I'm glad someone else has posted about this, because sometimes I feel like it's just me banging on about it.
I too feel this guilt where I am living a lovely life and sometimes whinge about first world problems, when there are people on the verge of death, especially children. This time last year I had a similar discussion with one of my friends and we thought well let's do something, anything!
So, since I have been involved with a UK based charity called Syria Relief who provide basic needs as well as medical aid to the victims of this war inside Syria.
So last November we organised a dinner with friends and work colleagues and managed to negotiate reduced rates at a restaurant and charged everyone £75 a ticket. We stumbled upon this amazing lady called Anna Farina who at the time was working in banking(and now works for Syria Relief), and she felt like we do about the conflict so was travelling to Turkey to send clothes and supplies etc and also set up a school for Orphans in Syria. She spoke at the dinner and put us in touch with other people involved with Syria Relief who also spoke. It was a massive succcess and we raised about £18k for the school. Anyway I'm telling you this story because we just decided to ask friends and family and colleagues to come and yes it took a lot of organisation but we helped, we really helped!
We since have done smaller things like a charity run, and charity football match to raise money for a mobile dental unit that Syria Relief set up.( I'm a dentist- so tried to get as many colleagues to donate)
My husband is also involved with raising money for prosthetic limb clinics. He has launched "The Million Kicks Challenge" which is a bit like the ice bucket challenge if you remember it. You film yourself trying to do as many keepy uppys as possible and post it to social media. The hope is that it goes viral and people will donate to Syria Relief. His website is fcunity.com if you want to take a look and get involved. And if you know any corporates who want to use their CSR budgets to fund it!
The last thing I want to mention is Wandsworth council have agreed to accept one refugee family in the borough, we can surely accept more and there's someone called Tom who is leading the campaign to accept more. You can email him on:
wandsworthwelcomesrefugees@gmail.com If you want to learn more or help. All I did was sign a petition- I'm sure there is more we can do!
I really feel strongly about the war and the crisis. The politics is all so complicated, but for me I don't care who is right and who is wrong, I just feel there is a humanitarian crisis here, and I cannot stand by and watch without helping.
Anyway sorry for such a long post but I hope someone feels inspired to organising their own event or kick a ball in order to help.
Cleo xxx