Queenstown Police Update

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Location: Lavender Hill Police Station

Queenstown Police Update

Postby MPSBatterseaSgt » Fri Jan 08, 2016 1:02 pm

Dear NappyValleyNetters,

Please find the latest Queenstown Police Update here...


Dear all,

I hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year.

Crimewise, we’ve had a quiet two weeks. About 68 crimes in total over the course of just over two weeks and very few actual offences over the Christmas Eve / Christmas Day / Boxing Day period.

There’s only been one dwelling burglary since the 22nd of December, which is good. However, we’ve seen seven robberies reported in that same period. Four of these crimes were moped / motorbike enabled, whereby property is snatched from the victim by a rider or passenger of a moped / motorbike. We are investigating these offences but only linking them by method at this stage. Robberies using this method across London peaked a few years ago and it’s only very recently we’ve started to see a slight increase. If I have anything further that I can report to you regarding this I will let you know. In the meantime our personal safety advice can be found here.

Yesterday, both PC Lukes (that’s PC Luke from the Balham Team and PC Luke from the Queenstown Team) executed a dangerous dogs warrant in Kent. This was with the assistance of the Met Task Force Status Dogs Unit and Kent Police. A dog seized by us is being assessed, and the offence, which occurred in Battersea, continues to be investigated by PC Luke (that’s Balham PC Luke, not Queenstown PC Luke. Just to avoid any confusion).

The rest of the team spent most of the day dealing with the discovery of some cannabis that had been found in a flooded flat. The Wandsworth Guardian have the story here.

That’s all for this update.

Kind regards,

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