Southfields mum - Opinions on The Roche School please!

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Southfields mum - Opinions on The Roche School please!

Postby Rosie83 » Tue May 11, 2021 2:48 pm

Hello wise parents! My daughter is due to start reception in September 2022, we live in Southfields and hoping she'll get in to St Michaels primary. However catchment is a bit hit and miss from where we are, some years she would have got in and others not. This has forced us to look at private options, we've seen a few schools but have been particularly impressed with the Roche school. Would love some opinions from parents who faced the same predicament and ended up at The Roche, how has your experience been any pros/cons or regrets (feel free to private message me if preferred!)? Does the school have an active parent community - have also heard there are a number of families in Southfields who go to this school. Many thanks
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Re: Southfields mum - Opinions on The Roche School please!

Postby CharlieBrown » Sat May 15, 2021 2:02 pm

Loads of Southfields parents, very active community, almost like a private state school in its facilities and not at all posh but really supportive of SEN and very happy to take children who aren't academic, unlike most other private schools seem to be. Seems to turn out very confident girls.
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Re: Southfields mum - Opinions on The Roche School please!

Postby Atnluk » Mon May 17, 2021 9:09 am

We live in Southfields and have two children at the Roche and love it! Definitely no regrets, we chose the Roche as we wanted a small non-selective school with a caring, warm atmosphere and an international community and we were not disappointed. Both of my children have classmates living in Southfields, it is also straight forward to get to as apart from the public transport options (bus 39/156) the school runs a Southfields school bus or you can walk/cycle through King George's Park. 
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Re: Southfields mum - Opinions on The Roche School please!

Postby LARRYFORPM » Mon May 17, 2021 9:21 am

My child went here from nursery to Year 6 and finished last year. I thought the school was great. The teachers were always approachable and helpful. The school has a very welcoming feel and the parents were very friendly and all helped out. I would not hesitate to recommend this school.
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Re: Southfields mum - Opinions on The Roche School please!

Postby CollinsA » Mon May 17, 2021 9:43 am

My children have both attended The Roche from nursery to year 6. It is a very supportive school, great teachers, lovely atmosphere and a big parent community. My children have had such happy times at school whilst enjoying their learning and have met some long lasting friends. It is a wonderful school. There are lots of families travelling from Southfields and now a school bus serving the Southfields area.
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Re: Southfields mum - Opinions on The Roche School please!

Postby EB2020 » Mon May 17, 2021 9:45 am

Hi we had the same issue living in Southfields and didn’t get in to St Michaels
Both my daughters go to the Roche and LOVE it. It is a very down to earth, warm and nurturing school. One of my daughters was painfully shy and the school has done wonders for her in particular and she is flourishing on all levels.
Living in Southfields we are fortunate to have the school bus that comes to our front door and collects the girls on the days we want which is another added bonus. We have quite a few school friends living in Southfields which is also great.
I can’t speak highly enough of our wonderful school and the school community we have - you won’t have any regrets sending yours there. Good luck with the decision! x
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Re: Southfields mum - Opinions on The Roche School please!

Postby WhiteKnight » Tue May 18, 2021 2:01 pm

I have two kids at the school and honestly believe they have had the best start to their educational journey. The school supports children wherever they sit on the 'ability spectrum'. Both of mine are happy, curious and adventurous learners whom love going to school. It's a lovely community for kids and parents alike.
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Re: Southfields mum - Opinions on The Roche School please!

Postby Reenie » Thu May 20, 2021 12:54 pm

I have two kids at the school (Y4 and Y6) and they have absolutely thrived there.  The teachers are just brilliant and I cannot say enough about how much care and support my sons have received since they joined.  We have just gone through the 11+ process for my eldest and the support the Year 6 teachers provided during a more stressful entry than normal due to lockdown was exceptional!  My son got into his first choice of high school am I am sure that that is in large part to the support and hard work the school did to make sure that they were ready, confident but above all; not stressed by the process.  There are lots of Southfields parents there too and a really lovely community.  Good luck with your decision. x
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Re: Southfields mum - Opinions on The Roche School please!

Postby Melwatk » Sat Jul 17, 2021 8:52 pm

Hi all,
Looking at the term dates for nursery (Keswick road), made me wonder how do working parents manage around the breaks between terms or half day “off”.
Thank you!
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Re: Southfields mum - Opinions on The Roche School please!

Postby Vista321 » Mon Sep 27, 2021 12:03 pm

This is a fabulous, nuturing, value driven school with a great academic focus. The previous poster is entitled to their opinion but the leaver's list reflects the huge variety of schools people select for their children, as well as many who have left London after year 6 over the last couple of years.  I don't mind about the lack of parent portal or high usage of the school hall. They make maximum use of their space and every member of staff is approachable and responsive.
Go and meet Vania Adams and ask for a tour, and you'll get a feel for the school. I have been very happy with my choice.
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Re: Southfields mum - Opinions on The Roche School please!

