Has anyone applied to do this?
I am thinking of trying to get my son into a school I had thought was unrealistic at reception (I didn't even put it in my preferences, which I feel so foolish about now!), but after reading a bit think he might have a chance in a later year.
I was advised by the other school to fill in an application form, but on the Wandsworth site it says that it needs to be done through the school.
I'm just wondering if anyone has experience of doing this? Feels like it might be an awkward situation, especially if he doesn't get in!
From the website:
'If your child already has a place in a Wandsworth school but you want him/her to transfer to a different school in Wandsworth, you should discuss this with the Headteacher of their current school before making an application.
If a change of school is necessary, you should first find out if there are places available at other local schools by contacting the schools or the Council's Pupil Services team. You will need to obtain an 'in-year' transfer application form from your child's current school. The form has a section which must be completed by the school.'