New mum: help! Your tips re how to travel with a 6 month old!

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New mum: help! Your tips re how to travel with a 6 month old!

Postby sw11ite » Thu May 05, 2016 9:43 am

Hello!! Can I please pick your wonderful brains for your tips as to how to travel with a 6 month old. Anything which might make it less atrocious for hubby and me! Too late to pull out as just paid for it!! A week in Europe in June flying with easy jet out of gatwick. Furtherest he's been so far is Oxford and that felt like moving an army! Bottle fed, powdered formula baby. Any tips and hints most welcome from what less obvious things to pack,to how to time the airport, to first aid kit I should take! Also not sure how to get there by taxi without having to take my own car seat which I won't need again?

Thank you so much and sorry for all of the banal questions! I have of course been on dr Google but nothing beats asking experienced parent travellers!

From a very nervous new mum (who normally packs her suitcase an hour before traveling!)
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Re: New mum: help! Your tips re how to travel with a 6 month old!

Postby hworsley » Thu May 05, 2016 10:47 am


Firstly 6months is a lovely time to travel with your baby so relax and enjoy your lovely holiday!! :-) Heres a few things I found useful when travelling with our little one a couple of years ago:

* You can buy ready made formula milk departure side from Boots. You can pre order it by ringing them in advance so you can pick it up once you've passed through security. At least you know that way that there will definitely be some there! They also sell baby packet food as well in case you are weaning.

* We used a Baby Bjorn carrier to carry our daughter around the airport instead of taking her buggy to the gate which was useful. It was also great on the other side as sometimes airlines won't give you your buggy back at the gate once you land and you then have a long walk to the baggage claim.

* The Baby Bjorn was also fab on the flight for when she got restless so I used to walk her up and down the aisle in it.

* On holiday I used sterilising tablets which you mix with water (you can buy them from Boots as well) which saves lots of space trying to carry a steriliser around.

Can't comment on the taxi situation as we have always driven and parked at the airport but hopeful someone else can help with this point.

Have a fabulous holiday! x
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Re: New mum: help! Your tips re how to travel with a 6 month old!

Postby honeygranola » Thu May 05, 2016 11:42 am

Hello, I had this back in March and my baby was 6 months old as well. You have some great tips as well so not a lot to add but here goes:

*take a spare change of clothes for yourself as well in case there is vomiting or your clothes get stained some other way - this happened to me, luckily I had read this tip somewhere

*Sterilising tablets are great, I took a microwave steriliser which worked well, depends what your accommodation is like

*Security was great with me taking my baby food through - they went through some special scans and I had to be patted down, however the advice the previous poster gave is the best - order from boots and pick up airside, you need to do this at least 7 days in advance, was too late for us by the time I got that tip

*we took our car seat with us because we also needed it on the other side - went to Orlando and it was same rules as here, if you are sure you wont need it on the other side then there are taxis that provide car seats - one has been advertised on here before

*bought a folding baby bath - if you have one already, take it

*things I nearly forgot but were super handy: bottle brush, baby monitor (depends on your accommodation whether you need this), handblender (if weaning), calpol

Enjoy your holiday!
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Re: New mum: help! Your tips re how to travel with a 6 month old!

Postby sid_seal » Thu May 05, 2016 11:42 am

Yes, I do remember that feeling of starting a military operation, but things are already getting easier at that age...
Will you start weaning your baby in the meantime? in that case things will get easier as you know that you will always be able to find a yogurt, a smoothie, etc when you are on the go even if you run out of formula.
Which formula are you using? Worth checking if it exists in the country you are travelling to, otherwise it might be worth seeing how your baby takes to a different one (we switched to Aptamil before we travelled as Sma did not exist in the country we were visiting - no problems in switching though).
Also, bear in mind that in several countries formula is massively more expensive than here (but I am not sure I would recommend carrying boxes from here :lol: )
Sterilising: depending on where you are staying (ie., hotel or accommodation with access to a microwave) you may find the Medela microwave sterilising bags useful. They fold away and can be reused a few times.
I would also second a baby carrier as often your buggy will be unloaded with the luggage and not right off the plane (it depends on the airport, I have seen Gatwick changing policy several times)
Car seat: if you ring the text company and tell them that you have a baby they will provide a car seat for you.

