Party Wall Surveyor Required in London

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Re: Party Wall Surveyor Required in London

Postby mumbelievable » Wed Feb 24, 2016 10:01 pm


We used Chris at

He does a very professional job for the lower range of your prices (fixed price)

Everyone : please remember the party wall Surveyor is paid by the guys doing the building, but always has the loyalty to the neighbours. Thats their professional code.

Don't be like our neighbours and dispute the PWA and destroy your relationship forever. It cost us £thousands more than we should have spent.
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Re: Party Wall Surveyor Required in London

Postby MrsOctober » Mon Feb 29, 2016 10:25 am

Please go with a personal recommendation and don't make your decision based on price.

I have now had experience of four party wall surveyors.
A bad one may have a lower fee but they will cost everyone more in the long run. A Party Wall Surveyor's role is not to act for either side but to act for the Party Wall Act itself, but the Act is open to a little interpretation and this is where their personality comes in.
When our new neighbours did their side return their builders made lots of errors. Some annoying, some downright dangerous. We tried to use the PWS (who was acting for both of us) as an intermediary to enforce the Party Wall Award. He was always reluctant because he lacked people skills and admitted he found it very awkward to bring bad news or talk money. The bullish builders ran rings around him and he always capitulated.
When the builders trashed our bespoke box gutter, the PWS told our neighbours that something could be just painted inside to reseal it for £200. Thankfully our neighbours turned out to be decent people when the correct repair cost 5x that but they could have insisted on paying the lower amount. When around 20 cracks appeared at the rear of our house after the build he maintained that all old buildings have cracks. His 'before' photos were so bad we were unable to prove that the walls were crack free before. He eventually suggested £300 to cover the repairs which was nowhere near the real cost. We just couldn't go to war with our neighbours so we accepted the quote.
Our experience of the cheaper end of PWSs means they do less and cost you more in the long run.
We have since found the best PWS ever after seeing him repeatedly recommended on NVN - Simon Price of the Price Partnership. You'll be in very safe hands. You get what you pay for, never more so than with a PWS.
Last edited by MrsOctober on Mon Jan 09, 2017 1:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Party Wall Surveyor Required in London

Postby webfountainwebdesign » Mon Feb 29, 2016 11:14 am


Another recommendation for Simon Price at the Price Partnership in Fulham

Simon is very experienced in all Party Wall matters

tel: 020 7736 7311
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Re: Party Wall Surveyor Required in London

Postby MrsOctober » Mon Feb 29, 2016 11:23 am

I'm not sure what you mean, Builders'Friend?? Can you elaborate?
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Earlsfield mummy
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Re: Party Wall Surveyor Required in London

Postby Earlsfield mummy » Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:29 pm

We managed to get our neighbours to agree that we would just take some photos to see the state of the boundary beforehand and put it in writing that we wouldn't work at certain times of the day etc. In my experience PWS are a complete waste of money - a sensible agreement between neighbours will do exactly the same job and in fact you can then negotiate what suits you rather than having standard terms put in by the surveyor. For example some people might be fine with you building in the evening but not at weekends. For an extension about 5 years ago, we paid £1,000 and we got an "agreement"which said basically nothing and some photos - no better than we came up with ourselves second time around. There was certainly nothing that I would call a survey in it.
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Re: Party Wall Surveyor Required in London

Postby szerma » Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:48 pm

I will again recommend WRD we used 2 years ago. Do not be put off by them not being in London - they will come for a site visit.

We used WRD Surveyors (Mike Royall was our surveyor and Sandi Hawkins dealt with all the correspondence and my queries) and they were fantastic and very reasonably priced, as they are based in Southampton (they came to do the survey in person).

What you probably already know is that your neighbours can appoint their own surveyor and then you are paying twice. One of our neighbours consented to the works so we didn't have to pay extra, the other was a housing association and demanded an appointment of their own surveyor and that took forever to organise as it was difficult to arrange a viewing with one of the tenants - and it is the surveyor who has to deal with it and not you. Overall ours was a messy process but WRD dealt with everything for us and even though they did all the work, their fee for everything (fixed upfront and no hidden extras) was lower than the neighbour's appointed surveyors.

Good luck,
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Re: Party Wall Surveyor Required in London

Postby boonkoh » Mon Feb 29, 2016 11:37 pm

Hmm.. I think my key doubt is the "properly qualified" part especially if you found them on a price comparison website. Those sites are geared to give you the "cheapest" but not necessarily the "best" or even "medium good".

I used Cooper Hayes a few years ago. They were great and professional.
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Re: Party Wall Surveyor Required in London

Postby Georgieb » Thu Jun 23, 2016 11:21 am

Buildersfriend: Given the high level of spelling and grammatical errors, I'd be very cautious using that site to find a PWS. It hardly represents attention to detail or literacy.
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Re: Party Wall Surveyor Required in London

Postby jumping_jose » Tue Aug 09, 2016 1:16 pm

Hi all,

We are in need of a good party wall surveyor so thought I would bump this thread. We are based in Tooting and are hoping to have the final structural calculations in order to proceed with issuing the agreements in the next week or so. Does anyone have any recommendations for good chartered surveyors they have worked with recently that are thorough, efficient and are competitive/in line with the market average in terms of pricing.

