Chelsea Westminster or Kingston Maternity hospitals (NHS)?

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Re: Chelsea Westminster or Kingston Maternity hospitals (NHS)?

Postby Ejbent » Mon Feb 21, 2022 11:08 am

Can only speak to C&W, point of comparison being private world class facilities in Singapore. 
I was really impressed with C&W's prenatal care (they slotted me in relatively easily at 30 weeks) but found the outreach clinic staff to be quite poor, and the lack of electronic records to be rather odd (but I think this is common to NHS rather than C&W!)
In terms of birthing, I was REALLY impressed with the higher risk birthing area and midwife who delivered - could not have asked for more. I did feel that we were whisked out and put on the postnatal ward quite quickly. The postnatal ward was quite terrible and we got out as quickly as possible (disclaimer: my previous experience was two days in a private room while my baby was in NICU), but I didn't feel that staff were really listening or had a handle on the ward. Hellish is the word I can conjure up. 
However I really do not think it is that different in other hospitals - but may be wrong!
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Re: Chelsea Westminster or Kingston Maternity hospitals (NHS)?

Postby Mils1983 » Wed Mar 02, 2022 10:33 pm

I am in the same boat but deciding between CW, Guys and st Thomas and George’s?

Does anyone have any views on those in addition to CW? I had to go to a and e last week and was in CW and received excellent care for a concern over an ectopic pregnancy and then had a scan at the early pregnancy unit at CW too and also received excellent care there but I am torn between CW and guys and st Thomas’s - any views welcome as prior to the scan I was directed between pillar and post and there definitely seemed a lack of dialogue between teams which I would have thought should have been linked.

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