Postby Honeywellhoney » Wed Jul 20, 2016 11:46 pm
I am posting under a different username as I wish to remain anonymous for reasons which will become clear as you read on...
In a nutshell, I accidentally found out some months back that my husband was planning on getting a tattoo. I totally loathe them for a variety of reasons which he has always known.
I don't want this to turn into a debate for and against tattoos. I understand everyone has a right to have one or more if they so wish. In his case, we wants a large, thick band around his arm just above the elbow.
However my issue is with the cloak and dagger way he has approached this and despite lengthy conversations where I remained calm
and rational, his belligerence to go ahead regardless of my feelings and the impact it will have on me, us and our children.
It is very out of character. He has spent the last 40 + years cultivating his public school, Oxbridge image, wearing designer clothes, driving a certain kind of car etc etc, working in a very high powered job. He is by his own admission a snob who looks down on those who he considers to be beneath him.
He considers me to be prejudiced and judgemental over this issue and says he intends to go ahead with it as he must do it for himself and that his happiness is paramount.
Any thoughts on how to progress please?