SW11 car fines from a local cyclist's camera

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Re: SW11 car fines from a local cyclist's camera

Postby Denwand » Tue Apr 05, 2022 1:09 pm

I wonder if, when entering a street in my (admittedly narrow) little car I saw a cyclist approaching me in the other direction and I came to a stop - took my keys out of the ignition and showed them to the cyclist through the windscreen to show the engine was off (on their video they are recording for prosecution purposes).

If the cyclist then continued and passed me in the (less than 1.5m) gap between me and the parked cars on my right - could I then upload my dashcam footage to the Police and attempt to have him prosecuted for dangerously allowing himself to pass me with less than 1.5m to spare?
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Re: SW11 car fines from a local cyclist's camera

Postby SW11_Cycle » Tue Apr 05, 2022 3:11 pm

I know I said I wouldn't reply any more but wanted to answer this as it's a great question:

"could I then upload my dashcam footage to the Police and attempt to have him prosecuted for dangerously allowing himself to pass me with less than 1.5m to spare?"

My understanding is no. If the cyclist is the one passing you and you are stationary, in effect they are filtering, then I think the 1.5 metre rule doesn't apply.

I mentioned the train platform analogy in an earlier thread which I think is the best way to think about it. Motorists do, understandably, get cross about this as it appears to be one rule for some cars and another for cyclists but it does feel very different when you're passed by a 2 ton SUV at 20mph or you pedal by one yourself when you're in control.
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Re: SW11 car fines from a local cyclist's camera

Postby chorister » Tue Apr 05, 2022 4:51 pm

SW11_Cycle - I think you need to get out more, and probably find another hobby.  This is sounding a bit obsessional ....
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Re: SW11 car fines from a local cyclist's camera

Postby BTC2022 » Tue Apr 05, 2022 9:01 pm

OP I think you would have had a very different response if you hadn’t boasted about the fact that “I reckon I'm responsible for 15 points and £500 in fines on just those I've heard from which is a lot for such a small area”

You did not want to share what as you say is “simply a surprising information” !!!

I have no idea if the information you are sharing is correct or not but if it is and if we have more “vigilantes” like you on the streets between the commons none of us will have a licence soon as its simply impossible to maintain 1.5m in these long and narrow roads ! more fun times ahead after these last two difficulty years !
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Re: SW11 car fines from a local cyclist's camera

Postby BTC2022 » Tue Apr 05, 2022 9:12 pm

Ps I have just read the Highway Code changes. Because that’s how rock n roll my Tuesday nights are. You are incorrect when you state

These roads are so narrow that if you cycle towards a cyclist and don't give way you've committed an offence because you'll be closer than 1.5m.

The changes relate to drivers overtaking cyclist. The updated code says that drivers must leave at least 1.5m when overtaking cyclists at speeds up to 30mph, “giving them more space” when overtaking at higher speeds. This of course makes to me complete sense ! But it is nothing to do with driving down a narrow street towards a cyclist and not giving way!
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Re: SW11 car fines from a local cyclist's camera

Postby Lepresidente » Tue Apr 05, 2022 11:58 pm

Both cyclists and motorists are equal menaces . The amount of times me and my 4 yr old daughter have almost been hit crossing the road at a zebra or lighted junction is ridiculous. What gives cyclists the right to go straight through a zebra crossing or even frustrating a car to go through a lighted junction whilst on a green man ( because they failed to adhere to the rule dont cross unless your exit is clear ) . Cyclists to be honest are a law to their own , and need to be regulated . Ridiculous behaviour and you only need to observe at Northcote rd/Battersea rise for a few minutes to see the sh*t show
Last edited by Lepresidente on Wed Apr 06, 2022 6:34 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: SW11 car fines from a local cyclist's camera

Postby ronangel » Wed Apr 06, 2022 12:43 am

Sooner or later someone that you report will have your picture on dash cam and knock the smugness of your self important caped crusader off your face(not physically of course) by posting your picture on social media,after they go to court and get points.Only a matter of time if you keep taking the "law" into your own hands.The person could be a taxi or delivery driver and lose their job because of your action,rightly or wrongly.All I can say here is they will not be a happy unemployed person with family to feed,with other family members agreeing with them.Maybe time to give up your crusade and leave to the police? 
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Re: SW11 car fines from a local cyclist's camera

Postby SW11_Cycle » Wed Apr 06, 2022 8:14 am

"These roads are so narrow that if you cycle towards a cyclist and don't give way you've committed an offence because you'll be closer than 1.5m."

You could be right.

I'd assumed that the 1.5m was both ways as I didn't think the Highway Code is considering the case that road users will be driving towards each other on a stretch of road without enough room to pass.

