Please practice social distancing and follow the guidelines

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Please practice social distancing and follow the guidelines

Postby Mumdoc » Sun Mar 22, 2020 2:48 pm

Hello. I am a local mum and a GP. As a medic we are drowning in work.
Please be sensible and follow the guidelines about social distancing and the whole family self isolating if one member shows symptoms. You should not be having outdoor play dates. Please be sensible and safe and not ignorant and selfish. If we all act correctly we will overcome Coronavirus sooner.
As medics we are all working hard to help you so please stay at home to help us.
Thank you.
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Re: Please practice social distancing and follow the guidelines

Postby chorister » Sun Mar 22, 2020 8:41 pm

Please don't thank us.
We should all thank you, and pray that you and your family stay safe.  One outcome of this might - hopefully - be a re-evaluation of who and what we really value in society.  I don't think it will be bankers and financial services.
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Re: Please practice social distancing and follow the guidelines

Postby Luvnyrick » Sun Mar 22, 2020 9:27 pm

It will never work social distancing total lockdown should of been put in place people are walking around everywhere how can you avoid it.boris Johnson should have made that decision weeks ago we wouldn't be in this situation now how can you avoid social distancing when all these panic Byers are swarming the shops he should sort that out . he should of done what all the other countries have done there all in lockdown he's left this whole thing to late !!
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Re: Please practice social distancing and follow the guidelines

Postby Cleod » Mon Mar 23, 2020 8:11 am

Thankyou so much for all you are doing for us.

Please can I add as much as we want to support small businesses like mobile hairdressers and tutoring in small groups as I have seen on this morning's email; that is also not acceptable, as much as they wash their hands and their tools in-between clients they are still risking the spread of infection by being in close proximity as it can be spread without you showing any symptoms.
Yesterday as I people-watched out of my window, I saw groups of families going out for walks perhaps after being at each other’s houses for Sunday lunch? No, please don’t mix.
Social distancing means at least 2 metres away from anyone not in your household. Please don’t think you are invincible and it won’t happen to you, it might not, but you might well spread it to someone more vulnerable than you.
Thankyou again, as someone above said we now know who is keeping this country afloat, just look at the list of key workers, never again should we undervalue you xxxx
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