That's all I can think of; relax, it will be great!
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Re: New mum: help! Your tips re how to travel with a 6 month old!

Postby pie81 » Thu May 05, 2016 4:16 pm

Yes 6 months is a great time to travel.

Definitely take a sling for the airport

Remember you can take a buggy on the plane for free (in the hold).

Taxi - there are some taxi companies which have car seats. We use Airports Direct Services, they have all sizes of car seat.

If you will have started weaning, take a bunch of Ellas kitchen pouches. Far easier than trying to blend stuff on hols and even if you want to hand make all your purees at home, Ellas for a week won't kill him :D Also take weaning spoons, bib, water cup. Will there be a highchair there? If not then one of those fold up fabric ones that goes over a normal chair.

Blackout blind if your baby is used to a dark room. Summer weight sleeping bag?

How to time the airport: Depends on the flight time, but my suggestion is to try to travel to the airport at (roughly) nap time so you know your DS will have had a decent sleep reasonably close to the flight. Everything else, food/milk, nappy changing can be done at the airport or on the flight but it can be quite hard to get them to sleep on the plane as it's exciting.

Something for them to suck (bottle, dummy) at take off and landing.

6 months is classic teething time, so calpol, teething gel, teethers.

Sunhats, suncream, a child suitable anti mozzie cream. (Apparently Avon Skin So Soft is supposed to work brilliantly but I've never tried it!)

Swimming kit - if there is a pool you will need aqua nappies
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Re: New mum: help! Your tips re how to travel with a 6 month old!

Postby LuluDaffodil » Thu May 05, 2016 7:19 pm

Hi there

Agree with other posters, 6 months is a great time to travel. Bring your buggy so the baby can sleep during the holiday.

ABBA cars are good value and you can ask them for a car seat for the journey to the airport.

If you don't want to bother with sterilising tablets, Medela do some small microwaveable bags. Very handy for sterilising a couple of bottles.

If your child has a dummy. It may come in handy for the take off and landing. And bring his favourite cuddly toy so he or she feels at home in travel cot.

Water nappies if you are going to swim and maybe a baby float? (Mine never took toi it)

Enjoy!!!' Xxx
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Re: New mum: help! Your tips re how to travel with a 6 month old!

Postby Emma » Mon May 09, 2016 6:36 am

Hello everyone, this looks like a really important issue for everyone and so I have written a post to address it:

First Aid Advice when Abroad and Keeping Safe on Holiday - Advice from Emma Hammett at First Aid for Life

Accidents and illnesses can happen anywhere and can be more complicated when away from your home environment. A few basic precautions and advanced packing can make a major difference should something go awry.

When travelling abroad always ensure you know how to contact the emergency services: Throughout the EU the number is 112, outside Europe 112 is worth a try as it will eventually become the world wide emergency number. However it is always best to look it up either from a guidebook or on Google.

Research in advance about specific dangers in the areas you are visiting learn how particular stings, bites, illnesses or reactions should be treated if affected.

If flying with little ones; small sachets of Calpol or Neurofen can be extremely helpful to soothe them if the air pressure hurts their ears. Chewing or sipping water whilst taking off can also help to relieve the pressure. Pack toys and books to keep them occupied during the journey and a special toy or blanket to encourage them to sleep. Snacks are also helpful in case they won’t eat the food on the plane.

In hot climates dress in suitable clothing to allow your body to breathe in humid conditions and ensure you and your family have appropriate footwear that is comfortable and covers your toes. Wounds often take longer to heal and can become infected in high humidity – ensure that any injury is cleaned thoroughly and apply a sterile breathable dressing. If bitten or licked by an animal it is imperative that you seek medical attention as soon as possible and receive prompt anti-rabies treatment.

