Car seats for toddlers on ski holidays?

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Car seats for toddlers on ski holidays?

Postby sarahm » Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:02 pm

I wondered if anyone had any experience of taking a toddler on a ski holiday and what you did about the car seat for the toddler on the coach transfer?

We are travelling to Tignes in February and it's a 3 hour transfer by coach from the airport. I'm having a bit of a dilemma about whether or not to bring our car seat with us (husband not keen to lug it around the airport!). The holiday company don't provide car seats in their coach.

I guess my concern is It's partly about the safety of the toddler not being in an appropriate seat on a long coach trip and partly about containing her and (hopefully) making her comfortable enough to sleep for some of the journey.

Has anyone else had this experience and what have you done? Would be grateful for any tips!

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Re: Car seats for toddlers on ski holidays?

Postby Tilly&Roo » Mon Jan 18, 2016 6:48 am

My husband would agree with yours out of laziness but I would never let mine sit for 3 hours on a coach without a seat. If something were to happen you wouldn't forgive yourselves.....I know it's a pain to lug but they do have some that are fairly lightweight. If she's a bit older and 15kg + then she might be ok in a booster which wouldn't be as safe but better than nothing at least.
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Re: Car seats for toddlers on ski holidays?

Postby breakfastattiffanys » Mon Jan 18, 2016 9:33 am

Depending on their age you could try something like the Trunki Boostapack - that way they can have their own rucksack on the journey and it turns into a car seat for the transfers or for future trips
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Re: Car seats for toddlers on ski holidays?

Postby tooposhtopush » Mon Jan 18, 2016 9:38 am

Hi just checked and according to the Halfords website you need to be between 4 - 11 to be able to use one of these but I agree they are fab! Wish I'd known about them before now.
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Re: Car seats for toddlers on ski holidays?

Postby Rodent » Mon Jan 18, 2016 9:52 am

Done ski transfers with my daughter as a 9 month old and 22 month old the next year and she just sat on my lap both times.

Not 100% that coaches always have 3 point belts or lap belts and if lap, then no point in taking a car seat....

I know its against most instincts to be on a coach with them not strapped in, but when in Rome......

The only way round it is to book a taxi transfer who will provide you with a seat but it will be costly.
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Re: Car seats for toddlers on ski holidays?

Postby wonkymonkey » Wed Jan 20, 2016 12:35 am

I had the same concern for our ski holiday this year with a 5 month old and a 2 year old. The coach only has lap belts so car seats won't work. We have opted for the costly transfer option with another family, mostly through safety fears but also knowing our 2 year old will be difficult to manage on our laps for 2.5 hours.

I researched car seats and couldn't find one available that secured with a lap belt. So from what I've found, the choice is laps on the coach or costly transfer. Or hire car. Our transfer is marginally cheaper than a hire car by the time you factor in petrol, tolls, snow chains etc.
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jonathan @ hamptons
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Re: Car seats for toddlers on ski holidays?

Postby jonathan @ hamptons » Wed Jan 20, 2016 4:18 pm

Totally agree with breakfastattiffanys, the Boostapack has been a godsend for us. Our girls are 5 and 7 so might be a bit older than a toddler but they love the fact that they also have a rucksack with their own stuff in it. They are also really helpful if they are going in a friend or relatives car who don't have car seats as they just lift in & out with no fiddling withy Isofix etc.

I suspect that most coaches only have a two point seat belt but some of the modern ones do have three point ones so it might not be perfect but better than nothing.


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Re: Car seats for toddlers on ski holidays?

Postby Bunnypigeon1 » Wed Jan 20, 2016 8:42 pm

You can definitely buy car seats they are compatible with just lap belts, but they are big and bulky. I have one as have had to travel with it before to accommodate my daughter on long car journeys aboard. There are special bags you can put them in that makes them more like a big suitcase and the airline has to take it without including it as part of your baggage allowance. It's a massive pain and the last thing you need when travelling, but I just wasn't comfortable with my little one not being in a car seat at all.
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Re: Car seats for toddlers on ski holidays?

Postby sarahm » Wed Jan 20, 2016 10:38 pm

Hi everyone
Thank you so much for taking the time to post your thoughts - I knew the NappyValley community would come up with some good ideas!

I had no idea about the Trunki car seat option so that was a revelation - I think I'll get one to see if our smallest family member would just about weigh enough to use it. The gamble is whether or not the coach has a 3 point seat belt. If not, I guess private transfer is the only way to go.

Thank you everyone - super helpful advice!

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