5-11 CHILDREN'S COVID VACCINES - would you put your child anywhere near them ?

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5-11 CHILDREN'S COVID VACCINES - would you put your child anywhere near them ?

Postby readysteadycook » Sun Apr 17, 2022 8:10 pm

With the 'give your 5-11 yr old Covid vaccines' letters dropping through the doors, I think it's really important to talk about why anyone would give their children this 'vaccine' ? I am interested in all views.

For me it's easy, 'No way'. 

Why do I say that, when all the mainstream press say we should.

Well, before you give your children this, please please do some reading on the effect this Vaccine has had on children. As we all know, Covid has had almost zero deaths/effects on the under 18's. I feel you should never puts something in someone's body that doesn't benefit them.

Did you know that much of the vaccine debate is hidden on the mainstream media and much of the internet hides anything negative to the Vaccines - even twitter stops many posts - thats the place you have to find your information (and I can hear you say that how do I trust it, of course I do). Its only when doctors like Steve James speak up that we hear about things. I now feel Twitter is the place to hear whats really going on, please try.

So ... why would anyone take that/any risk with their children, however small ?

Who knows what's in these vaccines that will affect them later on in their lives ? How can you be sure its harmless - of course it might be, but the point is, it might not - and its this point I am not willing to gamble with my children. Are you ?
We all know that for a minority of adults, myocarditis has been caused by the vaccine, but that's our risk to take the shot - how would you feel if this affected your child ? How would you explain that to them when they said covid affected no children ? 

There is a lot of trust in a vaccine that was developed very quickly by historical standards (and as we know, and this is important bit,  vaccines doesn't stop you getting or spreading covid). We are told to trust the science, are we sure there is science behind this or an agenda ?

The vaccine only lasts 3-9 months (if your lucky), so are you going to be taking many shots of this mRNA vaccine, thus, more risk.

So in summary, I for one would not put my children anywhere near it (and I had the vaccine myself), what I am after here is to talk about your views and what you are thinking of doing and importantly, Why ?  Where are you getting the information to make your decision or is it just because we are told to do this ? So much of Coviod doesn't make sense, but most people just follow - thats not always the right thing to do as we have seen with history.

Children of this age do not have a voice or the ability to look up the facts. Thats our job as parents.

Thanks for reading and I know there will be a vocal minority that won't agree, but this needs to be talked about. 

PS  Vaccination so you can go on holiday, is totally the wrong reason to vaccinate ... as we see with Greece, all requirements are dropped from May. Others will follow.
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Re: 5-11 CHILDREN'S COVID VACCINES - would you put your child anywhere near them ?

Postby chorister » Sun Apr 17, 2022 9:51 pm

"much of the vaccine debate is hidden on the mainstream media and much of the internet hides anything negative to the Vaccines" ........... ah yes of course, but I, readysteadycook, have second sight so can clearly see all that is hidden.  And if I set my mind to it I could use my second sight to predict the winner of the 3.15 at Sandown Park next Saturday and we could all get rich (except the bookies).

By the way, do you know what mRNA stands for and how how mRNA vaccines work?
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Re: 5-11 CHILDREN'S COVID VACCINES - would you put your child anywhere near them ?

Postby Bunnypigeon1 » Sun Apr 17, 2022 11:05 pm

Of course I am vaccinating my children. Same as I did when they were babies and I gave them their MMR jabs, and polio jabs and chickenpox jabs. Just as they get their annual flu jabs. It’s no different. My no.2 who has epilepsy received her first one about 6 weeks ago, all fine. My other 2 are scheduled for Tuesday. I didn’t doubt it for a minute. Stop scaremongering.
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Re: 5-11 CHILDREN'S COVID VACCINES - would you put your child anywhere near them ?

Postby readysteadycook » Mon Apr 18, 2022 10:57 am

Ok, so here is some information you should look at before putting in this substance to your children.

If you only read one link read the JVCI one, on the UK government website. What I have learnt is that you have got to stop thinking about this as a traditional vaccine, it is not.

You are putting into your childrens body something they dont need and could do them harm. You owe it to them to have the facts surely ?

This its information you won't see in the Times or the Daily Mail.


