Do you own a small business and would you like so headshots for your business website? I am looking for models for headshots to use on my website. In return you will get 5 high resolution images (via download) to use on your website. I would be looking to do the photographs at the end of February/beginning of March. They would be shot on location (i.e. not in a studio). If you run a small business and are interested please email me at Please tell me a little bit about your business in the email. Looking forward to hearing from you.
27/01/2020 @ 15:00
Thank you all for the interest you have shown in my call for models. Due to the high number of enquiries I will not be taking any more free bookings. If you do want some headhots done I will offer you a 50% discount on these photos when you say you read about me on Nappy Valley.