Postby kishi » Tue Mar 14, 2017 9:41 pm
Hi everyone, I'd be really grateful to know if anyone, maybe especially dads reading, could recommend a counsellor.
My husband (aged 39) has suffered from low level depression on and off for years now (probably about 15 years). He's what I'd call very high functioning, does well at work and enjoys life with our two lovely kids (they're 6 and 4 so we're happily past the stage that terrible sleep deprivation is a contributory factor), but is still often very unhappy and it breaks my heart.
Exercise definitely helps a bit and he's recently started taking Citalopram (20mg) which I think is also helping, but we both agree he probably needs talking therapy too. The only thing the GP has ever been able to offer is CBT which he just doesn't get on with (I have several friends who have done really well with it but he just can't stand it - it seems to make him worse, having tried it several times!). I think he needs another type of counselling (or maybe psychotherapy?) but not sure what. We are soon I hope going to be in a slightly improved financial position due to needing a bit less childcare, so I'd really like us to put some of the savings into some counselling sessions for him if we can find a suitable option.
So any recommendations gratefully received! I haven't attended counselling myself so as well as specific recommendations, any general suggestions about what to look for would be gratefully received.
Thank you!