JVCI is the best place to start. 

1. 3.8M jabs to prevent 1 ICU. 

2. 85% ​children ​already immune. 

3. Vaccination against future waves.

4. Omicron ⅓ as lethal as delta. The vaccine is not developed with Omicron in mind.

5. Myocarditis studies out to 2027. 

6. LNPs accumulate in ovaries/testes. 

7. Negative VE > 34 days.

8. AE risk and zero long-term data. 

9. No vaccine is actually licensed.











AE risk - searchable database:


Oh, and this:


“Based on the published literature, it should have been obvious to any skilled medical practitioner in 2019 that there is a significant risk to vaccine research subjects that they may experience severe disease once vaccinated, while they might only have experienced a mild, self‐limited disease if not vaccinated.”
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Re: 5-11 CHILDREN'S COVID VACCINES - would you put your child anywhere near them ?

Postby readysteadycook » Mon Apr 18, 2022 10:58 am

And from an adult female point of view, this is a really interesting article in the respected Spectator :-


Women are being affected as well.
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Re: 5-11 CHILDREN'S COVID VACCINES - would you put your child anywhere near them ?

Postby Coffeeplease » Mon Apr 18, 2022 5:25 pm

Admin - I think it is time to look into the posts from this user.

As for the question, yes, I would. In fact, I have. And the kids are all fine.
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Re: 5-11 CHILDREN'S COVID VACCINES - would you put your child anywhere near them ?

Postby Expatacular » Mon Apr 18, 2022 5:37 pm

Will 100% vaccinate my child when they are old enough to be eligible. Can also confirm, in contrast, that I would 100% avoid spending voluntary time with people who are easily influenced by misinformation and lack respect for and understanding of science. 

Admin- this is the second post from this user in the past few days that is clearly spreading misinformation. 
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Re: 5-11 CHILDREN'S COVID VACCINES - would you put your child anywhere near them ?

Postby honors79 » Tue Apr 19, 2022 5:59 am

I'm no anti-vaxxer. My four have had all their requisite vaccinations as soon as they were able to. But, no, I'm not planning on giving them the covid jab. Largely for ethical reasons: covid poses little or no risk to this age group, and it's pretty much the first time in human history that we're proposing to vaccinate one group of people to protect another group of people, with the latter being in a position to choose to protect themselves.

Also, if you recall, the JCVI released a paper on vaccinating children 12-15 year olds last year. The conclusion was that on the balance of probabilities because children are at such low risk from the virus, vaccination would offer only "marginal gain" and, therefore, there was "insufficient" evidence to offer mass vaccination for this age group.

Scaremongering is invidious and dangerous, so I hasten to add that I don't think the jab would be dangerous for my children. I just don't think they need it.
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Re: 5-11 CHILDREN'S COVID VACCINES - would you put your child anywhere near them ?

Postby Mumofthreeteens » Tue Apr 19, 2022 7:54 am

I think your post is a brave and thought provoking one and I am surprised at these calls to admin. Why are some people so determined to listen to only what the mainstream media tells you and unable to debate the situation. I am shocked that so many people, when it comes to the health of their children, are not prepared to do a little more research. Why call someone “anti-vax” for exercising choice on one vaccination.
There is now so much evidence out there to help you make an informed decision. Look at the governments own weekly Covid surveillance reports - the vaccine is not proving as affective as we were led to believe. Read the Pfizer trial data that has been released (not the most encouraging data) and apply what you do now know.
It is admitted in Government reports that the vaccine neither stops the spread nor the receiver from catching Covid and since well over 99.99% of children barely suffer with Covid why should they have the vaccine?
We do know it is experimental. We do know that the long term affects are unknown and we do know , thanks to our own (under utilised) yellow card system that these vaccines have the worst adverse affects record in history. We know the government have employed a “nudge” unit to scare the living daylights out of everybody and denied our children 2 years of normal life with lockdowns and mask wearing in schools. Destroying so many children’s mental health and general development. We know the government did not believe these measures were necessary as they broke these rules themselves on many occasions. (If you really believed there was a genuine risk you would t do that). We know that there has been the biggest increase in all cause mortality (excluding Covid deaths) seen by US and European life insurance companies since the vaccine was rolled out. There has been an over 500% increase in sudden deaths in sports people since the vaccine was rolled out. I for one know of several events in family and friends following vaccination. In my immediate circle of family and friends we have one death 1day after second vaccine an 85 year old, a fatal heart attack in a 50 year old, a mini stroke, flare ups of arthritis, racing hearts and two people rushed to hospital with hours of second vaccination with suspected heart attacks and most recently a nephew with chest pains and collapsing and going to hospital.

