Ears pinned back advice

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Ears pinned back advice

Postby catboo1 » Wed Feb 07, 2018 7:29 pm

I wonder if anyone can help. My son age 10 is being teased at school about his ears. They do stick out and stand out I must say and I was hoping it wasn’t something that would become an issue. We have decided to go a seek advice about ear pinning surgery. Has anyone else been through this and also can anyone receommend a surgeon who we could consult?
Any advice would be much appreciated as this has been causing quite a bit of distress.
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Re: Ears pinned back advice

Postby Scientist » Mon Feb 12, 2018 7:34 am

My only advice as a lay person is not to stress about it. It is a fairly routine operation with - as I understand it - few potential complications. But your GP should have been able to reassure you about that. If you’re looking for a parent with first hand experience of putting a child through it, maybe you should ask on Mumsnet. Good luck. We will be going through the same thing in due course with one of ours.
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Re: Ears pinned back advice

Postby Balham10 » Mon Feb 12, 2018 7:40 am

Just thought I'd post to let you know that I had this surgery done thirty something years ago when I was 9 / 10 yrs. I'm so pleased I did - even without having experienced any bullying. Well worth a few days off school with a big bandage round my head!
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Re: Ears pinned back advice

Postby ZM1 » Mon Feb 12, 2018 10:03 am

I haven’t posted before but would like to share our story in the hope it might help.

Our daughter was born with folded ears. The doctors assured us they would go back naturally! An NCT friend whose family were medics had heard of ‘Ear Buddies’ pioneered by Mr David Gault, an eminent Ear Surgeon. He had worked at Great Ormond Street amongst other hospitals and had seen enough babies and children to know they do not normally go back on their own. The ear buddy is a simple, painless splint designed to catch the point in time when the baby’s ear cartilage naturally hardens, setting the ear in place further back (if only all parents know about it!). This works in most cases but unfortunately our daughter’s ears remained so soft, we knew she would need surgery one day. We waited until such time that she noticed her ears and other children too. We were very anxious about putting her under a general anaesthetic for what we perceived ultimately to be cosmetic surgery. Children started to tease her and so the decision became a natural one. She was aged 9/10 when we went back to see Mr Gault. He remembered her case! He is patient led, making sure the individual child really wants the operation. He is charismatic, kind, talented and one (if not the) top Ear Surgeons. She had her operation last year (age nearly 10). He was very honest that for a few days after it would be terribly painful and it was (terribly). It also has to be covered privately (as I understand it not available on the NHS unless there is an hearing issue). She had to wear a headband (like a sports sweatband) for a good six weeks or so after but the result is absolutely incredible. She would tell you it has changed her life and was completely worth it. Six months on we are still careful to clean the ears from the back but you cannot see any sign of stitches - you simply wouldn’t know if you looked at her ears that she had had an operation but it absolutely changes how she looks! She calls Mr Gault her ‘Magic Medicine Man’. I hope this helps but would be happy to chat if you would like to.
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Re: Ears pinned back advice

Postby catboo1 » Mon Feb 12, 2018 10:59 am

Thank you so much for all the helpful replies.
Thank you for the Dr. Gault recommendation, i have looked him up and will book a consultation. Really appreciate your story ZM1, very helpful and so happy it worked out so well for your daughter. This doctor sounds amazing!
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Re: Ears pinned back advice

Postby jojosolitaire » Mon Feb 12, 2018 11:09 am

Hello I am a (very) junior plastic surgeon and am really pleased to hear of the good experiences posted above! Always so nice to hear that what we do makes such positive differences to people's lives!

I have no personal experience of Mr Gault but have come across his name as an eminent ear surgeon. Mr Greg O'Toole is another I would recommend as an ear specialist. (BTW I am too junior to be gaining finically from any recommendation) Mr O'Toole I have heard lecture recently at an international conference and thought his approach was excellent.

When looking for a cosmetic surgeon please look for a couple of key things... FRCS (plast) after the surgeon's name this means they have passed exams to become consultant plastic surgeon. Shockingly almost anyone in the UK is allowed to brand themselves a 'cosmetic surgeon' with very little credentials. Use this webpage to help http://www.bapras.org.uk/public/patient ... ic-surgery. Secondly go for someone with lots of experience in your particular area ie ears. In London we are so spoilt for choice so it makes sense to go to the very best in which particular body part you are considering surgery on.

Hope that may be helpful.
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Re: Ears pinned back advice

Postby supermummy » Mon Feb 19, 2018 7:49 am

Hello, I have a fair bit of experience of ear issues. Had my own ears pinned back at the age of 30! Really wished I’d had them done when I was younger but I didn’t have the confidence to ask my parents sadly. My best friend had much worse ears and had hers done about 12 and it really did change her life. When it came to mine, I didn’t require a general but was mildly sedated though they wouldn’t do that for a child. I do remember it being extremely painful trying to sleep for days afterwards, even lying flat but it was totally worth it.

My son requires full ear reconstruction surgery at gosh in the future and Is under Neil Bulstrode who is the lead at Gosh and also does private work. He trained under David Gault and does more ear reconstruction ops than anyone else in uk so knows a bit about ears. I also saw David Gaukt with my son as a baby - the ear buddies wouldn’t work for him but he was lovely and I gather he pretty much started the currrent method of ear reconstruction so also completely knows what’s he is doing.

My own surgeon was fine but whilst I am happy, I think my results could have been a little bit better so I would recommend either of these as the best in the business of ears!
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Re: Ears pinned back advice

Postby catboo1 » Mon Feb 19, 2018 8:26 am

Hi supermummy
Thank you for sharing this. Everyone on the site has been so helpful, I’m really glad I put the feelers out it’s made such a difference in making decisions.
The thing I wasn’t prepared for is the huge cost. Not so much the consultant, but adding on the hospital fees and so on. You really do have to be financially able to do it!
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Re: Ears pinned back advice

Postby sw1234 » Mon Feb 19, 2018 4:10 pm

I had ear surgery by Mr Gault. My costs were eventually covered by the PCT so worth looking into this although mine was 10 years ago now. Fully endorse the other comments re Gault. He is a miracle worker and the best around. Good luck.
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