My stomach muscles were so messed up after pregnancy and c-section that I trapped a nerve in my spine in January, which was incredibly painful and not what you need when you have a 7 month old who needs to be carried...
Anyway, I used my mum's pilates teacher who is absolutely great and she helped me so much to strengthen up my abs. She came to my house for one-on-one sessions for £30 a go, which is a total bargain, and she was always suggesting I bring a friend along too so she's open to working with more than one person. Best of all, she was more than happy to look after my son while I was doing the exercises, and as she's had 2 kids of her own, she knows how to keep them happy.
She's also lots of fun and we'd spend the hour nattering about The Wire or something similar, so it doesn't feel like a chore at all. Quite the opposite in fact!
I honestly can't recommend her highly enough and she'd be only too happy to help anyone else tone up post baby. She's had to do it herself twice and just looking at her abs is inspiration enough!
If anyone wants to give her a go, her name is Susan Lewis and you can get in touch at or on 07956982646.