Postby CharlotteAbbb » Mon Aug 02, 2021 8:20 am
Yes but Polio killed and disabled healthy children and young adults. It’s not at all the same. If you’re under 50 you have a 50% chance of having absolutely no symptoms at all if you catch covid and a 99.99% chance of survival. I’d have had the polio vaccine back in the day, I’ve had all my other vaccines, my children have had all their vaccines MMR the works. I am not anti vax. But this one there is absolutely no medical need for, for anyone my age. That is scientific fact. Nobody not the government not any vaccine manufacturer can give you the same certainty that this vaccine is not going to have long term effects, however far away. The pfizer vaccine mRNA tecnhology is not widely tested before this jab, and I’m sorry but who has ever had a vaccine or flu jab with the reactions that people are getting from the COVID jab? I don’t mean serious reactions, I mean the friends and we’ve all got them who have felt like absolute hell after their jabs and then felt fine and got on with life. That’s not a ‘normal’ vaccine in my life experience, not a single vaccine I’ve ever had including flu has put me in bed or given me a pounding headache for weeks. Anyway whilst they can say oh look millions have had this the last couple of months and they’re fine, they cannot because it’s impossible say who it may (or may not, admittedly) impact in 10, 20 years time. It’s a risk not worth taking for me. If I was over 50/ had an underlying medical condition I would get the COVID vaccine. But I am not. And those that are have had the chance to be double vaccinated so they are protected.