Jane Ellison is out

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Jane Ellison is out

Postby papinian » Fri Jun 09, 2017 12:39 am

She betrayed her constituency, and showed utter contempt for the many EU migrants living here. Now she is political history.

Suffice it to say that Jane Ellison's intellectual contribution to the Commons was limited. A career as a pen pusher in John Lewis doesn't exactly put one in a position to make a wide-ranging contribution to debates. And of course, in a constituency with so many young families, the lack of similar life experience on the part of Ellison was constantly on display in the tin ear she showed to constituent concerns on issues such as education.

Happy days (or, perhaps, happy nights).
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Punctured Bicycle
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Re: Jane Ellison is out

Postby Punctured Bicycle » Fri Jun 09, 2017 12:41 am

I have also seen reports they may lose Kensington and Chelsea (reported by Paul Waugh, political reporter at HuffPost)
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Re: Jane Ellison is out

Postby papinian » Fri Jun 09, 2017 12:51 am

Justine Greening also in trouble in Putney but the view seems to be that she will hang on, warts and all.

Update: Putney result now in:
Con: 44.1% (-9.7)
Lab: 40.8% (+10.8)
LDem: 11.6% (+5.3)
Grn: 2.4% (-2.5)

A 10% swing against Greening, but she keeps her seat. Please God she'll no longer be Education Secretary.
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Re: Jane Ellison is out

Postby papinian » Fri Jun 09, 2017 2:03 am

Update: Battersea result now in:
Lab: 45.9% (+9.1)
Con: 41.5% (-10.8)
LDem: 8.0% (+3.6)
Ind: 2.2% (+2.3)
Grn: 1.6% (-1.7)
UKIP: 0.6% (-2.5)
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Re: Jane Ellison is out

Postby Shaftesburymum » Fri Jun 09, 2017 8:55 am

Jane Ellinson absolutely deserved to go. She has towed the party line, and has utterly failed to represent her constituents on the big issues that really matter to us, most notably Brexit, but also importantly education, social care and protecting the NHS.

Good luck to Marsha! Let's hope she can make a difference, and fully represents a diverse constituency, many of whom have our families lives and futures hanging in the balance over Brexit.
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Re: Jane Ellison is out

Postby cuqui03 » Fri Jun 09, 2017 9:11 am

Brexit will happen, like it or not.
To vote on one issue is to me quite irresponsible and I was opposed to Brexit and an immigrant who does not have the right to vote and might be impacted.
What I know is that I have been full time working since I arrived here 13 years ago and the taxes are creeping up and will likely even more if Labour gets hold of power again. My street had a fair amount of labour posts which is ironic to see in over £1m houses but of course in all of those houses nobody has mortgages to pay, pay premium to move there to get just a chance to get into a good school or care anymore about income tax just looking at their ages.
Labour thinks you can borrow to eternity and more, something us mortals can't afford to do.
To care about your local constituency in this global world is fairly short sighted in my view.
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Re: Jane Ellison is out

Postby Beketaten » Fri Jun 09, 2017 1:40 pm

Delighted she's gone, she utterly failed to represent her constituents and their interests and showed a complete lack of critical thinking, just toed the party line at every vote.

Well done Marsha!
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Re: Jane Ellison is out

Postby szczepam » Fri Jun 09, 2017 5:45 pm

This was definitely a "Brexit revenge" vote but there were other factors at play including school funding, NHS etc.

In my view it is naïve to vote on the basis of a "low tax" promise. The reality is the UK spends more than it brings in and that means that taxes are going to go up whether it is Labour or a Conservative government in power. Sure, taxes will go up more with a Labour Government but other services will also be protected. One may prefer to pay less tax because benefit cuts don't impact you i.e. you don't have children who attend school or go to university, you don't have an elderly parent requiring care or you are too far away from retirement to worry about your pension but others do and have felt the effects of the Conservative Government's austerity.

Personally I find it odd that someone has an issue with wealthy individuals who are willing to pay more tax for better services that are accessible to all people. To whom much is given, much will be required. Then, throw in the outside risk that your husband/wife could be deported because they have an Italian/Germany/French/Spanish passport and you have the recipe for Jane Ellison's departure!

