Small people and big cars

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Small people and big cars

Postby buzybee » Wed Sep 28, 2011 9:37 pm

I just felt the need to post something on Nappy Valley to remind everyone how careful we all need to be. I just found out about a tragic accident (home town Sydney Oz) where a friend tragically and accidentally ran over her 3 year old son in their driveway and he subsequently died.

I realise that very few of us in Wandsworth are fortunate enough to have a driveway, but plenty of us have big heavy cars.

I'm not pointing any fingers... I'm a driver of one of those massive Disco's myself, but hearing about my friends' tragic accident has given me a big wake up call to the dangers of little people around big cars.

So please watch your precious ones on the school run with vigilance, and if you're driving around the area especially during peak drop off and pick up times... don't be complacent or let your own kids distract you when driving. It just takes a couple of seconds for a tragic accident to occur.

Apologies for such a morbid post, but I absolutely felt compelled to raise everyone's awareness.
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Re: Small people and big cars

Postby townieatheart » Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:51 pm

I am so sorry to hear of your friends tragic accident.

I wanted to add to your post that I saw a programme that showed the dangers of these large cars. In one instance they asked 3 owners to sit in their stationary cars whilst young children lined up single file behind the cars. It took till the 7th child for them to become visible in the wing mirrors. So shocking.
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Re: Small people and big cars

Postby mumoftwins » Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:54 am

Thanks buzybee for the reminder. I also heard of this truely tragic accident and it has been at the front of my mind since it happened last week.

I am pleased you have found a way to hopefully create some good out of it by sharing the sadness and reminding us that children are so precious and rely on us as adults to take extra care - no matter what size car we have, or no matter how quiet our street is, all it takes is a second.

Knowing the pain the family is going through now has prompted me to be slightly stricter with my children over the last week when approaching roads and with myself driving that little bit slower past schools and playgrounds. We need to take extra care knowing that the excitement of being with their school friends, or chasing a bouncing ball can cause a little one to forget where they are and the dangers that are around them.

As the nights draw in and it gets darker in the evenings, we need to be even more vigilant with our little people.
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Re: Small people and big cars

Postby DinosMom » Mon Oct 03, 2011 3:48 pm

Thanks for the reminder. I back out so slowly from my driveway b/c most mums walk their children to school on the busy street where I live (I have to drive b/c the school is further away). I'm so glad my car beeps when I come close to anything. ALl cars should be outfitted with the beeping signal.

On another 'reminder" note. Be careful with children eating or putting things in their mouths while driving. I read about a child back in the States riding in the back seat of her parents car drinking out of a plastic water bottle. She was 6 and was twisting the cap off with her teeth and it went into her mouth and got stuck in her throat and they couldn't save her. They were not hit by another car and did not hit any bumps in the road. Accidents happen. Better to be safe.
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Re: Small people and big cars

Postby JMLB » Tue Oct 04, 2011 9:38 pm

It is tragic when these accidents happen and my thoughts are always with those who have to live with the guilt, self imposed in most cases, regardless of the fact that there was nothing which they could have done to prevent it.

While we are talking car safety, we have just moved and hubby and I have had numerous rows about our sons riding to school on their scooters. We are lucky enough to be 1/2 mile from school with no roads to cross. However we cross a lot of driveways and I have been told of two people who live near the school, use a driveway, and have had near misses coming out of their driveways and hitting a fast moving, young, scooter rider.

One of the people pulled out of their driveway - slowly as it was a main road - but still ended up with a 3 year old on her bonet, with a bleeding nose. Her front wall is taller than any 3 year old and the child had been alowed to scoot so far ahead of the mother that the driver couldn't see her either. Needless to say she has asked some builders to lower the wall at enormous expense and in the meantime is still teribly anxious each time she pulls out of her driveway.

I know that it's good excersise and a great way of speeding up what can be a painfully long walk, but while all parents teach road safety and most do it succesfully, we all need to be careful of the hidden dangers as well.

Sorry not to add a more uplifting story - as if we don't have enough to beat ourselves up about, but I'd kick myself if I didn't pass it on.
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Re: Small people and big cars

Postby juliantenniscoach » Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:54 pm

Unfortunately this story is not as rare as it might seem. I too have just bought a 'chelsea tank' and am really surprised how little view point there is at the rear. Now despite being a former Police trained driver, I've had to stop, get out and check my room when reversing.

However there is an option available if you have an on screen display controlling climate, audio, sat nav etc. You might be able to 'retro fit' a rear view camera which installs in your rear registration plate holder. When you engage reverse gear the display automatically shows the camera view.

Obviously not 100% failproof but better than just parking sensors alone methinks.
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