NHS alert issued for children

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NHS alert issued for children

Postby Community Editor » Tue Apr 28, 2020 9:08 am

NHS doctors have been issued an urgent alert about a sharp rise in the number of children being admitted to intensive care with a serious condition that may be linked to coronavirus.

In an alert sent to GPs, health chiefs at an NHS board in London said: "There is growing concern that a [COVID-19] related inflammatory syndrome is emerging in children in the UK.

"Over the last three weeks there has been an apparent rise in the number of children of all ages presenting with a multi-system inflammatory state requiring intensive care across London and also in other regions of the UK."

Children are not thought to be badly affected by COVID-19 - very few youngsters have died around the world since the pandemic began in December.

The children being seen with the new syndrome often suffer from stomach pain, cardiac inflammation and "gastrointestinal symptoms" - which could include vomiting and diarrhoea.

Doctors have compared the mysterious condition to toxic shock syndrome and Kawasaki disease which, combined, cause harmful internal swelling, fever and breathing problems - all hallmark signs of COVID-19.

But some of the children presenting with the illness have tested negative for the coronavirus, further complicating the diagnosis and raising questions that another pathogen could be behind the condition.

Professor Simon Kenny, NHS national clinical director for children and young people, said: "Thankfully Kawasaki-like diseases are very rare, as currently are serious complications in children related to COVID-19, but it is important that clinicians are made aware of any potential emerging links so that they are able to give children and young people the right care fast.

"The advice to parents remains the same: If you are worried about your child for whatever reason, contact NHS 111 or your family doctor for urgent advice, or 999 in an emergency, and if a professional tells you to go to hospital, please go to hospital."

Officials have yet to offer any clarity on what the symptoms are, despite pleas from paediatricians to paint a clearer picture so they can remain vigilant.

It is not clear how many children have had the inflammatory syndrome, nor whether any have died with it. It is also unclear as to how old children are who are being struck down, or if there are any clusters of cases in the UK.

But it is thought to have only affected a "handful" of children so far, according to one prominent paediatrician who admitted the condition could be caused by another pathogen.

Advice to parents is to contact your GP if your child has a persistent high fever lasting a couple of days, unusual rash on the body, severe tummy pain, diarrhoea and vomiting. They can arrange a video conferencing or telephone consultation and advise you. You can also call 111 and if it's an emergency call 999.

Also, if your child becomes ill, it could be non Coronavirus related but still require medical attention:

Whilst coronavirus is infectious to children, it is rarely serious. If your child is unwell it is likely to be a non-coronavirus illness, rather than coronavirus itself.

The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health advises parents seek urgent help (call 999 or go to A&E) if their child is:

- Becoming pale, mottled and feeling abnormally cold to the touch
- Has pauses in their breathing (apnoeas), has an irregular breathing pattern or starts grunting
- Has severe difficulty in breathing becoming agitated or unresponsive
- Is going blue round the lips
- Has a fit/seizure
- Becomes extremely distressed (crying inconsolably despite distraction), confused, very lethargic (difficult to wake) or unresponsive
- Develops a rash that does not disappear with pressure (the 'Glass test')
- Has testicular pain, especially in teenage boys

Photo: Getty images
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Re: NHS alert issued for children

Postby Luvnyrick » Tue Apr 28, 2020 10:49 am

O dear here we go again something else to scare the nation its children now so what will the next outbreak be WARNING issued you may develop two or more heads if so see your GP if it's not one thing to scare it's another 
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Re: NHS alert issued for children

Postby Indieschoolparent » Tue Apr 28, 2020 11:11 am

This is a contradictory article.

Some children with this nasty condition have tested positive for coronavirus, others not. This does not point conclusively to its association with coronavirus.

It is so rare they don't even have definitive number of cases. Yet this piece and other articles note “a sharp rise in the number of children...”.

Of course parents should be made aware. But more facts are needed before we jump to conclusions. Please write responsibly.
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Re: NHS alert issued for children

Postby Luvnyrick » Tue Apr 28, 2020 12:02 pm

Well explained moonelightdaw quiet agree.
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Re: NHS alert issued for children

Postby BFW » Tue Apr 28, 2020 1:30 pm

This sounds like it straight from the toe rag newspaper the Daily Mail. 

Sure enough - just did a quick google and the Daily trash has it as its front line headline.  Sky news and BBC News don't even have it in their main stories.

Usual Daily Trash scaremongering.
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Re: NHS alert issued for children

Postby Luvnyrick » Tue Apr 28, 2020 2:14 pm

Well said BFW like you said scaremongering wonder what next we'll have !!!
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Re: NHS alert issued for children

Postby Community Editor » Tue Apr 28, 2020 4:37 pm

Hi all,

This piece was pooled from BBC, ITV News and the local Wandsworth Guardian.

Here is the piece from the BBC - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-52439005 and ITV :https://www.facebook.com/148007467671/p ... 467377672/

And here is a helpful piece from Sky News. https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus- ... s-11979584

The intention was not to scaremonger and with all the fake news going around lately, I have been double, triple checking everything.

