London elections: Could Conservative-run Wandsworth become a Labour council?

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Re: London elections: Could Conservative-run Wandsworth become a Labour council?

Postby GuyD73 » Mon Apr 30, 2018 1:50 pm

Couple of things
Atbattersea, I completely agree that Wandsworth Council allowing the Power Station developers to renege on their commitment to affordable housing was disgraceful and something definitely has to change there. I also agree that Labour needs to see votes for them as a protest vote but the trouble is they just don't, because it doesn't suit them to. They think it's an endorsement of their beloved JC, which couldn't be further from the truth.
Personally I think Corbyn could damage the country enormously but he'd only get 4 years (and most probably in coalition relying on other parties to pass any legislation), before we could undo the damage, Brexit will ruin us for generations. If someone sensible like Chuka or David Lammy were leader, then Labour would be miles ahead in the polls and be providing proper opposition.
Labour have also pledged no hike in council tax for 2 years haven't they? Does anyone think this might help traditional or former Tory voters to 'hold their nose' and vote for anyone but the tories?
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Re: London elections: Could Conservative-run Wandsworth become a Labour council?

Postby atbattersea » Mon Apr 30, 2018 1:59 pm

GuyD73 wrote:I also agree that Labour needs to see votes for them as a protest vote but the trouble is they just don't, because it doesn't suit them to. They think it's an endorsement of their beloved JC, which couldn't be further from the truth.
I think they are a bit confused, which is a problem. But at least some Labour politicians will read the signal the right way. As for Corbyn, who can really argue with nationalising the railways - another complete shambles for which no one in government wants to take responsibility.
GuyD73 wrote:Personally I think Corbyn could damage the country enormously but he'd only get 4 years (and most probably in coalition relying on other parties to pass any legislation), before we could undo the damage, Brexit will ruin us for generations.
Parliamentary terms in the UK are five years (always has been, even before Fixed Term Act). ... s_Act_2011
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liverbird in london
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Re: London elections: Could Conservative-run Wandsworth become a Labour council?

Postby liverbird in london » Mon Apr 30, 2018 2:37 pm

No problem I teach A level maths so I can do figures if you want them but they don’t make pretty reading.

The Conservative-run council tax for Wandsworth (for band F) is £1,002.44; the equivalent for Labour-run Merton is £2114.08. This represents a difference of £1,111.64 annually (apologies I over-egged the annual difference for my band by £88.36). This means my Merton neighbour over the street in the identical Edwardian terrace pays 110% more to Merton than I do to Wandsworth. As I said before that’s a very large bill for a Brexit protest vote or even a deluxe wheelie bin (that they’ll kindly collect once every fortnight).

For those fortunate enough (or unfortunate enough depending upon your point of view) to live in a band G property, their council tax difference between the two boroughs is £1,331.48 a month. Maybe their wheelie bins get a spa treatment thrown in.
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Re: London elections: Could Conservative-run Wandsworth become a Labour council?

Postby atbattersea » Mon Apr 30, 2018 2:44 pm

liverbird in london wrote:The Conservative-run council tax for Wandsworth (for band F) is £1,002.44; the equivalent for Labour-run Merton is £2114.08…
You've obviously got much more money than I have.
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liverbird in london
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Re: London elections: Could Conservative-run Wandsworth become a Labour council?

Postby liverbird in london » Mon Apr 30, 2018 3:07 pm

What a snide remark! You have no idea how much money I have based on what band I live in. You were the one who said “show your workings”, which I duly did.

And for what it’s worth, what has which band house I live in got anything to do with the indisputable statement that Labour-run London councils charge extortionately more in council taxes than Wandsworth’s.

If you would prefer me to compare a lower band (eg band C) then Merton band C residents pay 111% more (or if you prefer £684.08) than their Wandsworth band C equivalents.

If you can afford a 110% increase on your annual council tax, then dare I suggest it’s you who has more money than me.
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Re: London elections: Could Conservative-run Wandsworth become a Labour council?

Postby rooting4tooting » Mon Apr 30, 2018 3:14 pm

THE main thing is we all go out and vote. We have a few parties, but I want the pro Europe, pro brexit, pro green, pro car, anti left wing education, pro left wing library and leisure services, zero hospital parking charge party.
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Re: London elections: Could Conservative-run Wandsworth become a Labour council?

Postby atbattersea » Mon Apr 30, 2018 3:55 pm

liverbird in london wrote:What a snide remark!
You must have a different concept to "snide" than I. One way or another, if you can afford to live in a £million+ house then you have more money than me. That's not snide, that's just a fact.

While your workings are great, the real test you missed was how you managed to predict the future. My son asked me about this the other day, so I had to explain to him that some things were more predictable than others - ie although the weather seems quite unpredictable, it's actually not that hard, because its biggest influencer, the sun, is very predictable.

