Woman suffers six puncture wounds as she is mauled by fox while sleeping in bed at her London home

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admin (daniella)
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Woman suffers six puncture wounds as she is mauled by fox while sleeping in bed at her London home

Postby admin (daniella) » Thu Jun 21, 2018 9:39 am

Woman suffers six puncture wounds as she is mauled by fox while sleeping in bed at her London home.

''A young Londoner has told how she was savaged by a fox which crept onto her bed and attacked her as she slept.

Jodie Nailard, 22, suffered six puncture wounds as she was bitten on the bicep in the horrific incident on Sunday, according to reports.

She was forced to spend two days fearing she may have contracted rabies after the animal attacked her in her home in Clapham, south-west London, the Sun reported.

Ms Nailard, a PA, told the newspaper how she woke up in agony after she was bitten before seeing the fox at the end of her bed.

She said: “My left bicep was throbbing with pain and covered in blood and I wondered what the hell had happened.”

After spotting the animal on her bed she screamed and burst into tears before kicking the fox, which then ran out of the door.

Her boyfriend Harry, a media production assistant who lives with Ms Nailard, said he spotted the fox was still lurking outside.''

To read the full article, please visit here:

https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/ ... 68186.html
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Re: Woman suffers six puncture wounds as she is mauled by fox while sleeping in bed at her London home

Postby chorister » Thu Jun 21, 2018 10:43 am

Just needs an urban fox to chomp up a baby and then may be something will be done to control them ….

(yes, yes, in bad taste I know, but something needs to be done).
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Re: Woman suffers six puncture wounds as she is mauled by fox while sleeping in bed at her London home

Postby parsleysong » Thu Jun 21, 2018 6:32 pm

The annual kill the fox campaign is upon us - brilliant. Last time a baby was allegedly "chomped up by a fox" in London a few years ago, wasn't it was found that the parents were guilty of abusing the baby or negligent?
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Re: Woman suffers six puncture wounds as she is mauled by fox while sleeping in bed at her London home

Postby chorister » Fri Jun 22, 2018 5:13 pm

I really don't know about other cases, and am sorry if my offhand cynicism offended you. But I do know many people who regard urban foxes as vermin - the problem is that their only natural predator in a city is a car (as in it runs them over) which is why so many are driven to scavenge. There is no natural cap on the population.

Do you actually have a constructive suggestion for managing the numbers?
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Re: Woman suffers six puncture wounds as she is mauled by fox while sleeping in bed at her London home

Postby sixfootredhead » Mon Jun 25, 2018 9:39 am

Anyone else smell a touch of fake news here or just me? The picture of her dressed in her glad rags holding a glass of wine for the paper just smacks of someone wanting to get in the news so I’m wondering if the fox was made a bit of a scapegoat. I’m not saying she wasn’t bitten but it is very out of character for foxes to randomly attack grown adults while they’re sleeping. I could well believe the animal snuck in to open patio doors looking for food but to attack someone is a bit of a stretch of the imagination - unless it thought she was dead and he was therefore truly scavenging....

What people seem to forget is that we have encroached on the foxes habitat - not the other way round. For the most part they live in the shadows and generally stay about as far away from humans as they can. They’re survivalists - like all of us - and have families to feed etc etc so will take opportunities where they can. No different to humans really.

There are more children attacked and killed by family pets than foxes - these supposed ‘attacks’ happen very infrequently and even then are not always what they seem so learn to look beyond the headlines and not join in the scaremongering.

So while I’m not belittling wildlife related injuries i hate to see people jump on the ‘foxes are dangerous/vermin/should be exterminated’ wagon. Just take sensible precautions like not leaving patio doors open if you/a child are sleeping and not leaving bins out during the day.

The fox population is actually pretty good at regulating itself.
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Re: Woman suffers six puncture wounds as she is mauled by fox while sleeping in bed at her London home

Postby dudette » Mon Jun 25, 2018 10:33 am

Well said sixfootred! Foxes are urban wildlife, not vermin. Why are we so arrogant to think that only we humans have a right to occupy any particular place. What a dreary old world it would be if we didn’t have any other creatures in our cities. I haven’t seen an urban fox for ages now and I always get a thrill when I see one - even if it is eating out of my bins!
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Re: Woman suffers six puncture wounds as she is mauled by fox while sleeping in bed at her London home

Postby sixfootredhead » Mon Jun 25, 2018 1:01 pm

dudette wrote: Mon Jun 25, 2018 10:33 am Well said sixfootred! Foxes are urban wildlife, not vermin. Why are we so arrogant to think that only we humans have a right to occupy any particular place. What a dreary old world it would be if we didn’t have any other creatures in our cities. I haven’t seen an urban fox for ages now and I always get a thrill when I see one - even if it is eating out of my bins!
So true. But sadly humans are arrogant and selfish which is how we end up paying for the killing of 60 billion land animals for food each year when it’s totally unnecessary.... but that’s another topic entirely.

I, like you, appreciate urban wildlife and all animal life. It’s really humans that need exterminating if we base our decision on how much damage a species does to its environment and fellow creatures.
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Re: Woman suffers six puncture wounds as she is mauled by fox while sleeping in bed at her London home

Postby delsh » Mon Jun 25, 2018 2:08 pm

Normally I would be firmly on the “protect the fox” side of the fence but last night at about 3AM we heard noises in our spare bedroom. We thought it was our cat playing with something but went in and discovered a fox cub playing with our laundry in there!

