Mayfield Gymnastics - worth the money?!

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Mayfield Gymnastics - worth the money?!

Postby i'macowboy » Mon Mar 12, 2018 11:53 am

My daughter has been DESPERATE to join a gymnastics club for over a year now. After 6 months getting nowhere with Tooting Gymnastics and their ridiculous whoever-replies-to-their-randomly-sent-email-first-gets-a-place system, we joined the waiting list for several other clubs and have finally, finally been offered a place at Mayfield. I don't doubt they're great - having read a lot on here, it seems they have very good instructors and equipment, and children progress really well, but I was shocked by the fees. Tooting Gymnastics is £83/term, Benchmark £45/month so approx £135/term, but Mayfield is £405!! I'm not sure about Blaze, whose waiting list we're also on, because they don't advertise their fees on their website (does anyone know how much they are??). I feel mean not signing her up immediately because she's waited so long, but to be honest I'm finding it hard to justify the cost. Are they truly amazing and she'll never look back? Or is it worth holding out for one of the others, and risk it being many more months (years?!) before we get a place somewhere else?
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Re: Mayfield Gymnastics - worth the money?!

Postby Writerlady » Mon Mar 12, 2018 2:16 pm

Our daughter was a member of Mayfield for many years and she absolutely thrived - it was her favourite part of the week. Not sure about the other clubs you mention though so can't compare. They are very professional and it feels like a serious club. The classes are (from memory) at least 1.5 hours - but again not sure how this compares to other clubs. If they excel they are moved up to 'Squad' where they do more hours per week and enter regional competitions and can really progress. There are lots of coaches and I have to say the whole set up is very good, and the classes very organised. Certainly not 'childcare' gymnastics if you know what I mean - not saying others are of course, but just saying Mayfield is not!
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Re: Mayfield Gymnastics - worth the money?!

Postby Mumbly » Mon Mar 12, 2018 11:36 pm

Both my daughters have done mayfield gymnastics - one still there. It is astronomical but if they are really in to gym then it’s probably worth it. We swallowed the cost because our girls loved it both for gym and socially ( which is also important!) and I don’t regret paying the fees. But I think they’ve got to love it if you want your moneys worth
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Re: Mayfield Gymnastics - worth the money?!

Postby rooting4tooting » Tue Mar 13, 2018 5:01 pm

We use I think Benchmark over at Dunraven School.
two hours, very tough work out and siblings discount
waiting list does move..
but if competition is the aim, the tooting gymnastics excel, Benchmark are not on the same scale but do compete, but that's not the aim for my kids but they would love it!
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Re: Mayfield Gymnastics - worth the money?!

Postby Just_T » Mon Mar 19, 2018 7:36 am

My daughter started at The Little Gym but I moved her to Mayfield (to save a little money!!). I was disappointed. This was quite a few years ago now but the coaches seemed really unenthusiastic. One day I was sitting beside a mum who heard her daughter crying and crying in there. She asked if she could go in to get her because it had gone on for so long. When she brought her out, her arm was dangling at a funny angle. I said the arm was quite obviously broken and all the young ‘coach’ said was that ‘yes - she had heard a crack but...’ She ended up having to have surgery on it. Accidents happen but it was how they dealt with her and their attitude I didn’t like. You can’t watch the kids and I never got any feedback about my daughter’. After trying out Tooting as well (didn’t rate), I ended up at Richmond Gymnastics which was so much better and cheaper! But - I’m not speaking as the mum of a competitive gymnast; just someone who is fussy about the quality of expensive extra curricular activities! £405 per term is a lot!
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Re: Mayfield Gymnastics - worth the money?!

Postby rwickham » Mon Mar 19, 2018 9:08 am

Have you looked at Precision Gymnastics ( My son goes there and I think it's excellent - all the kids work really hard and even though it's fairly new, the squad has had some exciting successes in competitions.

I am not sure how the costs compare - surely it depends on how long a session lasts/ how many sessions a week etc?
Fees at Precision are £10 per hour though.
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Re: Mayfield Gymnastics - worth the money?!

Postby sandor » Wed Mar 21, 2018 6:28 am

Just_T wrote:My daughter started at The Little Gym but I moved her to Mayfield (to save a little money!!). I was disappointed. This was quite a few years ago now but the coaches seemed really unenthusiastic. One day I was sitting beside a mum who heard her daughter crying and crying in there. She asked if she could go in to get her because it had gone on for so long. When she brought her out, her arm was dangling at a funny angle. I said the arm was quite obviously broken and all the young ‘coach’ said was that ‘yes - she had heard a crack but...’ She ended up having to have surgery on it. Accidents happen but it was how they dealt with her and their attitude I didn’t like. You can’t watch the kids and I never got any feedback about my daughter’. After trying out Tooting as well (didn’t rate), I ended up at Richmond Gymnastics which was so much better and cheaper! But - I’m not speaking as the mum of a competitive gymnast; just someone who is fussy about the quality of expensive extra curricular activities! £405 per term is a lot!
The coaches seemed really unenthusiastic
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Re: Mayfield Gymnastics - worth the money?!

Postby diva636 » Sat Mar 24, 2018 9:29 am

From my daughter's personal experience I can say that it is definitely not worth the money. You do not feel valued as an individual and they take advantage of their extensive waiting lists. £405 is extortionate and I can't see how they can justify charging so much. They use a dusty old church building with poor lighting. I could go on but my advice would be to go elsewhere.
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Re: Mayfield Gymnastics - worth the money?!

Postby Lelievreetlatortue » Mon Apr 23, 2018 3:13 pm

There is a new and well equipped gym which has recently opened near Clapham Junction, One hour classes are £13 per class (13 week summer term £169). One and a half hour classes are £19.50 ( 13 week summer term £253.50). I have known one of the owners for many years. She is a lovely girl both very experienced and highly motivated.
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