C-section dilemma

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C-section dilemma

Postby bunneybun » Mon Feb 12, 2018 12:08 pm

Hi, I would be grateful for any advice on whether or not to have an elective c-section for my second. My lo is 2 and the birth was difficult but thankfully all turned out ok. It’s been suggested that I may consider a c-section for my second but I’m not sure. It took me a long time to recover from the first one so I’m not keen to repeat that but a c-section seems a little drastic (I know it’s routine and safe etc). For anyone who chose this option how was recovery especially if you had a toddler at the time?
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Re: C-section dilemma

Postby HightreesHouse » Mon Feb 19, 2018 8:01 am

I found recovery from an elective C section with my second to be very quick - a few days of discomfort at most. Had help from Husband at home though for that time.

Biggest bores are 1) staying in hospital for 2- 3 nights; and 2) not driving for about 3 weeks or so.

My second C section was due to the first having been breach and having a C section first time around as a result so I elected for the second.

I had a friend who had a 37 hour labour with her first and every form of assistance with the birth except a C section. She was in bad shape afterwards as her body went through something of a car crash. Everything fine though with her and baby after a couple of months of dealing with after effects! She was so worried with her second she opted for a C section with her second and has never regretted it.

Elective C sections should be very different from emergency ones as they are or should be a more controlled process and your energy levels are good going into them.
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Re: C-section dilemma

Postby szerma » Mon Feb 19, 2018 9:12 am

I was exactly in the same boat as you with my second after a very traumatic first delivery (including forceps and my daughter suffering from a facial palsy for quite some time! Thankfully that all cleared). I was given the go-ahead for elective c-section and was literally booked in and went that morning, and then changed my mind! I spoke to an amazing obstetrician who said she did research on this subject and published it in the Lancet magazine. According to her research, after the first vaginal delivery (however traumatic that was), you have a 97% chance of the second delivery being straightforward and instrument-free. And so it was, despite me being induced again and having an epidural. It was also the case for all my other friends who had a second, despite equally traumatic first ones. Ironically, the one friend who had an easy first delivery had to have a c-section for her second one.

Ultimately it’s your choice and your body, but just remember that the stats are on your side this time.
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Re: C-section dilemma

Postby sophiehs » Mon Feb 19, 2018 10:03 am

I had an emergency c section with my first as had preeclampsia. I was in hospital for 3 days after the birth and then came home. I decided to elect for a second c section as my obstetrician said that once you’ve had one you’d be crazy not to the second time! He was so right! Easy peasy. I was booked in for 10.30 at 39 weeks and felt so calm knowing what was about to happen. Re the driving, if you can do an emergency stop you’re fine to drive. On both accounts I was driving within a week of 5e c section. Good luck.
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Re: C-section dilemma

Postby K1999 » Mon Feb 19, 2018 12:05 pm

Did you have a vaginal birth first time? Can I possibly ask what happened 1st time that has put you off?

Benefits of an Elective C Section is that it is peaceful (no rushing like an emergency). You can choose some nice music, and usually, you can ask for the normal delayed cord clamping etc. Not to mention the benefit of knowing exactly when you will have your baby.

The downside of course is recovery. You will need to stay in for a few days afterward. It is major surgery, but I have seen Mums recover really quickly and of course, if you have support from partner/husband or relative, this help can also make a big difference.

2nd births are often much faster, so if you are thinking giving birth, 2nd babies can be a lot easier to birth (as your body knows what to do 2nd time round). Depending on why your birth was so tricky first time, may not necessarily mean the same will happen 2nd time (depending on what the issues were first time of course).

