There are some interesting observations, and
some unwitting anecdotal mis-interpretations in this pertinent thread. Thanks @Denshort for starting the needed and tech-enabled debate, if comments are from Battersea residents. Thanks @Astolot for Gini Coefficient and for corrections about long-standing MP (what of great
Alfred Dubs).
In my mind, or my pennys worth: it is an indisputable fact that
the country needs Jeremy Corbyn "the Marxist" socialist antisemite friend-of-terrorist or whatever other smear the corporate right-wing press release as narratives for the "unwitting". I support Mr Corbyn and Labour Party machinery for the "Green Industrial Deal" and other people-driven pledges which are realistic yet ambitious, such as:
4-day working week,
scrap student tuition fees,
re-nationalisation of utilities
etc etc ad nausem
We are NOW in a period that has parralls with 1979 when the great late Mrs T. was ushered in - bless her! Then as now UK was at standstill from miners strikes tagged "Winter of Discontent". Fast forward today we have a democratic impasse in Parliament about the burning populist issue of the mileu: delivery of "Brexit" referendum. And we have climate change and China-emergence.
Just as Mrs Thather was viewed in hindsight by some as a fascist so we have Mr Corbyn portrayed as Marxist. But here some will argue or be lost! But factually there is something called
the Kondratieff cycle stating that events and economies thereof are cyclical in nature. On that premise: just as 40 odd years ago neoliberalism was ushered in with witless Mr Reagan and State sell-off Mr Gorbachev (which i then thought great!), so it is we need life-support socialism now, or at least a return to a more mixed economy.
Brexit referendum is not the single issue that one should focus on.
Look! its in the name "general" election. You get my drift hopefully, and I DO go on and on in my blogs.
Think for yourself! Phone a smart friend. Don't watch or listen to media narratives.
All is for the best however you decide to vote, but remember you can't take it back. Like Thatcher neoliberalism unless you act now. Like climate change.
Think Global Act Local (Marsha De Cordova great btw!)
Krishna, 6th Nov.'19
Local tennis coach + "FPM" activist nowadays