Bolingbroke Academy

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Re: Bolingbroke Academy

Postby myview » Tue Jan 23, 2018 8:16 am

I'm sorry to hear that your grandson has been having such a tough time. I would definitely talk to his tutor. I am also saddened to hear such negative comments about Bolingbroke. I have an extremely sensitive son there who has special needs and have always found the teachers at the school to be hugely support, kind and willing to help. No school is for everyone but I do know many happy children there.
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Re: Bolingbroke Academy

Postby NVHusband » Tue Jan 23, 2018 9:36 am

Some of the comments on this thread are out of order (looking at you Muncher12).

I have a feeling a lot of the critics are not even parents but are "ideologically" against:
1. Strict discipline environment and/ or
2. Academies in general (i.e. Not under the control of the local council)

If you are a prospective parent, the school is well known for its discipline, so you are informed before.
If you are an existing parent and have an issue, why don't you attend the PTA or raise it directly with the school principle instead of slagging off the school (anonymously) on public forums?

If you are against academies, then you should take this up at Westminster level (ie through the political process) and not with the school.

It must be so frustrating if you work for the school and see these malicious comments whilst the PTA meetings are poorly attended (per previous post).

We should all support the teachers and staff to ensure Bollingbroke gets the Outstanding results every parent would want for their children.
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Re: Bolingbroke Academy

Postby moncher12 » Tue Jan 23, 2018 9:55 am

Whether you believe I am from the US, whether you believe I do not know what I am talking about is your own issue :lol:

The OP asked for an opinion and I have given it based on what people I know have been through.

I wish people would stop saying the school is strict. It isn't. It dishes out detentions and teachers scream at children which to me does not mean it is strict.

There are serious issues which need to be corrected and the fact that it hasn't taken steps to correct them is a concern as it reflects the stubborn attitude of the leaders of the school.
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Re: Bolingbroke Academy

Postby tess73 » Tue Jan 23, 2018 11:26 am

Moncher12 - It is not my 'belief' that you don't know what you're talking about or that you are from the US. I can see from your post on this forum in October 2017, where you wrote that you had only recently arrived in Nappy Valley from NY. So what, you have been living in this area for around 4 months?! I am amazed that you have come to be such an expert on a secondary school that you don't even have children in, in such a very short period of time!

And as I said above, I welcome debate and an exchange of opinions over the Bolingbroke - it is still a relatively new school after all - but the way you have worded your posts on this thread very much reads as 'fact', not as someone stating an opinion. Others who actually have kids in the school have written much more measured responses, both in favour of and against the school. Why do you have such an axe to grind? It is bizarre!
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Re: Bolingbroke Academy

Postby moncher12 » Tue Jan 23, 2018 2:25 pm

When I wrote on this I knew I would get that reaction from a few as I had stated.

What has where I am from, how long I have lived here got to do with anything? Well done on the stalking of my previous posts though! Yes I have lived here for a short time but I have been coming to the UK for a long time with very close links to the area and families through our work and family - bizarre is that you would rather focus on me than what is being discussed.

Defend the school by all means but with facts and opinions ABOUT THE SCHOOL and leave out the conspiracy theories.
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Re: Bolingbroke Academy

Postby moncher12 » Tue Jan 23, 2018 2:31 pm

Tess - leave out the passive aggressive “it is not my belief you’re not from the US” blah blah

You are openly putting in doubt by the things you have said so please do not back track on that. In the US we say what we mean - we don’t question someone then deny it then do it again which you have done.

This is why people are afraid to say what they think of the school or any school because they will be questioned and doubted instead of focusing on resolving the issues or even accepting them in the first place.
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Re: Bolingbroke Academy

Postby livegreen » Tue Jan 23, 2018 3:10 pm

The original poster asked for opinions of current parents / guardians at the Bolingbroke.
A quick review of this long thread shows that 7 parents have responded.
Their views are 5 very positive responses about the Bolingbroke which offered advice on how to deal with the issue - generally good advice imho.
One parent was negative with regrets and another parent was frustrated that parents with complaints were not engaged with school.

It is a little strange that some of the other posters choose to dismiss the views of these parents - surely these were the views requested.

My own understanding is that the school takes all concerns very seriously . I also understand there have been several Parent and Pupil Surveys, on which the school has acted and amended policy, so one can dismissing the accusations that the school does not listen.

As someone involved in Education I’m never surprised by the views of parents who both want,and expect a calm and caring learning environment, but are quick to criticise Teachers and SLTs who enforce the rules needed to create one.
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Re: Bolingbroke Academy

Postby BFW » Tue Jan 23, 2018 3:35 pm

Well said livegreen ! A great post.

Muncher - Strong statements / accusations from someone with zero FIRST hand experience on the school. Sorry - but hugely unhelpful in my opinion.

I don't have children at the school - I just read this post as I have a lot of neighbours and friends with children at Bolingbroke and I was surprised to read the negative comments as I have mainly heard positive things from Bolingbroke parents.
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Re: Bolingbroke Academy

Postby NVHusband » Tue Jan 23, 2018 5:06 pm

Good post Livegreen. It would be nice if people would contribute based on OP request (first hand knowledge. Not a "friend" or "neighbour" said...)

I don't have any children there. But my own first hand experience is limited to what I see of the Bollingbroke pupils outside of the school.

OP- I suggest you stand on the corner of Northcote/ Belleville Rd between 415pm and 445pm and see for yourself.
The large crowds, screaming, profanities and general intimidating behaviour is unacceptable, especially to the local residents who have to put up with it. They sometimes have a teacher there, but only for a short period of time and is rather inconsistent. Maybe have a chat with Marsh & Parsons who have this on their doorstep on a daily basis and they can give you their independent thoughts.

Whilst I do want the school to do well, and don't like it when people criticise a school based on hearsay, my own impression is that more needs to be done in enforcing good behaviour in the immediate area...
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Re: Bolingbroke Academy

Postby SW12Pops » Thu Jan 25, 2018 11:31 am

The OP asked that this thread isn't continued so I've started a new one looking at comparative results of the secondary schools in Wandsworth. Data is, I think just released (I saw it today on BBC website). ... =6&t=93386
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