Postby supergirl » Mon Sep 27, 2021 9:16 pm

It really depends on your child and the cohort your child will fall into.
I have 2 children who went through but didnt finish year 6 as we left before.
For my eldest - who always has been a textbook child and who is a grafter - the school in general was really amazing.
For my youngest though the school totally failed my child. My child is very bright but in a non academic way - she has a reading level of 14 (she is 11) and understands maths in an intuitive way. But being a summer baby my child was a year younger than everyone else in her year group. Also for medical reasons her first year in reception I wasnt available. She wasnt nurtured or supported by the school at all. I felt totally let down but at the time all you hear is “the roche approach” so you believe it, you buy in the system.
In the end we moved. We re now in big open school and both my kids are thriving in their own personal way.
Their comment is always “in [new school] we have the space to think”.

If it works for your child the Roche is amazing. But it is a small school with everyone on top of each other. But the thing that they have is that ALL the teachers are dedicated and committed.

PM if you want more info. I will always be honest.
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Re: Southfields mum - Opinions on The Roche School please!

Postby OneTooMany » Fri Oct 08, 2021 11:51 am

These posters do not disclose exactly why this niche school is so wonderful for them. This school is ideal for families who might struggle with the practices, professionalism, cohort and teaching of a traditional prep. school. An advanced child will do better at any of the local state or private schools, unless there is a relationship with the school. There are approachable, receptive, dedicated and committed teachers (as with anywhere) but the behaviour of many others goes on with impunity.
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Re: Southfields mum - Opinions on The Roche School please!

Postby Emmabbb » Mon Oct 11, 2021 10:21 am

As a mum with 2 children thriving at the school I’m surprised to read this if it’s from another parent.

The Roche is a lovely school with small classes - we all know what we are getting in terms of facilities (which I find are more than sufficient, this is primary school after all - my preference is for excellent small group teaching etc rather than a glam building the kids get lost in) and actually the small class sizes (my older daughter is in a class of 14) are fantastic - invaluable for teaching and helping children flourish.

The school have mini buses and are often out and about for sporting events - the kids are very active. We have a great sports department.

There is no formal all encompassing portal (maybe that will change) but the school uses booking systems for parents evening, clubs, sport events etc. If there are too many WhatsApp groups I don’t think that’s the school’s fault (infact it isn’t - that’s something parents choose to do, some a lot more than others…)

As for year 6, once the 11 plus is done the academics continue but obviously not as they are in the weeks leading up to the exams for those who take them. Why would kids do practice exams after the 11+ is done? They need to wind down a bit after the exams. I don’t see why that’s a problem. And they are still kids after all… and need to leave year 6 happy and balanced and the school work to ensure that’s how the children leave.

I think it’s worth going to the next open day and seeing the school for yourself - it’s full of happy children who are thriving.

The leavers list given the roche is a non selective school is excellent.

We have absolutely no regrets about our choice.
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Re: Southfields mum - Opinions on The Roche School please!

Postby gail0810 » Mon Oct 11, 2021 10:23 am

It's a really fantastic school - my daughter has just finished Year 6 after seven years at the school and was so well prepared for secondary that she has settled very easily. My son has additional needs and the school have been wonderfully supportive and he is doing so well. It turns out lovely, well rounded children, who are confident but humble. Definitely book in for an open day.

Non selective (unlike some privates) - so it caters for all - and the brightest go on to top schools and those at the other end are well prepared for their level schools - the 11+ preparation is excellent and the team are very supportive and experienced.

The class sizes and sets are small which means the children get plenty of individual attention and tailored support, so much sport too (most at Wandsworth park) or in the gym/playground, annual schools plays for every year, excellent art and music lessons, so many clubs and extra curricular activities/enrichment throughout the school.  

The school is welcoming and friendly and I've always found the leadership team and teachers very approachable and communicative. There's also an active parent community and PTA. Plenty of families from Southfields/Earlsfield/Wandsworth/East Putney. 

I can honestly say my children have never got up and said they didn't want to go to school - in fact my daughter was heartbroken to leave, which to me says everything I need to know about the school. 
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Re: Southfields mum - Opinions on The Roche School please!

Postby OneTooMany » Tue Oct 12, 2021 1:52 pm

Perhaps these enlisted PTA Mums might allow those who have not experienced the same VIP treatment bestowed upon them to provide a balanced picture. The timetabled Music lessons cannot be described as excellent but there are excellent classes with visiting teachers, that incur an extra cost. There are not in fact sets in all years and not every child receives individual attention. The poster above did not say she wanted 11+ prep. to continue post exams but perhaps expected her child to receive an education in return for fees for the rest of Year Six, rather than merely childcare.
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