As in they're mainly thinking about roads that are wide enough for two way traffic.

The majority of the NIPs (notice of intended prosecutions) that have been sent out from my footage are for head-on encounters, as in cars that insist I move over even when I have right of way. So I'd also assumed that it was 1.5m both ways.

However it can be hard to tell. Most of the cars/vans are clearly speeding too which may be an aggravating factor and the NIP that arrived last night was for a car that also beeped and swore so it maybe that this behaviour is being punished.
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Re: SW11 car fines from a local cyclist's camera

Postby muddyboots » Wed Apr 06, 2022 4:17 pm

You say you want this post to be taken the right way …
Not sure what kind of reaction you expected but to me what you are doing is a shitty thing!

You say people might be unaware, so how kind of you to be fully equipped to give people a fine and points on their licence then ?
You seem to be on some kind of power trip.

First of all, what is one to do on a double parked road? There is hardly any room for car let alone 1.5 m space.

The road is about common sense and courtesy.

I will always stop and really slow down to let a cyclist get passed when on a double parked road, or any road when needed.

However, if there is a gap a I do expect the cyclist to get in it as it makes sense!
A cyclist can easily nip in whilst not the same for a car .
Just like I would never enter a narrow road unless I had a clear path or a stopping point to let an oncoming car past. The high way code is not there for people to be petulant and slowly tide infront of cars on propose or expect the road to open like for Jesus crossing the water!!

You sound like someone on a nasty power trip giving people fines.

Unless someone is risking your life or being expremely dangerous. Live and let live !!

Or, perhaps you feel drivers deserve to be punished for driving ??
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Re: SW11 car fines from a local cyclist's camera

Postby muddyboots » Wed Apr 06, 2022 4:30 pm

Just to add, I’m completely gobsmacked that you agree that on our LONG local road I should spot you then even if I fully stop to let you pass you would want to prosecute wi to footage as you are “forced” near parked cars and might get doored ?!

1) where is the proof you entered the road first if submitting footage?
2) assuming the cyclist is in the middle of the road until a car is reached and stops for you ( as cars Can’t fly over you) then surely you will not be at speed and totally visible and not at risk of being doored ???

You are simply abusing the system and I totally disagree with vigilante idiots on a power trip.

Bloody petty this is .

Please indulge us with what you look like so we can all avoid you like the plague.

What a lovely community building human you are!
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Re: SW11 car fines from a local cyclist's camera

Postby BTC2022 » Thu Apr 07, 2022 9:40 am

Honestly I would rather the Police spent more time catching real criminals than watching hundreds of your videos of parents driving their kids to school and not leaving 1.5M gaps between you and them ! Am all in favour of reporting really dangerous driving but I think you are really taking it a little too far.
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Re: SW11 car fines from a local cyclist's camera

Postby SW11_Cycle » Thu Apr 07, 2022 10:29 am

For the point "Just to add, I’m completely gobsmacked that you agree that on our LONG local road I should spot you then even if I fully stop to let you pass you would want to prosecute wi to footage as you are “forced” near parked cars and might get doored ?!" I don't think that is the case.

As in if you stopped then it wouldn't matter.

The only time I understand it generates a fine/points is, I think and an earlier comment referenced that I could be wrong, is if you drive towards a cyclist closer than 1.5m and don't stop.

If you stopped I'm sure there wouldn't be an issue.

I'll see if I can post anonymised footage of examples when I have them, right now I can't as they ask that you don't until the cases have been processed but once they're done I might be able to.
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Re: SW11 car fines from a local cyclist's camera

Postby FrankJ » Thu Apr 07, 2022 11:05 am

I think the arrogance from the SW11 Cycle really set a bad tone to this conversation. I feel ashamed to have such a person in my local area. I would be in favour for cyclist that operate on the road to have a license and a way to to be identified. I am walk around mostly in the area and never had issues with cars. But cyclists are incredibly dangerous. 
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Re: SW11 car fines from a local cyclist's camera

Postby DriverWalkerCyclist » Thu Apr 07, 2022 11:18 am

Backtracking that you did not mean to come across as smug:

'She will now have a £100 fine and three/six points'. Sounds quite smug.

'I reckon I'm responsible for 15 points and £500 in fines on just those I've heard from which is a lot for such a small area.'
Sounds as though you are keeping score and pretty proud of your total. Well done, Smuggy.
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Re: SW11 car fines from a local cyclist's camera

Postby Starr » Thu Apr 07, 2022 11:43 am

I'm now wondering if you are that odd young man in lycra who shook his fist at me for no good reason as I entered a road BTC. Bizarre behaviour.
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