will make a difference and what can he say to me likewise? Is it worth offering help in any form out of the heat of the moment (i.e. tomorrow), but would anyone actually appreciate that from a complete stranger.
Or is this a classic case of keep your nose out of other people's business and no good will come of interfering?! Ergh!