Unfortunately, it sounds contradictory because nothing is proven so far - that's all the info we have and there is nothing conclusive.

I felt I should post it because it affects so many parents and although, it is somewhat confusing, if there is a spike of cases in kids, whether it's coronavirus or not, it would be remiss for me not to bring it to the NVN audience.

So apologies, for the lack of conclusive info, that is all we have so far. And I can promise you, I do not take stories from the Daily Mail.

As always, I appreciate all of your comments here.

Stay safe.

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Re: NHS alert issued for children

Postby BFW » Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:25 pm

And I should apologise for my slightly abrupt reaction! I am just exasperated by the amount of Daily Mail (a newspaper that I despise with all my heart) articles I receive from various whatsapp groups. That paper is just designed to create fear and sensationalise stories !

Apologies and thank you for the alert and for explaining the sources.
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Re: NHS alert issued for children

Postby Community Editor » Wed Apr 29, 2020 7:10 am

Thanks @BFW. No need to apologise. There is so much scaremongering going around that we really have to be careful to pick through to find the relevant news and even then it's tricky to understand what is going on, so I will update this thread with any helpful info that I see to clarify this issue. Hopefully, as time goes on, we will get more clarity.

For now, local resident, Dr Gabriella Scozzi sent me this video she made on Instagram to explain the situation with kids and Covid19 and the new symptoms that have emerged - https://www.instagram.com/tv/B_iRdM1Don ... j2d8hyjl56

I hope this along with the other resources (The ITV news piece is quite helpful) help parents identify signs and symptoms and what to do - when to call your GP and when to go straight to A&E. Don't panic. The good news is that Corona virus in kids tends to be very mild - they tend to get coughs and colds and there haven't been many cases of kids becoming severely ill.

If anyone sees any helpful info on this particular issue, then please do feel free to share on this thread on condition that it's from a reliable source please.

And please note, NVN is not qualified to dispense medical advice - we will simply share info here that could be helpful. Please always refer to a medical professional if you are concerned.
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Re: NHS alert issued for children

Postby popkitmax » Mon May 04, 2020 11:18 am

I am stunned at the negative  comments following this post.  To the one who did a "quick" google and found it in the Daily Mail, this has been reported in the quality press, discussed on podcasts and featured on leading news outlets.  To dismiss this when it is so serious and so terrible, just because it affects very few (thankfully) is so deeply insensitive and ignorant it leaves me pretty stunned!  I never really comment on here but was so shocked by these responses I was compelled to do so.  Even though I have read a fair bit about this, I was grateful for the information, especially pertaining to teenage boys which I have not heard mentioned before.  It was also posted by a Doctor aka a national hero, so go steady with those biting responses and be grateful for being informed.
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Re: NHS alert issued for children

Postby Starr » Mon May 04, 2020 2:23 pm

My 9 year old daughter developed a nasty rash that became very itchy before during and after half term. We couldn't see the GP as they said they were too busy and after a telephone consultation was told it is probably just a viral rash. My daughter has never ever had skin issues and no allergies whatsoever and although I understand these can develop but I do wonder. I myself believe I had the virus as I developed shortness of breath at the end of February for a few hours and went to bed following a strong fever with aches around my back ribs for the entire following day ( a Sunday) but felt normal by Monday, but fatigued. At that point would never have considered this could be covid as the government was not really keen to face it and give us information. My mother in law subsequently caught it and was and is still hospitalized, though technically recovered.
What I'm saying is, we have no real clear picture of how the virus affects children. My daughter is fine but should that have been the virus- her auto immune system clearly responded in quite a drastic way as the rash covered her entire trunk and legs and this is a child who always had amazing skin and never sensitive to anything this far. She was very itchy and obviously very anxious as she'd never experienced eczema or any sort of rash before.
I'm really sad the children aren't at school and concerned for lots of children but I honestly do not feel some children will be safe from catching this virus ( let alone the risks posed in transmitting to others). I think we have every reason to be vigilant.
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Re: NHS alert issued for children

Postby loragrey » Thu May 07, 2020 10:52 am

I've been reading more and more confirmations that the COVID-19 virus has mutated or is very unstable and that's a scary thought. If the virus mutated then the new symptoms might very well be caused by it. It's scary to think that people who are medical professional are treating only the respiratory symptoms as potential cause for getting tested. I honestly think that kids should be tested more often.
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Re: NHS alert issued for children

Postby chorister » Thu May 07, 2020 11:22 am

All viruses mutate - so far at least 198 mutations of COVID-19 have been identified.  Mutations may make a virus more or less infectious, more or less dangerous or have no effect on infectivity or lethality.  Try not to worry and leave it to the experts.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-52557955
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Re: NHS alert issued for children

Postby Starr » Thu May 07, 2020 7:16 pm

It's okay to be scared
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