Active holidays

Keeping everyone well hydrated is vitally important in hot climates and little ones in particular need regular encouragement to drink. Water and milk taste different in other countries so adding some syrup or additional flavouring that they enjoy may make it more palatable for them

Treat the sun with respect; cover up with hats, sun glasses and sun cream, drink plenty and keep out of the midday sun. If you are swimming or sailing remember that reflections from water increase the potency of the sun and regularly apply additional sunscreen accordingly. If someone shows signs of heat exhaustion; flushed, sweaty, stomach cramps, headaches …encourage them to sit in the shade and drink to replace their fluids.

Think ahead:

Take water and snacks with you so that children remain well fed and hydrated on your days out. A miserable child can quickly spoil things for everyone.

Always travel with toilet roll, tissues, hand sanitizer, a top up of sun cream and a compact, sensible First Aid kit, Add additional First Aid items relevant to your trip and attend a First Aid course tailored to the particular needs of your holiday and family.

Please contact or telephone 02086754036 for advice on any of the aspects in the article, or to book a tailored first aid course in preparation for your holiday. ... ce-abroad/
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Re: New mum: help! Your tips re how to travel with a 6 month old!

Postby dudette » Mon May 09, 2016 9:21 am

At the risk of sounding smug :roll: our (also bottle fed) first born had been to New York, Hong Kong and Australia by the time she was six months old. I think you'll find it's much easier than you fear. Babies that age are very portable. You may be able to take the car seat with you -check with the airline. Or drive and leave your car at the airport - if you use a meet and greet service you can just drop your car at the terminal without having to negotiate buses. And then if you hire a car on arrival you can hire a car seat too. Also I think you can take formula through security (worth checking the rules) - but you could certainly take it as powder and buy some bottled water when you're through.
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Re: New mum: help! Your tips re how to travel with a 6 month old!

Postby Genie » Mon May 09, 2016 1:00 pm

I would just add, don't take toys for the plane - they'll just get thrown, which is a nightmare. And definitely get a sling, and try it out for a few days before you go so that you get the hang of it.
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Re: New mum: help! Your tips re how to travel with a 6 month old!

Postby Alchemy » Mon May 09, 2016 2:52 pm

Having travelled with two boys by myself ever since they were about six months old, I have a few tips:

Most importantly, DO NOT board the plane first! Ignore the "parents with children" boarding call and board LAST. Otherwise you'll be stuck on the plane waiting for that delayed last passenger to show up, with a very restless baby on your lap.

Other than that, don't panic. Flights to Europe are short, babies at that age are easy to travel with, don't worry about other passengers getting upset if (s)he cries a bit -- that's all normal.

Gatwick is really family-friendly, with an efficient separate security lane, so you don't need to arrive too early -- there isn't anywhere nice and quiet to sit with a small baby.

Do take the pram to the gate though, makes life much easier.

As far as taxis are concerned, we normally use our local minicab office who are happy to take our cars seats back to their office for us to collect on our return (or bring them out again if we have pick-up arranged). But if you are near Clapham Junction anyway just take the train, it's much faster and cheaper than a taxi.
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Re: New mum: help! Your tips re how to travel with a 6 month old!

Postby Rose@abambo » Sun Aug 07, 2016 3:18 pm

Some great advice on here, and I definitely agree with the 'get on last' tip!

How did the trip go?!!

I find that the pressure and the confined space can send little ones a bit nuts during take-off and landing. Some great advice I was given was to steel myself against the dirty looks from idiot fellow passengers and focus on the passengers who feel my pain with a crying baby! I focused on distracting my baby and helping him swallow (milk, water or sucking on something if they're weaned), incase it's the ears that is driving him mad.

And also, I always use Abbas for my taxis, he has ferried me back and forth to Heathrow and Gatwick relentlessly, always on time, so much so that when he picked me and my 4 yo up at 7.30 yesterday morning after our overnight flight from Johannesburg I felt like I was being met by a family member! Just text him with your flight details. 07958 583 116

Happy travelling

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