Many Thanks

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Re: Party Wall Surveyor Required in London

Postby White&Lloyd » Tue Aug 09, 2016 3:31 pm

I should start by saying that we are party wall surveyors and so have a slight interest in this.

With a party wall surveyor the focus should be less on the hourly rate and more on the expected number of hours. Good adjoining owners surveyors should rarely need to spend more than 10 hours on a project (basement) and the building owners surveyor often spends more time (as they have more work to do), but has a lower hourly rate.

For a basement, the building owners surveyor is likely to be in the £1500-£2500 range, for a basic extension it's more likely to be £750-1300 depending on how awkward your neighbours are.

Happy to discuss on the phone if you'd like.

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Re: Party Wall Surveyor Required in London

Postby claphamama » Tue Aug 09, 2016 11:16 pm

I would totally recommend Des Kelly at
He helped us with our party wall agreement this spring and was fantastic from the beginning to the end, also as we had a very difficult neighbour. His fees are reasonable (especially when we compared them to the adjoining owners's surveyors!).
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Re: Party Wall Surveyor Required in London

Postby davethomas99999 » Sat Dec 10, 2016 1:33 pm

After going through the Party Wall process with my adjoining owners I felt it necessary to share my experiences with others who are about to commence a development, and in that situation, the Party Wall etc Act 1996 will apply.

Most readers of this post will have little or no knowledge of Party Walls or how this process can affect your finances.

I hope to explain and share all elements of the 1996 Act and draw the public’s attention to pitfalls and how to avoid costly mistakes.

You need a Surveyor but how to find one? Google, recommendations, yellow pages etc its all hit and miss, but you have to start somewhere so invite three quotations from local firms. If you live in London, its common sense to use a London Surveyor and not one from Bristol or the midlands simply because your Surveyor needs to be at hand if problems develop.

You will as I did become confused with the differences in the quotations for what is a simple process once understood. I had two adjoin owners and my development was a loft conversion in SW London. The quotations came in £800, £1100 and £2200 all for the same job. Confusing? Very!

Not all Surveyors are the same, but it appears there are two distinct levels of Surveyor those is formal qualifications such as MRICS, BSc, MCIOB etc all graduate level and then those with lesser or no formal qualifications but tend to use the letters MFPWS after their name- this is membership of the Faculty of Party Wall Surveyors, it’s a three day course that is almost open to all. This normally accounts for the vast difference in quotations submitted.

But to be clear there is no requirement for a Party Wall Surveyor to have any formal qualifications at all apart from a good understanding of the 1996 Act and buildings. So should you use a MFPWS or go for the expensive RICS Surveyor? Readers may be surprised to hear that my experience with a RICS Surveyor ended up with his dismissal for absolute gross negligence, he failed to serve the Notices as required, he failed to keep me informed, he failed in communications with my neighbours Surveyors and I had to become a go between. He initially quoted £2200 which seemed fair at the time, but sent me various emails with increasing estimates, projecting to £3200, enough was enough and I dismissed him. He then invoiced my for his fee, I rejected his invoice and made a formal complaint to RICS which I won. He never received a penny and got a serious reprimand from RICS.

I employed a second Surveyor, not a RICS but he had a BSc and seemed very knowable, he had to start the entire process de novo. He served Notices, met with the other Surveyors and undertook the vital schedule of condition and finally raised the Awards having both adjoining owners Surveyors sign them. All went well and the development is complete. His fee was £1100.00 + VAT

So what did I learn? The Party Wall process is actually very straight forward and using the right Surveyor is essential, don’t worry too much about formal qualifications more applicable is experience.

So my guide to picking a Surveyor is follow this check list and hopefully you won’t go wrong:

1. Make sure he’s London based.
2. Ask to see his professional indemnity insurance certificate.
3. Ask for a breakdown of this fees. £800.00 per adjoining owner seems very fair and reasonable.
4. Don’t engage a RICS Surveyor, they are not needed for Party Walls there is no real technical involvement.
5. Make sure he’s VAT registered if not in all probability he’s a chancer, a cowboy, looking for a quick buck, how can any surveying practice turn over less than £84,000 which is the VAT threshold.
6. If the above are not all satisfied ask for references.

Happy to answer questions. PM me if you require my Surveyors details but simply do it yourself here:

£695.00 + VAT for full service.

Good luck!!
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Re: Party Wall Surveyor Required in London

Postby henrietta.maltby » Tue Apr 09, 2019 2:13 pm

I cannot recommend enough.  They were fantastic with our neighbours, really sorted everything out and managed to keep our costs lower than I thought. I have heard some horror stories so I would be careful who you appoint as you are stuck with them once you have done so.  When I phoned them they talked to me in plain english, explained everything through and most importantly kept me informed.  If I ever have to do this again I will not call anyone else. 
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