As a naturopath, I use different methods of allergy testing. The main one I use is a home kit that is specific for food allergies. The reason I use it, is because it is easy to use and virtually gives you results instantly.
the link is http:
But I have found, if you eliminate a specific food, it does not stop there. Often children will develop more and more allergies. And by eliminating more foods, you essentially will start eliminating foods required for growth and development. As a naturopath (basically a nutritionist and herbalist in one) I work on improving immunity, but more importantly digestive health. If digestion is poor, small food particles enter the blood stream and your immunity becomes sensitive to it. The result is a hypersensitive body that reacts to more and more foods. So I work on improving and healing digestion to prevent this.
Addressing the core of any allergy, helps prevent further allergies.
If your child has any allergies, I would be happy to help ... ldren.html