Hi everyone,
In the process of designing some courses for Easter. These would be residential, based in a stunning Cotswold location. The basic premise is that your son/daughter/nephew/niece would be in the course for 5 days over the second week of the Easter holiday. In this time they would have monitored revision, with educational experts present, alongside activities - i.e. tennis lessons in the afternoons. In short, the children get solid, constructive revision time away from their home distractions whilst still getting some time to exercise, socialise and get a release from the school term.
The basic structure is 4 hours focused revision per day, alongside an hour each day on beneficial topics - such as exam technique, time management, essay technique. Each morning would start with a healthy breakfast and yoga. Lunches and suppers will be healthy and give the children a chance to wind down and chat. The afternoon activities will all be on-site, from tennis, swimming and croquet to more creative activities to help them wind-down.
What we want to know is... how much would you be happy to pay for the service? We have to be realistic in terms of accommodation, food and drink, an on-premises tutors/sports coaches and transport - any feedback is helpful.
Please email me at harriet@eliteeducationgroup.co.uk or respond on this thread
Note that this is not yet on our site as we are still at the formation stage, our site is www.eliteeducationgroup.co.uk if you want to see a greater idea of what we offer.