Would you be happy for your child to spend the day outdoors in a t-shirt today???

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Re: Would you be happy for your child to spend the day outdoors in a t-shirt today???

Postby isabella12 » Mon Feb 13, 2017 8:11 pm

I agree I was on the common today and it was freezing.young nannys no idea.
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Re: Would you be happy for your child to spend the day outdoors in a t-shirt today???

Postby i'macowboy » Mon Feb 13, 2017 8:58 pm

My daughter often runs around in just a T-shirt in all weathers - she swears she isn't cold and plenty of her friends/classmates are the same; I see some of them in the playground after school in shorts and all sorts, even in winter. Kids just generally stay warmer I think - they're younger, they're forever on the move, while us oldies are usually standing/sitting still watching them, and we feel the cold more. Honestly, if the child says they're not cold and doesn't give any appearance of being cold then really I don't think it's worth getting het up about. You can't force a child to wear a coat anyway - they just take them off! If the nanny hadn't brought extra layers along in case the child *did* get cold then that is daft and irresponsible, but neglect? Come on!
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Re: Would you be happy for your child to spend the day outdoors in a t-shirt today???

Postby FLH03 » Mon Feb 13, 2017 9:46 pm

Another perspective - my middle one does not feel the cold at all, as soon as he could dress/undress himself as a toddler it was all layers off, happily out and about in t shirt, shorts and crocs/flip flops, in all weathers, rain, snow (would put on gloves to make snowmen and snowballs) sleet, anything, would throw off all the bed covers, and now as a teen even getting him to take a hoodie/sweatshirt/jacket tied round his waist is a real hassle, he can't bear wearing a blazer for secondary school, sleeps under just a sheet in winter. Other kids in skins, base layers, tracksuits, hats and gloves for sport - mine in shorts and short sleeved top, socks pushed down. I don't get it at all, but that is just him, and he has male and female friends who have been the same, not many but a few.

If the little girl was teeth chattering, blue lips and clearly looking frozen that is a different matter. However whenever we were out, or he was out with my nanny or grandparents, when I was at work, I would get comments back from other parents, passers by, neighbours and so on, so I am sure your concerns will have been shared with the parents anyway.
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Re: Would you be happy for your child to spend the day outdoors in a t-shirt today???

Postby AbbevilleMummy » Tue Feb 14, 2017 12:04 pm

Did the child look cold and unhappy?

Remember, most nannies love the children they look after or really care about them at the very least. Just like most parents! Neglect would be very very rare.
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Re: Would you be happy for your child to spend the day outdoors in a t-shirt today???

Postby TheYesMum » Mon Feb 20, 2017 6:45 am

Um, not your business OP. Like others have said, some kids just don't feel cold. My boys were both out in t shirts that day and frankly it's enough of a struggle getting them dressed that far without then having some judgemental stranger telling me off for it. (I would however always bring a coat for them in the unlikely event they changed their mind).
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Re: Would you be happy for your child to spend the day outdoors in a t-shirt today???

Postby catboo1 » Mon Feb 20, 2017 8:00 am

Ok so i have three children. The youngest one age 6 has refused to wear anything on his legs and will only wear skimpy white sports shorts. He also wil only wear a T Shirt throughout winter. I do force a jacket on him but the have given in to the shorts and T shirt as it was becoming to difficult to keep up the arguments. I consulted the doctor as I was worried during the extreme cold we had recently. He said that so long as he is happy and doesn't appear to be cold, then it is fine. Viruses are not caught from wearing little clothing, they are picked up from contact with others. So my son has been going around, essentially in summer clothes, the entire winter and ironically is the only one of my children who has been healthy and not even had a cold yet! I have had some whispers and awful looks from people who pass us in the street, saying things like poor boy not having his legs covered. He is a strong as an ox and incredibly healthy. People should not judge others, nannies included!
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Re: Would you be happy for your child to spend the day outdoors in a t-shirt today???

Postby Ferrywind » Mon Feb 20, 2017 8:25 am

Yes I would.
Husband just the same as my child and doesn't feel the cold. Wears shorts and t-shirts whatever the weather. Uncomfortably hot and sweaty otherwise. I'd be annoyed if you pulled me up on it tbh so hope the nanny wasn't too offended :/
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Re: Would you be happy for your child to spend the day outdoors in a t-shirt today???

Postby headshrinker » Mon Feb 20, 2017 10:06 am

As a parent of a coat-resistant child I have no problem with my kids running around in whatever they feel comfortable in. Mine walked home from football recently in a t-shirt when temperature was around 1C. If they are strong-minded enough to refuse to wear a jacket then they will almost certainly let you know if they are cold as well.

I often find myself worrying that kids, particularly babies, are overdressed. I wouldn't say anything though as it is very unlikely to go down well! I always assumed that a kid that was too cold would cry but one that was overheating may just go drowsy or pass out which feels a lot more dangerous.
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Re: Would you be happy for your child to spend the day outdoors in a t-shirt today???

Postby Superunknown » Mon Feb 20, 2017 10:19 am

It was probably my child... one of mine gets really warm and never wants to layer up. Her dad is the same.
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