...re anyone who got a place at Belleville / Honeywell, I think you're on the wrong forum / website for asking this question...they all live a bit further out don't they ?..coolclapham wrote:I'd love to hear from anyone who got a place at Belleville/Honeywell - how far away are you? It's frustrating getting some information from the council today but having to wait for information on waiting lists.
....sorry, couldn't resist. I'm sure some living in the immediate catchment were 'lucky', but essentially, school admissions policy in this area sucks. Even the change being bought in next year will do very little to address the 'move in, get a school, move out' situation. And before any bandwagons are leapt on, I can't blame anyone for doing this - the school/council should have clamped down long, long ago so that those actually living in the immediate vicinity of the school get a decent chance of a place rather than people having to 'play the system' to stand a chance.