I do hope this helps.
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Re: C-section dilemma

Postby schoolgatesmum » Mon Feb 19, 2018 1:03 pm

Have a look at this website. They will put you in touch with mothers who have similar experiences to you:
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Re: C-section dilemma

Postby Flowermummy » Mon Feb 19, 2018 1:24 pm

I had an emergency c-section for the first baby and planned c-section for the second.
I have found the recovery much easier with the planned C-section: 2 nights in hospital, then at home I was Ok going up and down the stairs, and could go for walks with baby in the babybjorn after a few days. As soon as you can drive (you should always check the car insurance, as they specify how long before you can drive), you can pretty much do anything.
I had a toddler at home as well as help, the only difficult bit was not being able to pick up the toddler (who couldn't understand why..) but we found a compromise where I would sit down and he would climb in my lap.
Good luck! It's a personal choice...
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Re: C-section dilemma

Postby DietCokefan » Mon Feb 19, 2018 7:18 pm

Re having an elective c-section, if you’re on NHS just be aware that it may pushed back due to emergencies needing to be done, it will not necessarily happen like clockwork at the time you are given beforehand.
I had an emergency c-section first time and VBAC the second. I was keen to avoid a section the second time as had a 3.5 year old and knew I would have minimal help at home after the first 2 weeks. (I did seriously consider asking for an elective c-section as my first was very large. Having quite a few growth scans helped a lot as looked average size. The fact that number 2 came nearly 3 weeks early also helped a lot as onset of labour came naturally and progressed fairly quickly.)
With respect to driving, my insurance company said I could drive post-csection as soon as a doctor signed me off as able. I had no wound problems but knew others who did.
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Re: C-section dilemma

Postby nadiaraafat » Mon Feb 26, 2018 10:43 pm

Hi Bunny bun

It sounds like you ended up with a section last time. I wonder who is suggesting the elective - and why?
Key information is how far your body laboured last time and what was the reason for the section. Chel west have a great vbac clinic but wherever you are booked to give birth you should be able to sit down with a consultant midwife and go through your notes and discuss the last birth in detail.
As others have said, VBAC rates are excellent and 2nd births are nearly always so much easier,faster and more efficient.
AIMS produce an excellent booklet on VBAC with all the latest research, delivered without agenda or bias.
A doula is also a good idea if you are going for a vbac to give you extra support and confidence.

Take your time to make your decision too. Keep all your options open.... until you feel sure.
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Re: C-section dilemma

Postby Labellalavanderina » Mon Mar 12, 2018 9:42 am

In short: go for it. I had a v traumatic first birth and took over six months to recover. Probably had PTSD as a result and even the NHS offered an elective C-section for the second baby. It was the best thing we ever did. The birth was peaceful and easy, pain very limited and well-controlled (only needed paracetamol for a couple of days). As soon as I was home I could do stairs and the toddler was ok being put in my lap by others (as opposed to me picking him up). I did have help at home after the birth but needed it much less (and for less long) than after the first birth. The scar healed very well and much more quickly than the numerous stitches after the vaginal birth.

We really regretted not going for a C-section first time too.
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Re: C-section dilemma

Postby gail0810 » Mon Mar 12, 2018 10:39 am

As another poster has said second and subsequent births are often a lot easier and quicker than the first time round - your body has done it all before so knows the drill.

Obviously everyone has different experiences, but I found my second birth much more straight forward and easier and less frightening compared to my first (I knew what to expect and was more relaxed) and the pain was more manageable. I barely tore and my recovery was much faster than the first time round - I was up and about after a few hours (though it was quite quick first time too) - an important consideration when you have a demanding toddler in tow to look after as well.

To help you decide write a list of pros and cons for both and discuss with your partner and midwives and obviously factoring in the support you can call on at home to help you through the early days (my husband only took a few days leave second time round and it was all down to me).
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Re: C-section dilemma

Postby firsttimerSW11 » Wed Mar 14, 2018 10:12 am

I had a phenomenal experience with ELCS. Cannot recommend it highly enough. Recovery a piece of cake. Out of the hospital 2 days later (they wanted me gone the following day but I insisted in staying in for one extra day myself). Couldn't imagine doing it any other way.
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