As children are not at risk. Why not wait? Where is the harm in that? Wait till Sir Christopher Chope’s vaccine damage bill has been passed, wait for more reports so you can really weigh up the pros and cons. Waiting is not saving never it is keeping the opportunity. Look up Pfizer’s track record of fines and lies (its all out there ) do you really trust them. As for risking your child’s health to go on holiday. No comment.

It worrying that some people are unable to hear an opposing view without shouting for them to be silenced . All you are being asked to do is your own independent research and consider the risks. If after doing so you chose to vaccinate your child then so be it. No one is asking for you to be silenced.

I for one am not comfortable in shouting for opposing views to be removed. I would like my children to be in a world where free speech is allowed.
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Re: 5-11 CHILDREN'S COVID VACCINES - would you put your child anywhere near them ?

Postby Expatacular » Tue Apr 19, 2022 8:28 am

Are you trained in doing research? Have you taken course work in how to conduct objective, exhaustive research, specifically in the fields of immunology, virology, medicine, and public health? Have you invested 3-5 years in learning how to do research, and then used your skills and knowlesge, devoting your full time job for the past 25 months to conducting research into the specifics of these vaccines?

When people say they are "doing their own research," they are not doing what actually researchers do. Doing cherry-picked Google searches to have personal concerns validated and reading articles on PubMed that have not yet been peer-reviewed ("pre-print") is not doing actual research.

"Doing your own research" is not a good way of making a decision about something you are not an expert in.
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Re: 5-11 CHILDREN'S COVID VACCINES - would you put your child anywhere near them ?

Postby readysteadycook » Tue Apr 19, 2022 10:52 am

Whats wrong with people not being able to talk through issues, instead asking for someone to "cancel culture" a post ? If our children grow up believing this is possible for everything they don't agree with then, I pity them.

So back to the post and to put what I have learnt into simple language again :-

-Covid doesn't badly affect children (or 99+% of adults) with as close to zero deaths as possible (and no vaccination should be given to someone for no benefit to them).

-Covid vaccines only last 3-6months. If they lasted longer, why would adults be approaching their 4th jab within 12 months. Are you going to keep giving them doses ? If not, why start.

-mRNA technology has a lot of documented issues - even if the data isn't right, is it worth the risk ? Do your research.

-The NHS letter says its not urgent, so pause and think about it as its not urgent - Covid could soon disappear.

-Children cant make medical decisions, its upto adults to do the research.

-Dont think of this as a vaccine that protects the children for life from a disease - the current 'vaccine' was developed before Omicron was even a thing, so more questions.

-Is it really a vaccine by definition, should we be thinking and calling it something else to stop this confusion - =this 'Vaccination' does't stop you getting or spreading covid
https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictio ... accination

All I am trying to do is get people thinking before putting something into our childrens bodies that you might later regret doing. I am not trying to stop anyone, but as the other poster says, I don't also think they need it. RISK v REWARD ? 

PS I know and am part of many research groups with senior immunologists and some very senior medical people, they have been looking at the vaccination data since last summer. You can't easily talk about this information on twitter (you can on the App, GETTR) or the Mainstream Media, there may be a reason for that.
Last edited by readysteadycook on Tue Apr 19, 2022 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 5-11 CHILDREN'S COVID VACCINES - would you put your child anywhere near them ?

Postby Mumofthreeteens » Tue Apr 19, 2022 11:23 am

Many of the scientists who have been de-platformed and silenced have all those things but have not been allowed to give their views. That should concern everyone.

Our politicians who are heavily pushing the vaccines do not have that experience either. Many have vested interests both through investments in pharmaceutical companies and through PPE contracts. They have relied purely on one group of scientists and ignored those scientists and doctors who question them. True science stands up to scrutiny.

