Swaffield primary school - opinion

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Re: Swaffield primary school - opinion

Postby lifechanger » Tue Mar 16, 2021 7:43 pm

We have two children at Swaffield at couldn’t be happier! We were assigned Swaffield in the lottery and hadn’t heard of it until that point. The moment we visited the school and met teachers / administration we knew it was the place for us. The students were happy and welcoming and the teachers / administration all worked together with the goal of making Swaffield the best it could be.

Over the years we have seen the school go from strength to strength, there is a real focus on academic achievement and making sure that every child feels supported and works to their full potential. At the same time the warm and caring environment that drew us to Swaffield has grown even stronger.

There are a number of positive comments above and I echo all the statements about the great wrap around care, the number of extracurricular activities when things are ‘normal’ and how the school went above and beyond during COVID. The teachers are encouraging without being pushy and the community is active and caring. The students that come out of Swaffield have a strong set of ethics, loads of confidence and most definitely a strong education from which to build from. 
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Re: Swaffield primary school - opinion

Postby Nela » Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:55 pm

Hi!! Thanks for your answer, we just got a place for our daughter in the Nursery at Swaffield school :)
Could you expand a bit more on the Nursery?
I would like to know about the quality of the food and the staff, because when they are three years old they are still little and need love and support more than academics.
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Re: Swaffield primary school - opinion

Postby Htuts » Wed Jan 26, 2022 3:33 pm

Ahh congrats Nela! You’ve come to such a brilliant school. The Nursery is fantastic! It’s led by a teacher who has been at the school for years. She’s very caring and nurturing and has a team of experienced nursery assistants around her. The staff support the children in a free flowing play & small activities curriculum. It’s all very hands on, with wonderful resources to engage the children. They have mid morning fruit, and then are supervised at lunchtime, and helped with their eating. I have 2 children with allergies, so had huge anxiety around how the school would manage this in nursery, but they communicated well and it was never a problem. Hope this has helped. Feel free to ask me any other questions. My daughters are now in year 4 and year 2, and I’m an ex-primary school teacher, so happy to try and answer any questions as best I can. Also don’t worry about getting in touch with the school office to ask any questions. They are lovely - and so helpful!
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