Postby anniek324 » Mon Mar 13, 2017 10:37 am
Help please local mums!! My LO has an afternoon place only at Mouse House starting next year, she will only just be 2.5. Firstly, I'm worried about the whole nap situation, it seems quite young for her to drop her lunchtime nap (although she has always dropped naps early so perhaps this isn't so much of a concern?). Anyone else done this at her age? How did it go? Secondly, what on earth do people do about childcare? She is currently in full time childcare, but I'm guessing we will need to find someone who will look after her in the morning, take her to nursery, pick her up and look after her until we get back from work. But I don't think we can afford a nanny by ourselves, and I assume we will need to continue employing someone for the middle of the day when LO is in nursery. I would prefer a morning slot at least so that childcare could just be from pick-up to when we get back but this isn't an option for us at MH until she has been for a term or two and there is space. Any thoughts greatly appreciated. Thanks.