Postby Petrolhead2015 » Tue Apr 18, 2017 9:41 pm
I have posted previously and eight months later I have been having counselling from an amazing counsellor and not drinking.
I would very much like to help at my son's school however they are not aware of my conviction as Social Services did not feel they needed to notify them as I was not a high risk case or a threat to my children.
In order to assist with trips and reading I would be required to have a DBS check.My main issue is that I was convicted with being drunk in charge of a child and therefore could be barred from working with children and vulnerable adults. I have approached the school and we have discussed (anonymously) whether this is feasible. They have advised me to apply for the DBS and the Headmistress and HR would risk assess me.
I met someone from my AA meeting who also has a child at the same school. Her situation is slightly different as the school are aware of her DD conviction and liaise closely with her and Social Services. I asked her why she does not help at the school and she basically said she did not want to be in the situation where they could decline to accept her as a volunteer.
I have also spoken to the Disclosure and Barring Service and they have said that at present I am not barred. If a DBS was requested on me they would look into my case and then make a decision. This would involve talking to my Counsellor, Doctor, Social Services and the Probation officer who saw me.
My question is should I apply? I am not sure I should disclose my background to the school where my child is. I too am wary of being rejected and also allowing the school to know about my background.
Can anyone offer some advice or has anyone been through this process?
Any comments would be really appreciated.