Postby EclipseMum » Tue May 26, 2020 10:13 pm
We had the Vista, took a punt that we’d have a second child quickly and got lucky. So it’s been very very useful. We are now getting to the point where we can sell it on after two children (the eldest is 4) and plenty of moments of “I’m so grateful to have this buggy!!”.
I would say that once folded down I don’t think the vista is not very much bigger than the Cruz. We had our vista in the downstairs hallway of a flat for 3 years (Before moving) and whilst an annoyance (as any buggy would be) it was manageable!!
If I was to do it all again and had the money, I would buy a nice simple compact Baby Zen yoyo for my first which then, as and when baby no 2 came along, I would use that as a travel/keep in the car buggy and get a reasonably priced/second hand double buggy for day to day use.
Hope that helps!