Did you have a double buggy with a newborn and two year old?

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Did you have a double buggy with a newborn and two year old?

Postby clapham_mum » Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:34 pm

Hi mums

I'm due in November of our second child, my oldest will be 2 by then. We currently have a Mountain Buggy Urban Jungle which I looooove, but I'm thinking of getting a double buggy as well (Phil&Teds). We live between the commons and do lots of shopping, going to the GP, playgroups etc by foot, so I think I might need a double buggy.

What are your experiences with two children? Do you think a buggy board would be enough for a two year old? How long have you used the double buggy?

Thank you!
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Re: Did you have a double buggy with a newborn and two year old?

Postby CornishMummyinLondon » Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:49 pm

If I were you I'd definitely get a double buggy as I think you'll find your two year old will get tired on a buggy board and you will find it hard work to push. I used my Phil and Ted's until very recently when my oldest turned four (she's very lazy!) and my youngest was nearly three. It was a very tight squeeze to get them both in it, but it did come in handy and was a lifesaver on many occassions.

Now I'm having a third baby I've got a buggy with a buggy board as my middle child will have just turned three and is strong enough to stand up on the buggy board for long periods, but if she had a preference I'm sure she'd prefer to be in the P&T! She is however too tall to fit in it when the toddler seat has to sit on the top for the baby to be slung underneath in the coccoon. I think you will get a good year of use from a Phil and Ted's and if you do lots of walking it will be worth the investment.

Good luck!
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Re: Did you have a double buggy with a newborn and two year old?

Postby supergirl » Wed Aug 24, 2011 2:26 pm

I got a double buggy as my older child was 19 months old when I gave birth to my second. But she has been on the buggy board from the age of 2 so I have sold the double buggy and now only use the McLaren XT. She has loved the buggy board from day 1.
I would not have bought a double buggy should she had been 2 when her sister was born and therefore I would have kept my beloved bugaboo... But 19 months was too young, I saw a big difference when she turned 2.
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Re: Did you have a double buggy with a newborn and two year old?

Postby mrs_pavlova » Wed Aug 24, 2011 2:50 pm

Hi there

My eldest was nearly two when I had our second baby (seven weeks ago) and I traded in our much loved single buggy for a Phil & Ted. Although the P&T took some getting used to, it's been a lifesaver as my eldest (despite being very, very busy!) is often tired after a morning out and needs to sit. The baby cocoon in the P&T is brilliant too for hauling about a sleeping baby...

I nearly went for a buggy board, but so glad I didn't now, as for us it would have been a disaster as we do lots of walking just like you.

Good luck!
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Re: Did you have a double buggy with a newborn and two year old?

Postby Wimbledon » Wed Aug 24, 2011 4:00 pm

I would definitely buy a double buggy. I agree with many of the above comments and if you need to get somewhere fast, its much easier to have all the kids in the buggy so you can get moving without too much fuss. Also if your eldest is having a paddy you can strap them into the buggy until they calm down. A bit more difficult with a buggy board.

The other problem with a buggy board is that I find I'm still leaning over to reach the handles of my McClaren XT, so its not great for posture (or for my feet when I bash the board walking fast!!)

The P&T also comes in very handy whilst shopping when you've only got one child with you - you can fit quite a bit into the spare seat!!! Even if you have the double seat on the top you can strap your shopping bag in so it doesn't fall off.

If it had been available when I got mine, I'd have bought the Dash. Its much more padded on the seats, but is more slimline than the vibe.

Good luck with your new baby.
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Re: Did you have a double buggy with a newborn and two year old?

Postby kiwimummy » Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:43 pm

i had the same issue and we were very happy with the P&T. our eldest was too young for the buggy board we felt as she'd happily run off once the buggy stopped and also still occasionally falls asleep in the buggy. also, she's much more comfortable under the rain cover (and sleeping bag!) in bad weather in winter.
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Re: Did you have a double buggy with a newborn and two year old?

Postby Raspberry-Sorbet » Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:40 pm

Agree with all the above comments re double buggy. We bought a phil & teds first time round but had a 3 year gap between our daughters so didn't use it as a double for ages but then did use it loads, especially walk home from nursery school. She often scoots around but useful to have the buggy to flop into when she gets tired.

I also have a maclaren and buggy board which I keep in the car because I find the p&t quite heavy to fold and lift in and out. The buggy board has also been fantastic for a few mins here and there when she is "too tired to walk" I bought the maclaren as my p&t was never the same after going through the baggage system at Heathrow; the Maclaren seems to cope with being thrown around more. Now really pleased I have both options and use them 50 / 50
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Re: Did you have a double buggy with a newborn and two year old?

Postby Activemum » Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:25 am

I have a 20 month gap between my two. My plan for the newborn was to have her in the baby carrier whilst pushing my eldest or use the buggy board to give me a break sometimes.

