I have been there too. It is such an emotional turmoil.
I would recommend Dr Gorgy
He used to work at ARGC and then opened up his own clinic some years back. As some of the others have said some of the immune treatments are still in their early days evidence wise but anecdotally they seem to work. And they did for me. It means lots of expensive blood tests-Chicago tests- and then either intralipids or immunoglobulins (ivig) which are also expensive but if you test high then you need them and you fork out! I also went gluten free because that affected by test results.
I would recommend acupuncture too. It might not be for everyone but actually there is scientific evidence that it is useful in infertility. I would recommend kate Freemantle,
kate@acuworks.co.uk. She works from home in Streatham, she used to work at Clapham Common clinic too but I think she may have left there now. I also went on fertility friends and infertility network websites, and look under immune issues on the forums. They are well worth a read to get your head around all the terminology and advice from others who have been through it or in it at the moment. Be ready with your £££!! Good luck! Xxx