I do agree with the point about historical governments being unable to balance the books and that fiscal responsibility is key. No one benefits from this country plummeting into a sovereign debt crisis.
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Re: Jane Ellison is out

Postby juliantenniscoach » Fri Jun 09, 2017 6:01 pm

I'm surprised that many of the posts here seem to think Labour will make a difference to Brexit. It won't. Only the Lib-Dems had promised the electorate another referendum to ratify the final deal. Corbyn has been consistent that he will follow the Brexit result to the same degree that May did. His priorities in negotiations with the EU will be different but the end result of our membership will be the same.

As for Jane Ellison I can only say that I had written to her over what I considered racial profiling by PayPal and their subsequent actions. In that respect she was very good and responsive.

I think that there is general confusion on the role of a local M.P., their responsibilities to their local constituency and that of their Party. Edmund Burke explained it far better than I and you can easily source that if you are so minded.
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Re: Jane Ellison is out

Postby cuqui03 » Fri Jun 09, 2017 10:19 pm


Personally I find it odd that someone has an issue with wealthy individuals who are willing to pay more tax for better services that are accessible to all people. To whom much is given, much will be required. Then, throw in the outside risk that your husband/wife could be deported because they have an Italian/Germany/French/Spanish passport and you have the recipe for Jane Ellison's departure!"

This is to me a misconception, "wealthy" for Labour would become someone making £80k which let's be honest supporting a family in London does by no means allow yourself to be considered wealthy, in fact that salary will never allow you to buy in Wandsworth any kind of property for example. I' m in fact Spanish but I honestly belive my chances of deportation are close to none in any case.

I feel privileged but also believe I want to have a say on how I give back for example making conributions to my local school, charities I feel close to so this is not lack of solidarity is that I don't feel like the best use of my money to for example pay to make Royal Mail publicly owned.

As for my needs on the future I don't expect the country to provide for me or my family so once again I for example read how parties feel and treat people who like me make an effort saving for retirement.
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Re: Jane Ellison is out

Postby lk24 » Fri Jun 09, 2017 10:23 pm

Very sad to see supporters of my Labour Party shouting abuse at Tory volunteers in north Battersea yesterday. Screaming 'Tory scum' in the streets doesn't reflect well on the Party as a whole.
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Re: Jane Ellison is out

Postby papinian » Fri Jun 09, 2017 10:46 pm

lk24 wrote:Very sad to see supporters of my Labour Party shouting abuse at Tory volunteers in north Battersea yesterday. Screaming 'Tory scum' in the streets doesn't reflect well on the Party as a whole.
Why don't you mention in your post that you work for Jane Ellison, the Member of Parliament for Battersea? It casts what you say in a rather different light.

Your boss has now received the verdict of the electorate. She was happy to use my wife and children as bargaining chips in Brexit negotiations and deserves everything that is said to her and those who campaign for her deserve it also. I'm tired of Conservatives being precious about what's said to then when they've spent years blaming every problem of this country on migrants.

If you don't like the heat then go elsewhere. I'm glad that you and your boss are now out of a job. Good luck finding new employment - you'll need it.
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Re: Jane Ellison is out

Postby millymoo » Sat Jun 10, 2017 7:55 am

Papignan, I think if you read the post the comment is actually "my Labour Party" so I'm guessing they are a member of or volunteer for the Labour Party rather than work for Jane Ellison?
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Re: Jane Ellison is out

Postby papinian » Sat Jun 10, 2017 10:28 am

Millymoo: I read the post from lk24. I'm also familiar with lk24's previous posting history, including this post in which she says that she works for Jane Ellison:
http://www.nappyvalleynet.com/mums/view ... 629#p47629

In light of that previous post, lk24's reference to "my Labour Party" seems likely to be fake, and the rest of her post also.

Looking forward to your acknowledgement Millymoo.
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Re: Jane Ellison is out

Postby parsleysong » Sat Jun 10, 2017 3:54 pm

I'm one of kids who would have shouted "Tory scums" - 20+ years ago. Not many of them will be shouting that when they are in their 40s being on over £80k a year ("the scums, top 5%") and actually having to, shock horror, work and pay tax, school fees and not expect life to be for free. Interesting days!!
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