Medway wrote:I am amazed at people saying that they resent buying their au pair a few basic toiletries...its just so tight!
I didn't read it that way, especially from the OP...
If an au pair is like "family"...well then! My own mother would have questioned me quite sternly if I was getting through toiletries at such a rate and I would have known all about it if I touched her expensive shampoo! That said, she was generous in other ways, loving, and we always had plenty.
It's a case of learning how to coexist, I think an au pair should be willing to learn life skills such as how to fit in as well as get the cultural exchange, pocket money etc.
I agree with the earlier suggestion to explain that you are more than happy to provide a basic brand of her choosing (look for 3-for-2 offers on Dove or Simple or whatever) and if there are any other products she would like, she can buy it herself.
Definitely explain each family member has their own products, and that you only share toothpaste & hand soap, for example.
I personally would never have an au pair without a second bathroom but I am quite fussy. We have 1 bathroom and when guests stay I put away everything I don't want them to touch so I can breezily say "oh just help yourself to anything if you don't have it!".
I would say be gentle but clear.
Good luck x