We have a 15 month old who was asleep just down the landing and thank goodness her door was shut (it had been open earlier in the evening) and it was only a cub who was very sweet, but it did give us a shock that it had entered our house. We’re not sure how it got in - it might have been small enough to squash itself through the cat flap, or it may have climbed up our neighbour’s hedge and awning and through the open first floor window, but either way I think that and the story reported at the beginning of this thread should serve as a warning to be aware of wildlife entering your homes at night while the weather is so warm and we likely all have windows and doors open.
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Re: Woman suffers six puncture wounds as she is mauled by fox while sleeping in bed at her London home

Postby sloaney donkey » Sat Jun 30, 2018 10:41 pm

It sounds like the scene in 'the godfather' where the film producer wakes to find his severed horses head under his sheets.

Can't believe a rogue fox is causing as much trouble as the mafia.

Bring back fox hunting, I say !
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Re: Woman suffers six puncture wounds as she is mauled by fox while sleeping in bed at her London home

Postby sixfootredhead » Sun Jul 01, 2018 1:02 am

Bring back fox hunting??? I think you’ll find that most people are totally against this barbaric ‘sport’ so good luck with that!

In the meantime, perhaps you could set aside some time to locate your heart. I think you might find it lodged up your backside somewhere.

Have a great day.

Sloaney Pony wrote: Sat Jun 30, 2018 10:41 pm It sounds like the scene in 'the godfather' where the film producer wakes to find his severed horses head under his sheets.

Can't believe a rogue fox is causing as much trouble as the mafia.

Bring back fox hunting, I say !
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Re: Woman suffers six puncture wounds as she is mauled by fox while sleeping in bed at her London home

Postby chorister » Sun Jul 01, 2018 11:12 am

sixfootredhead wrote: Sun Jul 01, 2018 1:02 am Bring back fox hunting??? I think you’ll find that most people are totally against this barbaric ‘sport’ so good luck with that!

In the meantime, perhaps you could set aside some time to locate your heart. I think you might find it lodged up your backside somewhere.

Have a great day.

Sloaney Pony wrote: Sat Jun 30, 2018 10:41 pm It sounds like the scene in 'the godfather' where the film producer wakes to find his severed horses head under his sheets.

Can't believe a rogue fox is causing as much trouble as the mafia.

Bring back fox hunting, I say !
Wow. Another tolerant liberal. There is so much truth in the old aphorism that "there is nothing as intolerant as a proselytising liberal". Personally I'm against fox hunting and would never do it, despite being brought up in the country, but I'm not sure what right I have to condemn people who feel differently. You obviously think you do have that right.
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Re: Woman suffers six puncture wounds as she is mauled by fox while sleeping in bed at her London home

Postby sixfootredhead » Sun Jul 01, 2018 12:33 pm

Wow. Another tolerant liberal. There is so much truth in the old aphorism that "there is nothing as intolerant as a proselytising liberal". Personally I'm against fox hunting and would never do it, despite being brought up in the country, but I'm not sure what right I have to condemn people who feel differently. You obviously think you do have that right.

If by tolerant liberal you mean respectful of all life, human and non-human animal, and not an arrogant human who thinks we have the right to blunder through life decimating everything that gets in our way then yes, that’ll be me.

I think you’re getting the concept of ‘rights’ confused and consequently I think it’s ok to condemn people who indulge in or are in favour of acts/system/hobbies that create victims.

Just as I would condemn someone who was sexist, homophobic etc (arguably in their mind they have the ‘right’ to hold those beliefs) I condemn people who think it’s ok to hunt animals for sport/pleasure etc.

Do you not feel that you have the right to speak out against people who hold unjust or immoral views?
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Re: Woman suffers six puncture wounds as she is mauled by fox while sleeping in bed at her London home

Postby chorister » Sun Jul 01, 2018 5:11 pm

I don't think this is really the forum for such a debate, and am sorry I started it. I will therefore confine myself to saying that liberalism, if it means anything, means empowering people to make meaningful decisions and choices for themselves. One of the great challenges that liberals face is how to react when people use that empowerment in ways that are not illegal, but result in choices of which we (yes, I'm one of those liberals) do not approve. You seem to feel it is OK to condemn. I feel much more uncertain and less righteous.
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sloaney donkey
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Re: Woman suffers six puncture wounds as she is mauled by fox while sleeping in bed at her London home

Postby sloaney donkey » Sun Jul 01, 2018 6:38 pm

My old friend from our days at Cheltenham Ladies once said “Foxhunting = Rentokil on a horse”.

I have to say that I was very sad when I had to hang up my red jacket for the last time. A lot of countryside traditions and jobs (including my late Husband’s) depended upon ‘the hunt’ in our local area. It was never the same again.

Redhead 1.8m ... please don’t be so impolite. Banter like that would be banned from Cheltenham Ladies’ debating society.
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Re: Woman suffers six puncture wounds as she is mauled by fox while sleeping in bed at her London home

Postby johnnythunders » Mon Jul 02, 2018 7:21 am

So our recent experience:

1. Our daughter woke up at 0700 to find a fox on top of her duvet (entry gained via French windows being left open by mistake)

2. A’s my wife chased the fox out it grabbed my leather wallet, never to be seen again

3. The following evening 2100 I was working on a laptop in the front room, lying face down and wearing shorts when I felt something sharp on my leg. It was a (the?) fox nuzzling my leg

Not an urban myth, reality

We have in previous years had a vixen and four incredibly cute cubs take up residence under our shed. Within a few weeks it was like having five fully grown dogs in residence and they completely trashed our garden. We waited until the cubs were fully grown and then boarded over their lair.

Absolutely no idea what we do about urban foxes but if anyone is nostalgic to see them I suggest you move to Southfields!
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