A friend offered me the use of her p&t and I ended up buying it off her because I found it so useful. I walk a LOT and they have been known to both sleep in there for hours at a time. I can even shop in peace or stop for a coffee and read the paper whilst they both snooze. I could never do that with the buggy board.

I tend to use the buggy board for shorter trips, especially not around nap time when I know they'll be awake. I still use the p&t daily at 2.5 and 10 months. I do also still use the buggy board and carrier regularly.
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Re: Did you have a double buggy with a newborn and two year old?

Postby Swmummyofboys » Thu Aug 25, 2011 8:39 am

I would definitely get a double. I have three Children and have used a double buggy until they are about 3.5 (I might just have lazy children though!). I tried a buggy board but they would just get tired and want to be carried which was an absolute nightmare.

I have a 2 year 4 month age gap and a 23 months one. My middle child is 2 years 7 months and still goes in the buggy most of the time but then I do a lot of walking.

Also, something to consider with a November baby is that the weather might be awful and so it's nicer to be cosy in the buggy with the raincovers on. My youngest was born in November and it was freezing with a lot of snow so there is no way he would have wanted to stand on the buggy board.

The Phil & Teds Cocoon is amazing as well, really cosy and I love how portable it is. I used to use it in a Bugaboo when I just had my baby too so it may fit in your Mountain buggy.

Like a previous poster has pointed out, the spare seat in a double is very useful for shopping if the child does want to walk!

Good luck!
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Re: Did you have a double buggy with a newborn and two year old?

Postby DomsMom » Mon Aug 29, 2011 1:43 pm

Hi, yes I agree with the others too. I have a 2 1/2 year old and a 6month old and have had a Phil & Teds since the little one was born. We walk a lot and the eldest, despite being a very energetic and active boy, happily sits in the buggy and this is invaluable when you need to get home fast. When you are juggling a young baby's routine (including perhaps breast feeding) you don't have the time to let your toddle dawdle home... I also agree on the tantrum front. My toddler frequently does not want to leave play group/ground but if we have to get going, I simply strap him in and go - generally after a couple if minutes, he stops crying and happily starts talking about what's passing us by on the street. Can't imagine I'd get him to walk or scoot if he doesn't want to go....
I looked at quite a few buggies and the P&T's seemed most suitable for a London lifestyle and doesn't take up much room in the hall than a single buggy. I loved the look of the side by side buggies but most of them don't fit through our front door and they take up a huge amount or room in the hallway...I got a second hand one on gumtree for £250 and it's been excellent.
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Re: Did you have a double buggy with a newborn and two year old?

Postby clapham_mum » Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:12 pm

Dear mums,

Thank you all very much for the information and your experiences! You really gave me a lot of interesting tips and things to think about (tantrums, baby's routine,...). I'm totally convinced we should have a double buggy :-)

Thanks again x
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Re: Did you have a double buggy with a newborn and two year old?

Postby philippa » Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:44 am

I didn't get a double buggy and never regretted it :D

My age gap was 2y, my son hated going in the buggy anyway, and we had a mountain buggy which works v well with buggy board and is strong enough to sit 2 year old on top or on the foot rest at front....

He was on a scooter soon enough, and the last thing I needed was a heavy, double buggy

Just thought I would put in a vote for single buggy ++
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Re: Did you have a double buggy with a newborn and two year old?

Postby Mum36 » Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:14 am

Hi All,
I have a similar dilemma, but my firstborn will be 3 1/2 when my baby's due this Autumn. My toddler is very active, but still flops in her buggy for a sleep or a rest and loves the idea of sharing a buggy with the new baby.
I currently have a single Maclaren which is now a bit old and worn and was thinking of getting a Phil and Ted's. But if the baby is in the cocoon down below, do you think the toddler seat will be too small for my firstborn to ride on top? She has quite long legs!
What's the Phil and Ted's like to use just as a single buggy with the baby in the cocoon underneath and the toddler on a buggy board?
(Have already got a buggy board)
Many thanks in advance for your advice!
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Re: Did you have a double buggy with a newborn and two year old?

Postby ultimatealgarve » Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:38 am

you'll need a double buggy! The Phil and Teds are great and last forever, but really bulky when folded. a second hand one should be almost as good as a new one given their durability. 24 months is too young for a buggy board, and the child won't sleep while standing up. if you've Phil and Teds, a light McLaren or similar is great for a car boot and for short jaunts around shopping centres etc. a buggy board (which you'll use eventually) could be useful even now.
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Re: Did you have a double buggy with a newborn and two year old?

Postby MaryA » Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:49 pm

@Mum36: I think the best way to find out if the buggy is large enough for your eldest, is to go to eg Peppermint on Northcote Road and just try it out! Good Luck
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