I've had my first one only two weeks ago and when I was pregnant I signed up with Neighbourhood Midwives. From the beginning of my second trimester up till my LO is six weeks old I have two lovely ladies, Tina and Nicky, looking after us.
Tina did the majority of my ante natal check ups (so you can opt out from going to the NHS) and was there with us throughout delivery. Both ladies have been just a text away during the whole time.
Since LO was born I had issues with breastfeeding as my milk simply wouldn't come out of my breast - crazy I know. Tina and Nicky spend a good couple of hours every day in the first week with me making sure that we are all well. The milk is now flowing, my little bundle of joy seems very happy and content (or he hasn't told me otherwise:)) and I've been blessed by these two wonderful ladies (both have been midwives for decades!) and it is money very well spent.
Check them out here:
Please let me know if you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer! Kate