Given that we haven't had a Labour council in Wandsworth for 40 years it seems to me that it is pretty difficult to predict what that might result in. On this front I don't think there is much value in pointing to neighbouring boroughs, that are, in fact, quite different. It is, after all, quite positive that there are Conservative-run councils in the country that have higher council tax rates than Wandsworth.

I'd have thought looking at the mean council tax rate, and the median, would be more useful than your subjective outlook.
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Re: London elections: Could Conservative-run Wandsworth become a Labour council?

Postby Star » Mon Apr 30, 2018 4:49 pm ... smsnnews11

Although I have a house etc. as a Londoner who grew up near Grenfell tower and know someone whose child died in the fire , I absolutely HATE what has been happening to my beautiful city: unaffordable housing, treating people in social housing like dirt and empty luxury flats being built and sold off plan to wealthy foreigners. I have no doubt who I will not be voting for.
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Re: London elections: Could Conservative-run Wandsworth become a Labour council?

Postby Denwand » Tue May 01, 2018 12:36 pm

Although Grenfell was a terrible tragedy that should never of happened I am a bit dismayed it's being used as a political football.

I remember the Ronan Point tower collapse due to shoddy workmanship but I don't remember that being used as a reason to dump the then Labour council.

Having lived in two seperate Labour run councils , Lambeth and Hammersmith and Fulham - I was classed "low income" at the time and I saw no real improvement for all of the residents, rich and poor.- and of course the rates were much higher.

What I did see was shoddy service and council services that were doing you a big favour just talking to you (if you could get hold of them).

When I look at the published performance indicators for Wandsworth I see they are classed "green" meaning they are well over target or acceptable pn all their council goals.

A stark contrast to nearby Labour bouroughs I'm afraid.

Labour would have to improve much more beforeI'd risk voting them in - I'm afraid on past record they make it worse for everybody. :o
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Re: London elections: Could Conservative-run Wandsworth become a Labour council?

Postby troubs » Wed May 02, 2018 1:03 pm

i do feel a tad put out that noone has canvassed our road (at least not whilst I have been home) from any party. Its almost as though they feel its a foregone conclusion on our road. And none have responded to my questions re school or public health (including sexual health services) funding which have been absolutely decimated in our borough.
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Re: London elections: Could Conservative-run Wandsworth become a Labour council?

Postby storm35 » Thu May 03, 2018 12:06 pm

I voted Renew today. I'm fed up of Brexit (and the way it is being handled), a wholeheartedly arrogant, nasty and condescending government (think Grenfell, Windrush, EU citizens rights, affordable housing and resigning for lying to HP then having the balls to return as a backbencher two days later), lack of fire-in-the-belly opposition and dog poo on our pavements. The Tories are using the council tax angle as their main weapon but no council would suddenly increase it tenfold. They are also telling us that the councils don't have anything to do with the government but they are both batting on the same team - I am also an ex Tory voter and boy, do I regret it now.
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Re: London elections: Could Conservative-run Wandsworth become a Labour council?

Postby juliantenniscoach » Thu May 03, 2018 12:19 pm

Irrespective of your views, please exercise your vote. Democracy might not be perfect but it's better than the other options. Enjoy the sun everyone.
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Re: London elections: Could Conservative-run Wandsworth become a Labour council?

Postby GuyD73 » Thu May 03, 2018 12:22 pm

I voted for George Hilton for Renew in Fairfield ward too, though I also gave my other two votes to Lib Dems and Greens. That's how to vote remain folks! If you're a Labour voter but deplore Brexit, please give a Remain party just one of your votes and you can send a message. I've also voted Tory in previous elections and am somewhat ashamed that Cameron's majority got us into this mess. How anyone can support the Tories after the way our PM and cabinet have behaved in the last year (constantly screwing up and lying blatantly), is beyond me. However, if the horrifying prospect of Corbyn leads you towards voting Tory, then again, give a Remain party one vote - it sends a message without bringing down the govt, so safe to do. EU nationals particularly, please get out and VOTE today!
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Re: London elections: Could Conservative-run Wandsworth become a Labour council?

Postby parsleysong » Fri May 04, 2018 5:32 pm

Thank the Lord. Sense prevailed yesterday. Happy long weekend everyone.
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Re: London elections: Could Conservative-run Wandsworth become a Labour council?

Postby juliantenniscoach » Fri May 04, 2018 5:54 pm

@Guy - Honestly do you really think the parliamentary party give a monkey's about the result of the local council elections in relation to Brexit? The only argument is whether those in the Cabinet who favour a Customs Union will win the day. Unless the EU say we can stay in the Customs Union and allow us to negotiate independent trade deals then it's a non starter. Reason being it would be civil war in the Conservative Party and whatever you think about them, they are very good at avoiding fatal self harm.

There is light in the tunnel for negotiations in the recent statements from the German parliament and even Junkers suggesting that Brits employed by the EU should be offered citizenship by Belgium. Apart from that it's a mess, but we are leaving on schedule. The only possible delay would be the collapse of the Government. But it would be a delay only as Corbyn is a Brexiteer without doubt.
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