Dear all,
Ideally, I would like my daughter to go the the Ecole de Wix from the Moyenne section in the traditional French class.
Of course I would like her to follow the French system as being French myself in any schools if we don't have a choice.
She is at the moment at L ecole du Parc but unfortunately this school is not connected with the French system or part of the AEFE and it only goes up to the age of 5 years old. So if she stays until then she might have to go to an English school which will be very difficult for her as the two main languages at home are not English.
She has just been offered a place at La Petite Ecole Francaise In Notting Hill (this one is AEFE); this could be our only option to get into the French system. The school is too far from us and we should move to this area to make it work which is not good at all!
My daughter is also on the waiting list in Fulham and battersea l ecole des petits but it is very unlikely that she will have a space one day.
Any advice from parents who have been in that situation? Is it an option to stay at L ecole du parc and apply for the Moyenne section when the time comes? Any of you had a place offered?
Thank you!!