I myself have a science degree and a sensible head on my shoulders. I can honestly say I have done hundreds of hours of reading and research from a variety of doctors and scientists. I have the misfortune of a seriously ill family member with a brain tumour and have spent many many hours reading and questioning medical papers with their parents. . When you get deep into the workings of the NHS and protocols it is very eye opening. Chemo plans extended to 18 months because the manufacturer says so but no paper or research that shows improved outcomes, just more long term affects. Protocols that date from the 1990s- why this approach consultant “because this is what we always do” no questioning results, no proper analysis. Lots of box ticking and doing as told without stopping and asking questions.

I don’t understand the venom coming from people when anyone dares to question what is happening? No one is forcing you to listen.

Some very cheap and effective medicines have been discredited as there was no money to be made. Australia is now telling its doctors to administer Ivermectin as they now have so many Covid cases despite the exceptionally high vaccination rate. India brought their horrendous outbreak under control with Ivermectin too yet it has been totally discredited and called a horse dewormer as it is out of patent. Prior to Covid it was recognised by the WHO as a safe and reliable drug. The same is true of some other repurposed drugs too.

I questioned things as it troubled me that people testing positive we’re told to isolate and go to hospital when they couldn’t breathe. No practical advice, no guidance on how to be healthier and mitigate the illness. So many studies have shown that those with the worst outcomes had low vitamin D levels. (I know that does not prove cause and effect ) but we do know that Vit D is essentialfor our immune system. Why not promote Vit D, C and zinc rather than push an experimental vaccine and scaring people. There could and should be have been a spectrum of approaches.

The average age of death from this virus has not fallen below 82.5 years old. There were in fact more flu deaths in the winter of 2017/2018 than there were of Covid deaths in 2020 (and Covid deaths included people who died of other means but had a positive test).

I agree there are a lot of dubious people and viewpoints out there but that doesn’t mean you can’t question things. Don’t forget Thalidomide. Read Dope Sick (or watch on Disney +) you might realise it is a little naive to just trust our politicians…and let’s face it we know they are not always honest!
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Re: 5-11 CHILDREN'S COVID VACCINES - would you put your child anywhere near them ?

Postby Coffeeplease » Tue Apr 19, 2022 12:06 pm

The point for me is that the info shared is carefully selected to say the vaccine shouldn't be trusted.

Agree we should all assess risks and rewards but I think we can all do that within the tools we possess.

Also, I feel there is a difference between medication and vaccination? When you vaccinate you protect others as well whilst medication is very much individual.
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Re: 5-11 CHILDREN'S COVID VACCINES - would you put your child anywhere near them ?

Postby schoolsearching » Tue Apr 19, 2022 7:43 pm

Whilst I am fully vaccinated, I was not planning on giving my children the vaccine because they already had Covid. In all instances, my children's symptoms were mild and over and done with in 48 hours. Plus, we don't regularly see grandparents or anyone else in a high risk group. However, a friend's daughter, aged 13, developed long Covid including inflammatory joint pain. The poor dear couldn't walk for 3 weeks and now, 6 months on, is much better but is still not able to play sports over even go on a hike. Because of this, I changed my mind and will vaccinate my 10 yr old.

I personally think the vaccination rate for children will be much lower than for parents. I believe the government knows this. I felt it was my duty as an adult in society to get myself vaccinated to protect the vulnerable and the NHS but I am not sure that logic extends to my children so I understand the skepticism of parents for this new vaccine.

However, with regards to the question posed to original poster as to 'why would anyone' give a child the Covid vaccine (which, in my opinion, is a bit condescending in tone), my answer is 'because I know a 13 yr old long covid sufferer who could barely get out of bed for a month.'
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Re: 5-11 CHILDREN'S COVID VACCINES - would you put your child anywhere near them ?

Postby Expatacular » Wed Apr 20, 2022 11:44 am

This post is nothing but scaremongering and wild, conspiracy-driven speculation. It's also hugely inappropriate and insensitive to attach your projection of causation onto the death of a child you don't know at all.

Just stop.
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